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Monday 5 February 2018


Why is the BBC constantly putting Blacks in White roles? The conventional explanation is that they are promoting a Cultural Marxist agenda of "racial replacement" against Whites. However, in this Shortpod, Alternative Right Chief Editor Colin Liddell argues that this phenomenon instead reveals the BBC's deep bias against Black culture.


  1. It's insulting to the stories and the audiences and patronizing to black people. Yes, it's racist from the BBC.

    There are lots of black stories and not all of them are all about the boring woe and victimhood.
    Bingo Long Travelling all Stars and Motor Kings.

  2. that was me up there.

    I like Classics and family stories. Adventures, mysteries, educational and comedy. All G rated excellence. No curve balls.

    Jews and homosexuals for whatever reason do dominate the "artist classes" these days as a cabal - and they don't seem to only not be able to write for Black people but they are not able to write that well for whites either these days. They are a predictable bore. I don't know why. I think other people are going to get thier chance. If some of us don't like the bill of fare the 'artistic classes" are serving up- we can and are going off to do our own things that we like to do. Creating the art and entertainments that we like to see. It may still be a little clunky now- but it's getting more polished all the time.

  3. While the "blood sports" discussion vids on Youtube are interesting at first, most of them are overlong and meander repeating a lot of points and taking up too much time. The Alt Right is developing a content oversupply problem. These shortpods are much better as they take and idea and get to the point much more quickly. Keep them coming.


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