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Thursday 22 August 2019


FDR with the Alt-Right's number one bogeyman. 
by Colin Liddell

One of the biggest and most often repeated lies of the Rump Alt-Right is borrowed straight from the retarded Neo-Nazi movement of the pre-internet years. It is the lie of the "Morgenthau Plan." According to this nonsense, an "evil" Jew in the war-time administration of President Roosevelt, Treasury Secretary, Henry J. Morgenthau Jr. devised a fiendish plan to commit genocide against innocent Aryans in post-war Germany—and almost pulled it off. Boo! Hiss!

Usually Rump Alt-Righters don't focus too much on the details, because this tends to expose their stupidity, but, if pushed they will say that the Plan was either to "exterminate" the German race, kill vast numbers of them, sterilize them, or breed them out of existence, according to whichever delusional Alt-Righter you listen to.

Here is a speech by "old school" British Nationalist Richard Edmonds, published with obvious approval and endorsement by leading Alt-Right site Counter-Currents:

Last summer, Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, invited the whole world into Europe. Last year a million poured in, unchecked and uncontrolled, across Europe’s undefended borders. Now one of Merkel’s own German government ministers has warned that this year ten million are expected to pour into Europe. Fifty years ago, Europe was a white continent; and Germany was a white country; and Britain was a white country. Now fifty years later, there are millions of Third-Worlders in Europe, millions of Third Worlders in Germany, and millions of Third Worlders in Britain and the top name for baby-boys in our country has become Mohamet.

Here’s the question: whose idea is it? Whose plan was it? To flood Europe, to flood Germany, to flood Britain with millions of foreigners? The plan is called the Morgenthau plan. Henry Morgenthau was a leading American politician during the Second World War. Morgenthau was a top advisor to U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and he was appointed Roosevelt’s Treasury Secretary; Morgenthau controlled the finances of the U.S. Government during the Second World War. Morgenthau’s plan was to destroy Germany and the German people by flooding the country with millions of foreigners in order to breed the Germans out. Morgenthau’s plan became the war-aim of the American government. Roosevelt told Morgenthau that he wanted the Germans castrated so that they could not breed. The New York Times publicly welcomed this plan to genocide the German people.

 Here is Alt-Right hanger-on and wandering academic J. Otto Pohl taking a slightly more nuanced approach:

It would have greatly increased the already high excess mortality among Germans at the time. As it was the loss of German territory in the east and mass expulsions westward resulted in mass premature deaths especially among children. 

 And here is late-to-the-party Alt-Righter Kevin Michael Grace emotively channeling Roosevelt administration infighting without, as we shall see, understanding any of it:

Cordell Hull who was Secretary of State of the United States at the time pointed out that a purely agricultural Germany could support only 60% of the population and that the Morgenthau Plan would lead to the planned death of between 30 and 40 million people. Are we on board with genocide now? That would have been the biggest genocide in European history. That's the great plan, is it Colin?

Note (1): It is not clear when or if Hull ever used that figure. 
Note (2): Germany's population in 1945 was 65 million, not 90 million as Grace clearly thinks. Such gross statistical illiteracy makes almost anything he has to say on the matter largely irrelevant.

Notice how Grace presents Hull as some great defender of the Goyim race against the machinations of the "genocidal" Morgenthau. Interestingly, that is not exactly how people there at the time remember it, like the Secretary of War, Henry Stimson. In September 1944 when the plan was under discussion Stimson wrote in his diary:

'As soon as I got into the meeting it became very evident that Morgenthau had been rooting around behind the scenes and had greased the way for his own views by conference with the president and others. We did get through the question of the currency alright on the lines which we had decided upon last evening. Then Hull brought up a draft of agenda... and as soon as we got into a discussion of these, I, to my tremendous surprise, found that Hull was as bitter as Morgenthau against the Germans and was ready to jump all the principles that he had been laboring for in regard to trade for the past twelve years. He and Morgenthau wished to wreck completely the immense Ruhr-Saar area of Germany into a second rate agricultural land regardless of all that that area meant... Hopkins went with them so far as to wish to prevent the manufacture of steel... which would pretty well sabotage everything else. I found myself a minority of one and I labored vigorously but entirely ineffectively against my colleagues. In all the four years that I have been here I have not had such a difficult and unpleasant meeting although of course there were no personalities. We all knew each other too well for that. But we were irreconcilably divided. At the end it was decided that Hull would send in his memorandum to the President while we should each of us send a memorandum of views in respect to it.'

Yes, it seems that the Plan, since given the name of Henry Morgenthau by Jew-obsessives, and embraced by the likes of Grace as a symbol of ultimate Hebrew evil, had a much broader and more Goyish base of support.

Indeed, to compete with this plan—or to steal Morgenthau's thunder—Hull even penned his own version of a German de-industrialisation plan, “Suggested Recommendations on Treatment of Germany from the Cabinet Committee for the President,” dated September 4th, 1944. This was submitted to the President by Hull and discussed just like Morgenthau's proposals.

The last paragraph of this read:

The primary objectives of our economic policy are (1) the standard of living of the German population shall be held down to subsistence levels; (2) German economic position of power in Europe must be eliminated; (3) German economic capacity must be converted in such manner that it will be so dependent upon imports and exports that Germany cannot by its own devices reconvert to war production.

Secretary of War Stimson commented on this plan as follows:

While certain of these statements by themselves may possibly be susceptible of a construction with which I would not be at variance, the construction put upon them at the discussion this morning certainly reached positions to which I am utterly opposed. The position frankly taken by some of my colleagues was that the great industrial regions of Germany known as the Saar and the Ruhr with their very important deposits of coal and ore should be totally transformed into a non-industrialized area of agricultural land.

So, whatever one thinks about the plan/ proposal, which we will come to later, it seems a far stretch to single out Morgenthau as the sole party carrying this burden on his back. The idea of de-industrialising parts of Germany in the post-war period was very much in the air.

But we are really getting too precise, accurate, and detailed here, because all the so-called Morgenthau Plan really is nowadays is a crude, anti-Semitic trope or rallying cry that is designed to act at a purely trollish or visceral level. An alternative theory—and one I give a lot of weight to—is that such tropes are used as a means of infecting nationalist minds to render them impotent with the general public.

The crudeness and obvious falseness of the Morgenthau meme can be seen in how it is typically conflated with other arrant nonsense, like the well-known-to-Neo-Nazis-but-unknown-to-everyone-else booklet Germany Must Perish! (1941). This 104-page, self-published work was penned by an understandably aggrieved but nevertheless much mistaken Jew named Theodore Kaufman.

Germany Must Perish! blamed the evils of the Nazis on all Germans—which is what the Rump Alt-Right routinely does with the Jews. It advocated the genocide of all Germans through sterilization and suggested the depopulated Reich be divided amongst its neighbours as follows:

Overwrought and absurd as this all is, Rump Alt-Righters readily and often knowingly confuse Kaufmann's "Plan" with the one that was being discussed by Hull, Morgenthau, Stimson, and Roosevelt in 1944-5. Just the simple fact that Kaufmann and Morgenthau were both Jews is enough to convince many Rump Alt-Righters that the two plans were cut from the same piece of cloth (Yes, Jews also did a lot of tailoring so that clinches it!).

Anyway, for your amusement and edification here is a taste of Kaufman's prose. It may remind you of the ravings of a lunatic or the clunky, cold, brutal logic of a borderline autiste. Change a few key terms and you might even be reading the ramblings of a Rump Alt-Righter:

We can remove a tiger from his natural environment, his lair in the jungle, and with patience so tame him that eventually he will respond to our caress, feed from our hand and perform at our command. The more acquiescent he becomes in response to this outward conditioning, the more deceived are we in believing that his jungle days have been forgotten. This is a fatal deception. For inevitably there comes a time when the tiger-soul within the tiger drives him again to the use of fang and claw. In that inexorable response to that irresistible soul-force, the tiger reverts once again to jungle lore. He becomes, again, a killer.

And so it is with the people of Germany. They may respond for a while to civilizing forces; they may seemingly adopt the superficial mannerisms and exterior behaviorism of civilized peoples but all the while there remains ever present within them that war-soul which eventually drives then, as it does the tiger, to kill. And no amount of conditionism, or reasoning, or civilizing—past, present or future—will ever be able to change this basic nature. For if no impress has been made upon this war-soul over a period of some two thousand years is it to be expected that of a sudden, on the morrow, this miracle will occur?

This analogous linking of the people of Germany with savage beasts is no vulgar comparison. I feel no more personal hatred for these people than I might feel for a herd of wild animals or a cluster of poisonous reptiles. One does not hate those whose soul can exude no spiritual warmth; one pities then. If the German people wish to live by themselves, in darkness, it would be strictly their own affair. But when they make constant attempts to enshroud the souls of other people in those fetid wrappings which cloak their own, it becomes time to remove them from the realm of civilized mankind among which they can have no place, or right to existence.

Naturally, the Nazis were cock-a-hoop that somebody, anybody—even a complete nobody like Kaufmann—had written such a screed. Nazi propaganda chief, Joseph Goebbels, seized on the book:

"This Jew has done a disservice to the enemy. If he had composed the book at my behest he couldn't have done a better job."

Globalists and anti-Nationalists must feel the same way about the excesses and stupidities of the Alt-Right!

But even though Germany Must Perish! was the hysterical ranting of an understandably upset and aggrieved Jewish nobody, the Rump Alt-Right constantly tries to present this as somehow connected to the "Morgenthau Plan." Here is Kyle Hunt in Counter-Currents clearly conflating this oddball private diatribe with the deliberations and discussion of US government ministers:

The real reason appears to be that many powerful Jews were not just interested in destroying the Third Reich, but also ridding the world of Germans. This genocidal blood-lust was clearly demonstrated in Theodore Kaufman’s Germany Must Perish! (1941) and the Morgenthau Plan.

It should be pretty obvious from what I have mentioned above that the Morgenthau Plan was not an expression of purely Jewish hatred for Germany, as it was seriously considered and supported by several high-ranking non-Jews in the Allied governments over a period of several years before being dropped. Also, any Jews who did support it had a better reason for supporting it than any Goyim who did so, after all, it wasn't their people who had been rounded up to starve to death in Nazi concentration camps.

But let's actually look at this dreaded "Plan," this mephistophelian document or series of documents passed around desks in Washington. Even though it was just a set of proposals designed to open up a discussion, what did it actually suggest? Is there any sort of devil in the detail?

The impetus for the plan was the rapid rise of Germany as a militaristic threat only two decades after it had been defeated, at enormous cost, in WWI. Both that war and the subsequent one killed the greater part of ten million Germans, as well as inflicting many other horrors on them, such as mass rape by the Soviet Army. It should therefore be said that any plan that aimed to prevent a repeat of those conflicts was pushing in the opposite direction of German genocide, as nothing was so destructive to German lives as German militarism.

Just can't help themselves.
Thanks to hindsight, we can now see that Germany did not actually try to rise from the ashes as a renewed military behemoth—although who knows what the future will bring. But, at the time when the "Plan" was being discussed, this was far from clear. Many people, like the world-famous biological anthropologist Ernest Hooton—of whom more later—thought there was something inherently warlike in the blood of the German people. Others saw the seed of war in the concentration of heavy industries in Germany's industrial Ruhr region.

Looking for a geopolitical/economic solution to this perceived problem was entirely understandable when thousands of Americans were being killed every month by German troops.

The provisions put forward in the initial memorandum were as follows:

  • The demilitarization of Germany
    This is an obvious no-brainer and requires no comment.

  • The partitioning of Germany
    Interestingly the Plan was more generous to Germany than the actual post-war settlement. According to Morgenthau's memorandum, Germany would only lose East Prussia and Upper Silesia in the East, whereas in the final settlement it lost all territory East of the River Oder. In the West it would lose the Saar and part of the Rhineland to France. Meanwhile a large part of North Western Germany, centred on the Ruhr, would remain German territory or German in population, but would be ruled by the Allies as an International Zone. The remaining part of the country was to be partitioned into a South German state, comprising Bavaria, Württemberg, and Baden, and a North German state comprising a large part of the old state of Prussia, Saxony, Thuringia and some smaller states.

    Dividing Germany into three states was by no means an extreme or radical idea in the light of Germany's recent history—it had only united in 1870—or its subsequent history, divided into four occupation zones, which later became two separate, well-established states existing throughout the Cold War.

  • Deindustrialization of the Ruhr
    This is the most controversial part of the plan and the one where "serious" Morgenthau conspiracy theorists place their main argument. In the memo Morgenthau calls for the dismantling and removal of all industrial plants and equipment not destroyed by military action within six months of the end of the war, as well as the wrecking of the area's coal mines.

This rather extreme version of the plan was soon watered down, with any extreme elements being left in mainly as a means of placating the Russians while the war was still ongoing. For example, one feature of the "Plan"/ Memo that had some longevity was a proposal to divide industrial plants from the Ruhr between the Allies as scrap, with most of it going to the Russians in compensation for their sufferings at the hands of the Germans. However, as the realities of occupation neared, the Allies moved further and further away from this point.

But even if we absurdly assume the Western Allies were to implement Morgenthau's Memo in its purest and most original form, as Morgethau conspiracy theorists invariably do, the plan would still not have killed millions of Germans.

Essen in the Ruhr: whaddya know,
for several years Germans survived
de-industrialisation without mass starvation
The argument here is that Germany needed its full industrial output to produce the goods to pay for the food imports to feed itself. But the fact is that, thanks to the insanity of Hitler, Germany was already deindustrialised by the end of the war, and the German economy remained in a poor state for several years afterwards, at least until an economic recovery, aided by the Marshall Plan, started having some effect in 1948.

What stopped the German people from starving in that three or four year period was not the non-implementation of the Morgenthau Plan, but instead a combination of aid from the Allies, such as soup kitchens, and their own resourcefulness, which included selling possessions and conducting prostitution to raise money to buy food, as well as various forms of increased agricultural production (I thought the Alt-Right had a thing about women in wheat fields!). Out-of-work armaments workers could use their time and energy to scavenge food or start kitchen gardens, as many did.

As these stop-gap measures were a response to the very real food crisis that actually occurred entirely without the Morgenthau Plan, it is absurd to imply that implementation of the Plan would have negated them in some way.

At worst the "Plan" would have slowed down Germany's economic recovery, meaning that Germany's population would have had to continue relying on these stop-gap measures for a longer period, before evolving new economic solutions, such as more light industry, increased agriculture, or emigration. As Europe in the post-war period had enormous labour shortages, it is highly likely that many German workers in such a case, would have found work in other countries, or that additional light industrial production would have been moved to the North and South German states and the International Zone envisaged by the plan.

It is odd that many Morgenthau conspiracy theorists, while believing the Germans to be in some way a higher and more capable race, also believe that they would be unable to adjust to the heavy industries of the Ruhr being shut down. The Ruhr, by the way, had a pre-war population of around 5 to 6 million; while the total population of Germany, most of which would not have been de-industrialised, even under the cruellest and most severe version of the Plan, had a post-war population of 65 million.

Pushers of the Mogernthau Genocide Theory always conflate the "Plan," which was never even implemented and therefore had no real world consequences, with the actual post-war chaos that did occur. Whatever happened after the War, many Germans would die, but this was because of the general chaos and the ethnic cleansing that the Russians unleashed, particularly in the Sudetenland and the heavily populated German areas of Silesia and Pomerania, which, ironically, the Morgenthau Plan largely left to the Germans. Because of this it is actually quite feasible to say that the Plan, if implemented, might have actually saved German lives.

Looking at the even bigger picture, a Germany that was forced by the occupying powers to be a more agrarian society, would have ended up with a more traditional culture, and as a consequence might have achieved a higher fertility rate than the turbo-charged economy that later resulted in capitalist West Germany. Germany's excess population would then most likely have provided a source of emigrant labour to the rest of Europe in a way similar to that of Catholic Ireland to the United Kingdom, but on a much larger scale. Yes, the Morgenthau Plan, if implemented strictly, might actually have led to the Germanification of the rest of Europe, unless, of course, you think the hyper industrial economy of modern Germany is a healthy demographic entity.

While Germans unquestionably suffered in the post-war period—one estimate is that 3 million Germans died unnecessarily after the official end of hostilities—another key characteristic of Alt-Right narratives is the constant downplaying of "Goyisch" inputs into the sufferings of the Germans.

Although Stalin was, like practically all the Soviet ruling elite at the time, non-Jewish, this is totally ignored by the Alt-Right, who instead focus on the comparatively minor role of figures like the writer and journalist Ilya Ehrenburg, whom Goebbels hyped up into a demonic figure driving the Red Hordes to rape German women. Not surprising a lot of this Nazi wartime propaganda has been swallowed wholesale by the useful idiots of the Alt-Right, often from the spoons inserted into their mouths by Fed shills.

Likewise the actions of Churchill and Rooselvelt are attributed to them being "in the pocket of the Jews," while plans or suggestions as extreme or insane as anything dreamt up by Kaufman are completely ignored because they emanate from non-Jews. A good example of this is the plan suggested by the biological anthropologist Ernest Hooton, whom I mentioned above. Hooton was not a Jew, at least going by his solution to the Jewish problem reported in the Harvard Crimson in 1939:

Earnest Albert Hooton, professor of Anthropology, Curator of Somatology, and member of the faculty of the Peabody Museum, suggested in Collier's magazine today that assimilation of the Jewish minorities by intermarriage is the only solution of the "Jewish problem."

He declared that persecution of the Jews is the chief cause for the high average intelligence of the Jewish people and the frequency with which they produce geniuses and added:

"There is enough ability concentrated in the few millions of Jews to raise the general average considerably if it were decimated by intermixture. I do not know that they would be willing to do it, but, if they did, they would confer a great genetic boon upon mankind and at the same time would solve their own problem."

 Yes, breeding out a particular characteristic was something that Hooton seemed to have an obsession with. It also features in his suggestion for dealing with the "German Problem," which he gave to the World in an article headlined "Breed War Strain Out of Germans" in the New York daily newspaper P.M., on January 4, 1943.

According to Hooton a programme of "outbreeding" would "destroy German nationalism and aggressive ideology while retaining and perpetuating desirable German biological and sociological capacities." Hooton's method was to encourage, over a 20-year period, the mating of German women with non-German men, who would be brought into the country in large numbers, and of German men, forcibly held outside of Germany, with non-German women.

Now, doesn't that sound familiar? Where the hell have we heard that before? Why, in the quote given at the very top of this article published by our "good friends" at Counter-Currents, where we were "informed" that it was the Morgenthau Plan:

Now one of Merkel’s own German government ministers has warned that this year ten million are expected to pour into Europe. Fifty years ago, Europe was a white continent; and Germany was a white country; and Britain was a white country. Now fifty years later, there are millions of Third-Worlders in Europe, millions of Third Worlders in Germany, and millions of Third Worlders in Britain and the top name for baby-boys in our country has become Mohamet.

Here’s the question: whose idea is it? Whose plan was it? To flood Europe, to flood Germany, to flood Britain with millions of foreigners? The plan is called the Morgenthau plan.

 Yes, a plan to breed out the Germans (and now all Europeans) dreamed up by a non-Jewish American "race realist" is casually attributed to a Jew, whom we are told was driven solely and exclusively by genocidal hatred for the Germans. This is the kind of sloppy, lazy, dishonest, Jew-obsessed nonsense that has made the Rump Alt-Right the intellectual laughing stock it is today.

Connected content:
Alt-Right Lies: The Dresden Myth
Alt-Right Lies: The Jews "Declared War" on Germany
Alt-Right Lies: Russian Revolution Not Actually Dominated by Jews

How Jewish Bolsheviks Tried to Oppose the Russian Revolution
Red Ice Hysteria and the Meme Gone Wild of the Kalergi Plan

Cited in Nation Revisited 

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