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Sunday 8 March 2020


by F. Bardamu
In the last decade, 40,000 Jews packed their bags and left France. It is a mass exodus of one tenth of the total Jewish population. According to a report, of the half-million Jews currently living in France, 40 percent or 200,000 Jews are also considering the possibility of moving to Israel…
Many historic French Jewish areas have been emptied of their Jews. The number of Jewish families in Aulnay-sous-Bois fell from 600 to 100, in Le Blanc-Mesnil from 300 to 100, in Clichy-Sous-Bois from 400 to 80, and in La Courneuve from 300 to 80. … In Pierrefitte, the community has recorded a 50 percent decline in the number of faithful.
Arutz Sheva (2018)

The Jews have been driven from every country they have settled in, forced to wander the globe for centuries as a nation without a nation. This situation has not changed since the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Israel. In western Europe, we are again witnessing a mass exodus of Jews, but this time, it’s not occurring because of white anti-Semitism. The Jews are apparently being driven from their homes because they have become the victims of their own ethnically subversive “group evolutionary strategy” 

─ Kevin 
MacDonald (1998) 
To understand why diaspora Jews are currently under attack, we have to understand the ways in which Jews have attempted to promote their ethnic interests in the 20th century. The Jewish historical experience has taught Jews they can best thrive in Western societies with low ethnonationalism. This is why liberal diaspora Jews have been ideologically committed to ever-increasing racial diversity in Western societies. Diversity supposedly allows Jews to neutralize ethnic resistance to Jewish influence, while maximizing their own chances of wealth and power by out-competing the core ethnic population. Despite the problems caused by mass non-white immigration for Jew and non-Jew alike, diaspora Jews continue to lobby Jewish-friendly globalist elites for larger and larger numbers of non-white immigrants.   

Unfortunately for Jews, a disproportionately large number of immigrants to western Europe are inevitably from Muslim countries and therefore have various anti-Semitic grievances. Muslims were initially not perceived to be a threat to Jews because of their non-elite characteristics in Western societies, and were instead viewed as natural allies in the crusade against core elites for "social justice."

Prominent Jewish activists believed that by importing Muslims en masse, Muslims would appreciate what Jews had done for them, making them grateful as well as deferential. As far as Jews were concerned, as long as Muslims remained a subservient underclass easily manipulated by Jewish interests, any small acts of Muslim anti-Semitism or Judeophobia could be overlooked and downplayed.

However, promoting Jewish ethnic interests through racial diversification of Western societies hasn’t worked out quite as well as liberal diaspora Jews once thought. In western Europe, which has been substantially transformed by mass non-white immigration, Jews are finding themselves increasingly under attack. According to Jewish journalist Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic:
France’s 475,000 Jews represent less than 1 percent of the country’s population. Yet last year, according to the French Interior Ministry, 51 percent of all racist attacks targeted Jews. The statistics in other countries, including Great Britain, are similarly dismal. In 2014, Jews in Europe were murdered, raped, beaten, stalked, chased, harassed, spat on, and insulted for being Jewish. Sale Juif—“dirty Jew”—rang in the streets, as did “Death to the Jews,” and “Jews to the gas.”
Just who could possibly be behind these attacks? Could it be right-wing “neo-Nazis”? Assorted fascist sympathizers? Goldberg has this to say:
But what makes this new era of anti-Semitic violence in Europe different from previous ones is that traditional Western patterns of anti-Semitic thought have now merged with a potent strain of Muslim Judeophobia. Violence against Jews in Western Europe today, according to those who track it, appears to come mainly from Muslims, who in France, the epicenter of Europe’s Jewish crisis, outnumber Jews 10 to 1.
Unlike the older anti-Semitism, the violence against Jews is pro-Palestinian and overwhelmingly perpetrated by militant Islamists.

According to a survey of Jews in 12 EU member states:
“Close to 40 per cent of European Jews have considered leaving their home countries over the past five years because of rising anti-Semitism.”
Significant numbers of Jews in France and Germany acknowledge that anti-Semitism has worsened over the last few years:
The Jewish community in France — which has suffered a number of high-profile deadly attacks in recent years — appears to have been especially shaken: almost 80 per cent of French Jews told pollsters that anti-Semitism in the country had “increased a lot”, the highest proportion in Europe. But there was also a marked deterioration in Germany, where 44 per cent of Jews said they had thought about emigrating, up from 25 per cent five years ago.
In France, which has western Europe’s largest Jewish population, the Jews find themselves fleeing worsening anti-Semitism. The National Geographic reports:
Facing record levels of anti-Semitism, many French Jews are joining an exodus to Israel. A third of all the French Jews who’ve emigrated to Israel since its establishment in 1948 have done so in the last 10 years, according to data from the Jewish Agency, which facilitates Jewish immigration to Israel. The 1950 Law of Return enables any Jew from around the world to become an Israeli citizen entitled to numerous government benefits, including financial aid, tax breaks, free Hebrew courses, and a free flight to Israel. In 2015 alone, nearly 8,000 French Jews made what is known as Aliyah—ascent to the Holy Land—the largest number from any Western nation in a single year.
The exodus of French Jews is being driven by acts of radical Islamist anti-Semitic violence:
The current wave of immigration began in earnest after the 2012 Toulouse massacre, in which a French-born Islamic extremist opened fire at a Jewish day school, killing a young rabbi who was shielding his three- and six-year-old sons, then shooting to death both boys and an 8-year-old girl. Three years later, a gunman pledging allegiance to ISIS killed four customers at a kosher supermarket in Paris. “In the days after that, we received thousands of calls from people saying they wanted to leave,” says Ouriel Gottlieb, the Jewish Agency’s director in Paris. “Of the four people murdered at Hyper Casher, three of the families moved to Israel.”
Ironically, although diaspora Jews are the biggest supporters of mass non-white immigration, they have no problem fleeing the so-called “benefits” of diversity for the safety of Israel, an ethnically and racially homogeneous society. This indicates the Jewish liberal diaspora’s support for mass non-white immigration is cynical or unwittingly contradictory at best.

France isn’t the only western European country where Jews have been on the receiving end of Islamist violence. A New York Times Op-Ed documents rising levels of violence against Jews in Scandinavia:
Historically, anti-Semitism in Sweden could mainly be attributed to right-wing extremists. While this problem persists, a study from 2013 showed that 51 percent of anti-Semitic incidents in Sweden were attributed to Muslim extremists. Only 5 percent were carried out by right-wing extremists; 25 percent were perpetrated by left-wing extremists.
Increasing Muslim-on-Jew violence has forced many Jews to flee the country. Much of this is powered by newcomers who waste little time in "assimilating" to the anti-Semitic attitudes of Muslim extremists:
There is, however, tremendous hesitation to speak out against hate crimes committed by members of another minority group in a country that prides itself on welcoming minorities and immigrants. In 2015, Sweden was second only to Germany in the number of Syrian refugees it welcomed. Yet the three men arrested in the [Gothenburg synagogue] Molotov cocktail attack were newly arrived immigrants, two Syrians and a Palestinian.
The political correctness upheld by liberal diaspora Jews for decades has backfired. Although Jews promoted and even facilitated Muslim immigration to western Europe, they are now its victims. The diaspora Jews behind cultural Marxism and other politically correct belief-systems were totally oblivious to the possibility these ideological weapons could be used against them. For example, Muslims are typically non-white and Third World; Ashkenazim, on the other hand, are phenotypically indistinguishable from other Europeans and have long ago assimilated most Western cultural standards. According to the logic of Cultural Marxism, Muslims are members of an even more specially protected class than Jews. In fact Muslims are the "oppressed," while Jews are considered their "oppressors." Leftism hasn’t abolished traditional hierarchies, but simply inverted them. They now serve non-white interests under the guise of liberal egalitarianism; for leftists, the more non-white, the better, which is why Jews always lose when it comes to Third World immigration.

In the wake of the mass Jewish exodus, the German government has promised to increase the penalties for anti-Semitic acts and ensure the criminalization of Holocaust denial in more EU countries. The German government, like the rest of the Jewish-friendly globalist elite, believes the solution to rising anti-Semitism is stricter totalitarian controls on freedom of speech and thought. Although the Jews and their allies have sought to protect Jews through passage of illiberal legislation, these tactics have been remarkably ineffective. The reasons for this should be obvious: nearly all of the anti-Semitic violence committed so far has been perpetrated, not by “neo-Nazi” sympathizers, at whom you can throw the book, but by Muslim immigrants, who must be treated with kid gloves. If the Jews thought Muslims were their natural allies, they couldn’t have been more wrong. They are actually their worst nightmare.

The expectation among diaspora Jews was that Muslims would put aside their ethnic rivalries to focus on their shared interests against the core elites of Western societies. The underlying Jewish rationale for this arrangement was, in the words of the old cliché, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” However, this clumsy attempt at building a bridge between the world of Jewry and the World of Islam has not prevented Jews from being driven from their homes by Muslim anti-Semitic violence.

In the case of European Jewry, “the enemy of your enemy” is not your friend. Quite the opposite in fact.

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