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Friday 22 February 2019


by Daniel Barge

The problem of America is the problem of all oversized countries and empires, it is the problem of how to maintain unity where none exists. This is the reason the try-hard motto on the coin says e pluribus unum ("Out of many, one")—good luck with that!

Unfortunately for America, racial differences correlate too closely with actual differences. In simpler terms Blacks and other groups—but let's focus here mainly on Blacks—do a lot less well than Whites, and they do less well consistently enough to effectively open up a major schism in society, and thus threaten society.

The only way to close this schism is to provide lots of help to this particular group, while also handicapping certain sections of the white community.

The help takes the form of disproportionate welfare, "affirmative" action, undemanding government jobs, cheap credit (remember subprime?), the sporting caste system, and an element of criminal licence.

The hindering of certain sections of the White community takes the form of destroying good working class jobs by sending them to China, undermining conventional morality, destroying authentic working class culture, and allowing the proliferation of opioids.

With enough helping of Blacks and hindering of Whites—and enough skillful presentation and distortion of reality by the media—the schism can be blurred and the fantasy that all Americans are part of the same happy society maintained.

But there are several problems that arise from these processes—Blacks feel patronised, some Whites feel deeply victimized or alienated, while Whites in general feel resentful that they have to carry the tax load for the whole project.

The only way to make it work is to convince Whites—or at least enough Whites—that they are guilty somehow of something. This is why history classes focus overwhelmingly on evils done by White people in the past, be they slave-owning Southerners or Jew-killing Nazis. This is why we have Black History Month, this is why we have Hollywood films banging on about segregation, Jim Crow, and the KKK. This is why we have pseudo-intellectual articles talking about microaggressions.

All these things are a drip feed system to keep alive the spectre of White guilt—the vital principle of American society—and thus maintain the "gibs," the quotas, and the neglect of poor whites that allows the system to subsist.

This is also why the Jusse Smollett case is so important. Because it shows too starkly, too directly the lies and subterfuge in the system. It rips down the curtain, and shows the blatant fakery of so-called "White racism" and the obvious untruth of "Black victimhood." It also shows the media—essentially the propaganda organs of the fake unity society—pumping out their lies with the same synthesised emotions as any North Korean news reader.

In the last few years, America has effectively become the Soviet Union, its media and culture has become the Orwellian "Ministry of Truth," and its people are now the deeply cynical or manically hysterical denizens of a maze of lies and manipulation.

It's anyone's guess how long this system can continue before it collapses.

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