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Sunday 28 October 2012


White pride?

After receiving numerous recommendations from many and varied sources, I finally purchased a copy of Mark Ames's 2005 book Going Postal. I am about two-thirds of the way through this controversial, flawed but rather compelling work -- perhaps once I've finished I'll compose an "official" review (tardy as such a write-up will be, given that the book was published seven years ago). Suffice it to say right now that Ames strikes me as a non-doctrinaire, and at times astoundingly politically-incorrect leftist, which makes him quite interesting.

Yes, Ames hates big businesses, and yes, he seems to think that unions can do no wrong (except when they compromise with big business owners, which Ames thinks that they do far more often than not). Not to mention that he appears to hold that nearly every office worker who has ever gone on a homicidal rampage was in fact goaded into such behavior by cruel and sadistic employers, who, as the Chicago showtune goes,"had it comin'." And of course, Ames holds Ronald Reagan responsible for nearly everything any psycho has done in the past 30 years, which is supremely tiresome.

But Ames is not your typical drearily droning sociology professor or otherwise unimaginative liberal scold. His reflections on white malaise and habitual self-deprecation -- i.e., trendy ethnomasochism -- show real insight and flirt, in fact, with white ethnic advocacy. Consider the following remarkable passage:

"Today's white middle class must be the only socioeconomic group in mankind's history that not only doesn't recognize its own miseries as valid, but reacts dismissively, sarcastically... even violently against anyone from their class who tries to validate their misery... It is more comforting (for the white middle class) to believe that they aren't really suffering, to allocate all official pathos to the misery of other socioeconomic groups, and it's more comforting to accuse those who disagree of being psychotically weak whiners. Despite its several hundred million strong demographic, the white bourgeoisie's pain doesn't officially count -- it is too ashamed of itself to sympathize with its own suffering." (bold mine)

Ames has his finger on something truly profound here. Indeed, how often have we observed the tendency to deride the complaints of whites as irrelevant, to depict their suffering as insignificant, to dismiss their claims of unjust treatment vis a vis quotas and affirmative action as at best mere whining, at worst disguised racial hatred? How often does white opposition to mass Third World immigration get impugned as a mere tacky display of white "racism" with no real substance behind it? And how often are such dismissive and derisive statements made... by whites themselves? Even at times by whites who call themselves "conservatives"?

I will give Ames's larger thesis a more considered critique at a later time, but thought it worthwhile to call attention to some of his edgier, more alt-right friendly rhetoric here...

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