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Tuesday 26 May 2015


The official flag of the town of Orania.
(Mr. Biehl is a man of German origin, who settled in South Africa and took up residence in Orania. You can read more about his interesting story here)

The government of South Africa, which is dominated by the socialist and black-nationalistic African National Congress (ANC), is busy with the second phase of their so-called "transformation" of our country. The second phase of their planned "transformation" is much more profound and destructive than the first phase. The first, transitional phase – which involved dismantling Apartheid-- still left some space for Afrikaners, but the next phase, the so-called "National Democratic Revolution", aims to wipe out any traces of white, especially Afrikaner history.

It began with the aggressive promotion of "affirmative action". Unlike in the USA, where some minority groups are promoted, here the already all-powerful black majority (80% of the population) enforces the outcome that all branches of government become "demographically representative of the total population." That means that everywhere, 80% of all posts must be filled by blacks, whether there are qualified black persons available or not. Thousands of whites, after years of dedicated service, have been fired from all sorts of sectors, especially in government and municipal administration. Instead of complaining, whites started their own small enterprises and through hard work could still make a living and often provided as contractors the services for the state.

But the politics of discrimination did not stop with Affirmative Action. Next came "BEE," Black Economic Empowerment (in fact, it is rather "Black Elite Enrichment") where every white owned business has to have a black partner if it wants to get business from the state and its many entities like state owned companies. You build up your own business and just when you succeed, you have to give half of it away to a black partner whose value adding is limited to make you a BEE-compliant business that may do business with the state. Without BEE, you stay a backyard business forever, dependent on the ever shrinking private, non BEE-compliant sector. Not even private property is safe. "Redistribution" of farm land is a permanent issue and the state plans new laws to give it the power of expropriation, not only of farm land, but even urban land and houses.

It did not stop with the economy; education had also to be transformed. "Access" is the ANC's buzzword. South Africa has always been a multi-ethnic country; therefore, a variety of institutions in basically each of the 11 official languages, schools and even universities, was provided. But the rulers decided, although paying lip-service to "multi-lingualism" (when it is useful as a weapon against Afrikaans, at least), that a united South Africa needs one language. Since there is no majority language, one had to be created: English. Only 4.8 out of 50+ million South Africans speak English as their mother-tongue, while Afrikaans is spoken by 6.8 million, and more important, is spread widely over the whole country, while all other languages are basically regionally based (and English as mother tongue is limited to a few big cities).

Although there are plenty of schools in English and other languages available, Afrikaans is a stumbling block for the ANC, because its continued use "excludes" blacks, who generally don't speak this tongue. Although most blacks struggle with English, it had to become their "official" language and all other languages, especially Afrikaans, had to give way. Of course, English, Xhosa or Zulu Schools and universities exclude Afrikaans speakers, but that is beside the point. Of the original five Afrikaans universities (out of 14), only two are left, and even they are forced to stop speaking Afrikaans in an official capacity.

It does not stop with language; the Afrikaner's heritage is under attack, too. Countless street-names and even town names have been changed from Afrikaans to black names, often honouring doubtful "struggle-heroes," i.e. terrorists. Many Afrikaner monuments have already been removed and recently, remaining monuments have been attacked and damaged by the radical "Economic Freedom Fighters".

Malevolent Malema, the notorious anti-white demagogue. 
Even worse than economic and language discrimination is the violent crime. Although not caused by government, it is not effectively curtailed either and government hardly ever speaks out against brutal murders of whites. Frequent indulgence in hate-speech against whites by politicians – most notably the notorious Julius Malema – likely encourages the very brutal attacks especially against white farmers. Over 3,000 farmers have been murdered – many with extreme brutality – since the ANC took over power in 1994. Crime is also rampant in the cities and fear is part of everyday life. Adding to that is rapid deterioration of municipal services. Power shortages, poisoned drinking water, pot-holed roads are all aspects of the "new, democratic South Africa" which makes daily life miserable.


But in the midst of a sinking South Africa, there is one beacon of hope: the Afrikaner self-governed town of Orania.

Orania in today's South Africa is a bit like Asterix's village in conquered Gaul. The town is a private entity that has striven since its founding in 1991 to provide a self-determined homeland for Afrikaners. Here Afrikaans is the official language. All work, even manual labour, is done by Afrikaners. In that way, jobs for poor Afrikaners are created. There is no interference from government in how Oranians run their businesses, and there are many one-man enterprises. Apart from having to pay a low yearly registration tax, we are left alone.

Crime is virtually non-existent in Orania. Here is no violent crime, and rare incidents of theft, committed by fellow Afrikaners, are quickly resolved; in such cases, the transgressor has to do community work for minor offences, or otherwise has to leave town.

The infrastructure of Orania is managed and kept for by the town office, and financed through monthly levies on each and every plot. The drinking water is pure, sewage goes to sewage works and does not run down the streets (as happens more and more often elsewhere in South Africa), the electricity network is kept in shape and although the town is still dependent on the national power provider Eskom, a solar power station is in planning and more  and more people use green energy.

In Orania, the Afrikaner's cultural heritage is cherished. Monuments of Afrikaner heroes, that have been removed elsewhere, have been re-erected at a specific monument hill, and the two museums exhibit artifacts from Afrikaner's history. We commemorate our history through our own public holidays, quite different from South Africa with their "struggle"-inspired holidays like "Youth Day", "Women's Day," "Freedom Day" etc.

For me, as an Afrikaner, Orania is the only place in South Africa where I can live as a free man in the way that suits me.

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