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Tuesday, 28 June 2022


The mausoleum of the Alt-Right 

As long-term readers of this site will know, Affirmative Right was originally called Alternative Right and was the founding site of the Alternative Right, a movement that initially tried to revive intellectual critique that, by the Twenty-Zeroes, had become stale and backed into a corner. The rise of the internet serendipitously gave us an open door to push at, and a real chance to make a difference.

However, the "Original Sin" of the Alternative Right as a a movement was that, even though it attempted to free itself from the stale Left-Right pigeonholing of Anglo-American political, metapolitical, and philosophical thought, it nevertheless embedded one end of that failed system in its very name.

It's second big sin was total naïveté about how it would be subverted and turned increasingly into a feeble caricature of Naziism. 

For many years, a battle of sorts was fought in these pages both against this cursed legacy and against this constant sabotage. But the Nazifiers were always going to win -- through the combined efforts (whether "ironic" or "sincere") of the likes of Andrew Anglin, TRS, Greg Johnson, Richard Spencer, and many, many others (see the Dikipedia for details). They were of course assisted by the passivity of influential people who should have known better and went along with the apparent "organic upsurge" of trollish energy for their own selfish reasons, people like Jared Taylor and Peter Brimelow. There is also good reason to suppose that the Russian deep state played a considerable role in this process.

In 2018, the Alt-Right name was finally jettisoned here. Sooner would have been better but as the flagship site of the doomed movement we felt that a little stubbornness was called for. At that time, I ditched the name but opted for a degree of continuity, going for a moniker that was relatively close to the original, namely "Affirmative Right." This name remained provisional and quite unsatisfactory, as it partook of the movement's original sin. But we had a duty to our established audience -- and our donors -- to at least keep a semblance of the original Alternative Right site going,

But now I feel the time has come to move on. When Alternative Right was created in 2010, it represented virile dissidence that transcended the stale Left-Right party political divide. Richard was really onto something there and in his recent somewhat confused metapolitical meanderings seems to be striving for something similar. In 2010, however, the Alt-Right presented a new intellectual centre and endless possibilities. But now, so much that was termed "dissident politics" has merely been subsumed into the pettiness of mainstream US and occasionally British politics. Anything with the name or identity of being "Right wing" is of course congenitally subject to such a trap. 

To offer an alternative to that stale system, you first have to reject its most fundamental aspects. The most salient one is the Right vs Left dichotomy that is used to create irresolvable issues that never go away -- gun control, abortion, etc. -- and are merely designed to serve as bipolar tribal shibboleths to keep those who fall for them in their boxes.

It is for this reason, and others, that Affirmative Right has had to be mothballed, and a new site created, better geared in its founding fundamentals to the true and original purpose of this site. That site is Neokrat (GO THERE NOW!). In the same way that Affirmative Right rejected the Nazification and emasculation of the Alt-Right, so Neokrat will reject the bipolar delusion of viewing everything as "Leftist insanity" or "Right wing bigotry," the alternating siren calls of our failed political culture.

So, what does the mothballing of Affirmative Right mean?

It means that the site will still exist. Its content will still be accessible. It will still continue to be edited in certain ways, and maybe even reposted on appropriate dates and occasions. But the appearance of new material will be greatly limited. Also, some of the content will be "repurposed" for use on Neokrat from time to time, Neokrat will, thus be both a successor to
Alternative Right and Affirmative Right, but also a refutation of them and their implicit betrayal of the dissident cause and the necessary critique that the West needs. 

Ten years too late, but with at least people who know and understand much, much more, Neokrat is born. Whether it flourishes or not partially depends on YOU.

The Neokrat


  1. WHY are JEWS the ONLY group protesting the Reversal of Roe/Wade with such psychotic/fanatical/hysterical/ hatred..sepcially against the Christian members of SCOTUS...I have never seen/heard o any religion/s dfending ABORTIONS..Why is the relationship between judaism/abortions?????

    1. This is a good example of a comment in the wrong place. This article is NOT about Roe vs. Wade!!! This kind of intellectual incontinence is typical of the rabid Jew hater whose current anti-Semitic meme is wrapped up in Roe vs Wade and must therefore be dumped everywhere these insects comment. The comment will be deleted in due course.

      A better place to have dropped this largely worthless comment would have been here: ABORTION: OPENING UP THE MAIN CRACK IN AMERICA

  2. Why isn't John Derbyshire in the Dikipedia? I believe he was one of the original dissident righters and is the author of the book: "From The Dissident Right" (Vdare Books, 2013, ISBN 978-1304001542.) He used to write for National Review and now writes for VDare and the Unz Review. I think he can best be described as a race realist. Thanks.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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