Surely those who peruse the internet could not have missed the deluge of news stories, blogs, tweets, and comments across reddit, Digg, Yahoo!, Twitter, Gizmodo, from every mainstream news outlet to niche tech blog, on the subject of Russian anti-homosexual laws, the upcoming Winter Olympics at Sochi, Russia, and the speculation on the West’s response on the latter. The LGBT outrage toward Russian governmental sentiment towards homosexuality demonstrates another staggering instance of hypocrisy of Liberal totalitarian supremacism. American exceptionalism, combined with Liberalism’s self-righteousness, makes for an insufferable concoction whose boundaries of paradox are seemingly infinite.
The moralism of Leftist politics is well documented throughout modern political history, and presently we are seeing the end-game, or at least the global ramifications, of this emotional admixture of political philosophy and moralism. Occidental liberals no longer want to abide by antiquated, idealist notions about the nation-state and its sovereignty as established in the Peace of Westphalia. Surely, sovereignty no longer matters when “we” are clearly in the right!
As Russia hosts this coming Winter Olympics, neither the government nor Russian citizens want to be subject to Western homosexual propaganda for the duration. As such, the Russian government has enacted a ban on “propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations among minors,” and will be enforcing the law during the Winter Olympics. Although the law will be in effect, Russian government spokespeople ensure that it will not affect the games (as long people play ball, of course). In fact, a Time magazine blog article on the story entitled “For Sochi’s Sake, NBC Can’t Ignore Russia’s Anti-Gay Laws” states, “An overwhelming 88 percent of Russians support the gay propaganda ban, according to a survey conducted in June by the All-Russian Public Opinion Center.”
Conservatives know for certain that the LGBT community, Liberal activists, bleeding-hearts-of-the-millionaire-celebrity-variety, disingenuous whites, nor even the president himself have any intention on taking this Russian cultural preference lying down. President Obama only fanned the flames further as he commented at a press conference following his Jay Leno appearance that “Nobody is more offended than me by some of the anti-gay and lesbian legislation that you’ve been seeing in Russia.” As such, liberal moralist forces have mobilized on cue and en masse against the offensive state of Russia.
Specifically, the LGBT community-- and their conglomeration of emotionally driven half-wits mentioned in the latter paragraph-- wants to hurt the Olympics Corporation by pressuring even bigger corporations to pull their sponsorship of the event crippling Russian economic investment and thus smiting mighty Russian herself. They seek to punish Putin and all other old, Slavic white men for their egregious violation of Western socio-cultural progression and advancement.
What they espouse amounts to complete socio-cultural supremacism. Their hypocrisy lies in the sense that what the United States and our other Western allies have arrived at socially and culturally is further on, more progressive, and morally advanced. Thus, our socio-cultural society is better than the socio-cultural state of Russia; therefore in the eyes of liberals, we must replace that which is both outmoded and morally repugnant.
In essence, Western liberals, particularly those in the United States and in Great Britain, wish to advance liberal imperialism. Though many liberals decry global corporatism, Western military intervention, and the like, they somehow rationalize this socio-cultural intervention as “different,” though they never adequately explain how this is so.
In fact, these liberals are completely sold on the forthrightness of their cause, and they intend on being successful even if this means meddling in the affairs of others, censoring and silencing dissenters, or forcing the weak to adopt their philosophical standards. However, all they manage to do is make things worse. Now the pendulum of the liberal imperialist’s wrecking ball will circle ever outward from the microcosm of the West until the boundaries of the swing draws closer and closer to domains where we should have no business at all. It seems that our neocon military imperialism could closely be followed by this strict cultural imperialism. Only time will tell over the next few months how this international affair will play out.
Future presidents may no longer need a “new Pearl Harbor” as grounds to invade offensive countries. Perhaps in the future, the-powers-that-be may only need to campaign human rights abuses on social media until they can receive a critical mass of affirmation such as millions of belligerent liberal tweets across millions of Twitter feeds reposted to Facebook upvoted on reddit and filtered out across the cultural landscape. Text 99223 for Yes to invade Saudi Arabia on Human Rights violations!! Subscribe and Like U.S. Army on Youtube, video feed of drone bombings of civil rights violators forthcoming!
Is it too much of a stretch to think liberals might clamor for intervention on account of one drastic news story on, say, hijab laws for women in Iran? After this Russian Winter Olympics debacle, I think not.
As a WN, I really find it quite irritating to be derided as a white “supremacist” by liberals, when the core of what white nationalism is really saying is that we should respect all cultures and races equally though separately for reasons of social, cultural, and economic pragmatism. The more affirmation I receive intellectually and observationally about the veracity of white nationalism, the more I really do not see myself as a “racist.” As a white nationalist, I am only responding to different societies and various cultures and other races the natural way a human should.
As for homosexuality, whether it is good or bad is quite irrelevant as to how this one identity politics issue has begun to affect geopolitics, the international economy, and the continually worsening of America’s character to the smaller players on the global stage. Trying to imagine the tidal wave that is America from the perspective of small, developing countries with unique, but dwindling populations, languages, and cultures is truly terrifying. What this is truly about is the respect of the nations of the world, and actually seeking to preserve the uniqueness of places and people and tongues and customs that once are gone can never be fully retrieved from the abyss of history.
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