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Friday 21 February 2020


Globalists and their far-sighted plans
by Duns Scotus

What's life like for a typical pro-White these days? The first thing is waking up in the morning with a weird sensation that you are waking up in what seems like a rather bad and psychotic dream. Once all the basic body functions have been checked, and you've reasonably sure all the parts are still working, you dare to inquire what's going on in the wider world.

Mainstream news flickers its glib and shallow smile on the TV screen. Yes, a bit of politics, coronavirus, and bad weather, a few narratives about not "spreading hate" and "being inclusive," so you soon switch it off and go online to hunt for "real" news. Cue Facebook and Twitter, which you are forced to access anonymously because you might just comment on something and you don't really want that getting to the wrong people.

Of course you follow a lot of other pro-Whites, so what you see is what they see, and what they see is rather sad. Somebody posts a link to the Amazon show "Hunters" and the comments flow:

  • "It's Jews teaming up with minorities to torture and murder White people."
  • "How like real life," someone else adds."
  • "Antifa will copy this."
Someone else makes the point that the victims in the show are "Nazis," but now anyone who just favours immigration restriction will be called a "Nazi."

Possibly, but if so, I can't help wondering how it got to such a point that pro-Whites can be so easily smeared in this way. Did we perhaps make some possible error along the way, some tactical mistake that has left us wide open to such debilitating tactics?

Of course there is no point in raising such a quibble, as you know the comment stream is emotionally driven, and you sense the mood. Yes, you are literally wading through a river of butthurt and powerlessness.

The next social media post seems to be about the Brits, Britain's so-called "music" awards, which were apparently dominated by Black rappers who accuse Whites of being "racists" (which is obviously the low grade word for "Nazis," as well as just another N-word for White people).

Someone in a cuckservative normie newspaper has raised the point of none of these rappers, with their supposed focus on "social problems," using their "art" to protest about the grooming gangs. And now you see it posted here, with someone making a comment about the hypocrisy of the press:

"Over recent years, hundreds of vulnerable girls have been traumatised, broken, abused, raped, left unable to get on with their lives — but no high-profile crusader speaks for them, do they?"


The West's moral leaders
No shit, Sherlock!

Oh, normie journo, if you knew the way well-known rappers use the young, naïve, and nubile female populations of their host societies to rut and defecate on, you might be able to answer your own swinging-in-the-wind question.

Rappers are in effect just another grooming gang who use their superior ethnic solidarity to assert a gang advantage over the available pussy of the atomised West.

Again the real message here is White division and weakness, but, once again, you are forced to wonder. Did we make some possible error along the way that helped facilitate this sad reality and this puny critique, which basically raises up rappers as "moral guardians"?

Once again there is no point in raising such a quibble, as you know the comment stream is emotionally driven, even cathartic, as the "comment bubble" echoes with cries of agreement. Yes, you are still up to your hip in a deep river of butthurt with a tricky undertow.

After skipping a few blurry video posts of "decontextualised" Black-on-White violence—including a bit of head jumping—along comes a retweet of a retweet saying that it's sad there is now a soft drink called "Leninade," complete with a hammer and sickle mark on it. Someone asks what would the reaction be to an imaginary drink called "Swastika Soda." Yes, the Soviets killed their hundreds of millions, the Nazis only tens of millions, etc. 

More posts follow about how victimised Whites are, and many of them, or the comments, point out how the Jews are the "secret hand" behind this all. Not a very well kept secret, apparently...

Twitter, the Wailing Wall of the West 
Already you are filled with a sense of dread and weariness. If only the weather were better, you could turn off the damn internet, cut off this virtual river of emotional sewage, and possibly find a real river to wade into.

But no, for one reason or another, you're stuck with it, and with your social media choices. Whether you like it or not—and you don't—you are part of the herd, a herd that is swept along by a river of butthurt that feeds on all the bad news and things that don't make sense or shouldn't exist.

And where does this "river" lead? It leads of course to the "sea," which, in this case, can be defined as the easiest and laziest explanation for all the "neg-porn" that the internet scrapes up from the world and dumps on your lap, palm, or desktop.

Really, I don't even need to tell you what that explanation is. You already know. I won't even try to counter or deconstruct it—it is impervious to reason and data—except to say that once it gets a hold of you, you're effectively useless and living in your own toxic little ghetto.

But we can't just end it there can we? After all the West—and, with it, the rest of the World—is clearly unravelling and coming undone. The most vital fact is simply basic fertility, which in every developed society is approaching or below 1.5 children per women.

But the second most vital fact is that many of those concerned about that stat have allowed themselves to be washed down the River of Butthurt to flounder and drown in the Sea of Lies.

The causes of the West's decline are complex or at least tedious to tabulate. They have more to do with the toxic nature of modernity and the blindness of our elites and their lack of power—rather than their excess of it—than with any conspiritard nonsense that you may fish out of the Sea of Lies. Principally I am referring to the Alt-Right's retarded, childish, and deeply humiliating "Semitic Panotheory." This is basically an inverted form of Jew worship that mirrors Christianity. This tawdry catch-all is forced, like the cheapest whore, to service each and every client, and explain all that is wrong with the world with a monosyllabic grunt.

In place of this paragon of failure, I would advocate a different Panotheory, one that accords more closely with the observable facts, while also following the bare bones of Nietzsche's argument that God is Dead. When Nietzsche posted that meme on the proto-internet of European high culture, he meant that we lived in a leaderless universe, created by the Enlightenment's onslaught against Medieval religion. He also meant that we would have to look within ourselves for that leadership, hopefully avoiding becoming the Last Man in the process.

Medieval memes still ring true
If Nietzsche had been Alt-Right, clearly he would never have faced the truth of our Godless universe with such brutal honesty. Instead he would have first checked his butt to see how hurt it was and then sperged out on feelz and neg-porn, before reaching the dubious conclusion that "God had been Jewed and that we're all doomed."

But, instead of questions of God existence, non-existence, or death, what we have to deal with essentially is the fact that our own Ruling Elites are essentially dead—in the sense that they are blind, bumbling, self-destructive, and powerless. What else can we say about leaders who ignore the 1.5 in favour of a "points-based" immigration system, an amnesty for illegals, gay marriage, transgenderism, crack-downs on "hate speech," and becoming carbon neutral?

This blindness is certainly true of the West, where staring into the Sun of ever-rising GDP has blackened the sockets of their eyes. This is not quite the case in other societies, where there are signs that their elites have more awareness, altruism, and group self-interest. But the West is still dominant, and it is not yet clear what a post-West world will look like.

Richard Wolstencroft, in his usual inspired way, has cut to the core of this issue and written about the need for an Elite Replacement Theory to foreshadow the rise of a new elite:


"It is clear from all the available historical data that the old elites used to be much more Eurocentric, favouring Western Culture and Western Civilisation, and were much more concerned about the health and interests of ordinary European people. Of late, however, it is clear that they have stopped behaving in that way, which is why we need to amend the analytical tool of Elite Theory in a more proactive direction, towards Elite Replacement Theory. ERT is weaponised Elite Theory!"

My tweak on this would be to stop calling an elite, which is not an elite, an "elite."

Elite etymologically means "a choice or select body, the best part," with the word itself deriving from the idea of "choosing." Yes, the elite are literally the "chosen" people.

But there is an obvious paradox here in that choosing implies the "inferior" choosing the "superior," which means the "inferior" is superior to the "superior." This seems to be exactly what has happened with our ruling elites—rule from below. It was the "little people" who turned their feet and tilted their heads to gaze into the sun of ever-rising GDP, burning out their eyes, and rendering them and us blind.

The Panotheory of the Affirmative Right thus should be "Exoculoductus" from the Latin roots "blind" and "leadership," or even "Nemoductus," meaning "No one leads."

This is the explanation for all that is wrong with the West, as well as the problem that must be solved. But in order to do that we first need a process to create a new elite, and then one to replace the existing dysfunctional one with that new elite. This may take quite some time and rely on ever increasing amounts of dysfunction in the system. My advice is to start preparing now.

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