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Saturday 25 November 2017


Instead of indulging in arrogant displays of military might, intended to intimidate tiny North Korea and pressure China, President Trump and the West would be better advised to try to learn a few things from China .

The President’s recent trip to the Far East came on the heels of the completion of China’s 19th National Congress, where the current president, Xi Jinping, has cunningly positioned himself as China’s unchallenged leader. In an address at the opening of the Congress, Xi cautioned that the country faced "challenges" that are "extremely grim" yet, despite these, the nation’s future is "extremely bright."

While Western politicos and pundits bemoan the lack of political pluralism that exists within China and President Trump complained about bad trade "deals," they miss an important factor as to why China has transformed itself from a socialist basket case some three decades ago into an economic powerhouse which now boasts over a third of the world’s billionaires!

China’s economic ascendancy can be attributed not only to the implementation of market reforms in the 1990s, but also its lack of "political competition."  As a one-party state, resources, time, energy, and capital are not allowed to be channeled into wasteful political processes, but instead are used and "invested" in wealth-creation activities – construction, factories, plants, equipment, research, technology – all of which leads to more and cheaper consumer goods.

The US and the West spend too much on elections, campaigns, polling, political consultation, etc., which diverts scarce resources away from the private wealth sectors of society.  For example, in her last failed presidential campaign run, the Wicked Witch of Chappaqua alone spent over a half of billion dollars.

Under Western democratic pluralism, public debt and state spending have increased to unsustainable levels.  In the US alone – history’s greatest debtor nation – the national debt is in excess of $20 trillion, while its total debt officially is $68 billion with a federal deficit (GAAP) running yearly at $5 ½ trillion.

Such staggering numbers are the result, in part, of political parties seeking public office, and, once elected, exploiting their position to enrich themselves, their constituents, and create dependent classes among the ever shrinking productive segments of society.

China’s foreign policy – an extension of politics – has also been conducive for wealth creation. Instead of wasteful spending on military hardware, the maintenance of a far-flung global empire, and involvement in incessant wars, China has a rather meek military compared to its national income and has conducted a pretty much non-interventionist foreign policy – witness its diplomacy with North Korea.

The US is almost the polar opposite. It spends more on "defense" than the next eight countries combined. Instead of the production of useful consumer goods, billions are siphoned off into the military/security industrial complex. Not only does this impoverish Americans at home, but it leads to never ending involvement in wars, conflicts, and disputes, most of which are created or exacerbated by US spy organizations.

After meeting with the Chinese leadership, President Trump tweeted:
I don’t blame China, I blame the incompetence of past Admins for allowing China to take advantage of the U.S. on trade leading up to a point where the U.S. is losing $100’s of billions.  How can you blame China for taking advantage of people that had no clue? I would’ve done the same!
Making better trade deals will not revitalize the moribund US economy. Instead, there should be less politicization of society and the adoption of market reforms as China has done. The most important plank of such a policy would be the encouragement of real savings – not the creation of bank credit – through the normalization of interest rates. This would begin the arduous process of capital accumulation, the basis upon which any economy must be built.

Another sign of the divergence between the two is China’s continued push to make the yuan the world’s reserve currency with apparently some sort of gold backing to it. Contrarily, the Trump Administration has continued the same disastrous policies of its predecessors and has chosen a Janet Yellen clone to head the Federal Reserve with a continuation, no doubt, of the suppression of interest rates. On the other hand, China continues to import massive quantities of gold and encourages its citizens to own the yellow metal, while the West is in the midst of a crypto currency mania, another fraudulent monetary scheme.

China’s economic miracle, while certainly impressive, would not look as astounding if Western economies had not been in a state of stagnation and decline over the past half century. It was not political liberalization that led to China’s phenomenal growth, but economic freedom which used to be a staple of Western life. The lesson that should be taken from President Trump’s trip is less politics domestically and more free markets.

Originally published at Antonius Aquinas

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  1. What lead to the rise of China was USA. Some students are better than others. China is a star pupil.

    Alt Right say business expert says:
    "The lesson that should be taken from President Trump’s trip is less politics domestically and more free markets."

    But the truth is:
    China doesn't have a free market. Not even close. Neither does Europe, Britain (for all their big talk)Russia, Canada or Latin America. or most of Asia. Most markets in the world are comparatively locked closed compared to USA. And they all largely rely on USA for that to continue. Especially China.

    I think USA will do better if played it's cards closer to it's chest. And be more protective on some things.

    China as well as the rest of the world, benefits from decades and trillions of tax payer funded US aid, research, development and global infrastructure globally. From Satellites to the mail service tracking and scanning to those little plastic zip lock baggies. We have done almost all the heavy lifting in relation to China.

    Now China is out there flying by Herself more often after receiving much flying lessons from Yankee.

    I find it ironic that our two greatest enemies Russia and China both own thier very existence to "The West"- USA. Germany and Japan would have annihilated them.

    The Future is coming on fast. Some people fear it. I am very happy for it. the Alt Right is clueless because it spends all it's time doing what it does. Looking at the end of it's nose in fascination. Screwing with people. and saying Fuck you America in various ways. and American readers eat it up like the trusting retards they are.

    Real Americans will do fine. They seem to be the Alt Rights propaganda target.

    Depending on how they play thier cards. Russia has a brilliant future as well. Or they will lose it by China and others who do not love them. Don't even begin to know how. It's not in their repertoire..

    I love and trust Americans. God does too. He may have something special planned for us- even if He closes out some things. Our leaders are not going to change anything. They are still going to flood us out. and continue to degrade our culture. Divide us. Dilute us. Sell our land and assets to the government of China and Qatar and the like. Hand our universities over to foreign students. And our cities and towns to foreigners. and all the other things that tyrants and despots like to do to their own people. If they were going to stop and reverse some things- they would have done it already. They have been given all the tools to do so.

    But Real Americans don't have to sit down in the middle of the road and die...just becuase our leaders want us to. To hell with that.

    how does a person get a fake email? I want to talk about the future. I like nanotechnology. Molecular manufacturing. Space colonization. Global white expansionism. white emigration. The return to the farm and family. Vertical farming. The de-growth phenomenon as a beneficial tool in some cases. Real and not fake Environmentalism. Robotics explosion.. The New transportation revolution. Corporations as a positive. and small manufacturing as a positive. and all kinds of other cool stuff. Capitalism. and a positive. Christianity and other traditional things as a positive. Why the term Wage slave is stupid. Health. Ways and means.

    I dont like that Real Americans are sad and being messed with. and want to show something good. Real Americans will be set free.
    I cant speak about Europeans, Aussies, Kiwis,Canadians, or New Zealanders. too much. A little. But They are different story.
    Only White Africans, Russians and *Real Americans T.M.

    1. All very good aspects. Here´s my take: no we don´t lack good ideas and solutions, so why are we all fucked anyways? BECAUSE OF THE DEEP STATE and that´s why none of all your good optimistic ideas matter ! Bring the good optimistic idea of how to drive the Deep State out and you´ve got somethig on your hand, otherwise you will just be thrown under the bus, sooner or later (as soon as you matter in any relevant way and DON´T comply ! You are dead ! )

      (and my idea for substantial impact on the Deep State is an alternative monetary system, I pointed it out a bit in the comment section of this article ) .

    2. I will look up your time banking Idea. I don't understand how it works for international trade, complex trading and services or the purchase of raw materials and commodities. How people of unequal skill or ability can do a fair trade? At the moment a child, an elderly blind black man and the smartest PHD techie in town all pay the same for thier bacon cheese burgers.Yet they would not be able to volunteer the time equally in accordance to the agreed upon value.

      I don't want to re-invent the wheel.

      The Deep State. We are acquainted - it turns out. I doubt they can be driven out. It's more amazing than anyone knows, i think,... maybe even parts of the deep state itself.

      Here are some things i got from wiki about subversion and propaganda.

      A destructive, aggressive activity aimed to destroy the country, nation, or geographical area of your enemy by demoralizing the cultural values and changing the population's perception of reality.

      An agent of influence is an agent of some stature who uses his or her position to influence public opinion or decision making to produce results beneficial to the country whose intelligence service operates the agent.

      Following penetration, and parallel with the forced disintegration of political and social institutions of the state, these loyalties may be detached and transferred to the political or ideological cause of the aggressor.

      Establishing front groups and penetrating and manipulating existing political parties

      Infiltrating the armed forces, the police, and other institutions of the state, as well as important non-government organizations
      Generating civil unrest through demonstrations, strikes, and boycotts, etc.

      There is also a thing where the propagandist or subversive will use facts and describe much of the situation perfectly. But then give solutions that are totally bogus. Designed to fail.

    3. Esau took his wives from the Canaanites rather than the Jewish tribe and blood. Abraham went to a lot of trouble to marry of his kith. So did Jacob. But Esau was not as particular.

      The other thing he did was be flippant with his sacred birth right and all the responsibilities that go with it. Make a joke about it. Make light of it. and while doing so, was kind of lording it over Jacob at the same time.
      So while it doesn't say all those other embellishments and commentaries they say about him that aren't in the Torah. That is what is in the Torah.
      While it doesn't' say he a bad guy. He was hard worker, took care of the family, fed them, respectful of Father and useful person. He forgave.- he wasn't the right guy for the huge job of being the Patriarch of Israel.
      That job has to go to someone who takes the birthright as a Holy and serious charge. And understands and respects the importance of marriage,continuity and blood.

      That is why Jacob

      I'm not a jew. and being of the field is not a bad thing. It's a good thing.

    4. Good arguments. However... a)this is of-course not yet fully developed, it´s about having in principle a path out; and b)the details of how to do exchange based upon time can be negotiated, it´s not 1 h medical aid = 1 h cutting the lawn (the market principle of supply and demand applies and defines the price).
      Re Deep State: it´s about power, power of groups. The Deep State is hostile towards us Whites, that´s why it needs to be disempowered, that´s why we need the alternative monetary system because we need to drive them out. All else is irrevelant with respect to this task.
      Does the "Deep State" have merits? It´s irrelevant as they want us dead. Yes, they can have merits. They want us dead, so it´s of no (or of secondary) interest for me (I take all the wheels they invented, or stole the invention. Yet they must be out as they want us dead).

  2. You guys remind of that thing that the Arab Press opinion writers would all say. They hated us and wanted to give us advice. So they would say. You know ' Americans would be in a much stronger positioning the world. and would be much more respected if they got rid of all thier nukes and unilaterally disarm.

    There is no doubt that USA is in crisis. Existential crisis. I doubt, now, that USA will make it, honestly. Not in any way that is worth it to Real Americans.

    But Real Americans can make it just the same. We have exciting things to do and people to meet and places to go. Just like always. We are Free. We carry it with us.

    These other kinds of Americans and our leadership and Europeans dont understand us. They dont have to. Who cares? They like to hit you on the head with a stick. it's fun for them. they do it so they dont have to look at what is going on in thier messy house. They are like a character in a Moliere play. Fops.

  3. IN my own business, ironically, some of the best customers are Chinese. While the biggest thief and reverse engineerer of my ( and others) products is a French guy with a German name from Alsace-Lorraine.

  4. Good point, but I think the reason is that white people have the lower IQ. I should bestow you honorary Asian for your insight, once we conquered the west throughly. xiexie.


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