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Wednesday 27 May 2015


NASA has recently come out in support of ditching the American flag in favour of using what has been described as an “International Flag of the Planet Earth.” Accompanying the story is a picture of a Non-White woman in a space suit, sitting in front of two of the new flags, reminding all you cisgendered racists out there that the endless vacuity of the cosmos is essentially a feminine space that must no longer be violated by the phallic rocket thrust of the evil White man.

The flag features seven interlocking circles that, on first sight, suggest a bad case of haemorrhoids –possibly linked to the disruption of bowel movements in zero gravity – although apparently the flag's design has more fragrant and earthbound symbolism, according to its creator Oskar Pernefeldt (a Swede, naturally):
"Centred in the flag, seven rings form a flower – a symbol of the life on Earth. The rings are linked to each other, which represents how everything on our planet, directly or indirectly, are linked. The blue field represents water which is essential for life – also as the oceans cover most of our planet’s surface. The flower’s outer rings form a circle which could be seen as a symbol of Earth as a planet and the blue surface could represent the universe."
Not only is space being feminized, but also the Earth – it is transformed into a big, wet, eco-conscious flower, rather than the launch pad of the Superman who will one day conquer the Universe. This is unwittingly apt as it implies pure passivity, as if the Earth were merely waiting for some giant alien space wasp to come and pollinate it.

This story will no doubt generate a bit of heat on the internet, but, like NASA itself, it is essentially meaningless. Despite the "universalism" of its flag, the modern-day NASA is closer to a convention of Trekkies than a viable organization for the exploration and colonization of space. NASA in its heyday and NASA today are at different ends of the conceptual universe, with the latter having fallen down a very deep Black Hole.

Back in the 1960s and 70s NASA was an organization of nerdy but cool, super-intelligent, can-do White guys in short sleeves and horn-rimmed glasses, who built enormous rockets that put buzz-cut ex-boy scouts and test pilots on the Moon – and then gave them buggies! The famous Saturn V rocket that launched the Apollo missions was as long as a football pitch and shook the earth when it took it mighty steps into the cosmos.

Panzers on the Moon!
In the late 70s and then the 80s – just as America was ramping up the Cold War elsewhere – the organization went into a sharp decline, as it became increasingly concerned with filling race and gender quotas, and sucking up to the environmental lobby.

It was essentially a victim of the Reagan years and the high profile utility it offered to throw the liberal left a bone. With America comfortably leading in the Space Race, NASA could safely be sacrificed as a sop to Leftist narratives – gender and racial “empowerment” and environmentalism – while the rest of the country got on with the business of winning the Cold War. It is no coincidence that this was also the time that Martin Luther King Day came into being. While America was sticking it to the Soviets, it had to keep a lid on its own internal divisions. NASA had already served its original purpose and could serve an additional one by placating the ethnic and environmental lobbies.

When one of NASA’s reusable shuttles – with two women and a couple of ethnics on board – exploded in the Florida sky in 1986, the organization’s death knell was sounded. Twenty years earlier, NASA would have shrugged off seven dead astronauts, found out the problem, and moved on with a launch a few weeks later. No doubt they would have concluded that having a reusable rocket was the problem, and switched back to the cruder, more effective, but ecologically insensitive Saturn V. But in those days, NASA was a virile organization that took its role – getting to the Moon before the Commies – seriously, not some pointless waste of public money with a PR department and ethnic outreach agenda.

Challenger: die-versity in action.
Just as America immediately pulled its marines out of the Lebanon in 1984 after just one successful suicide attack by Hezbollah, so the Challenger disaster saw America essentially giving up on space.

There were a few more nervous missions – the next one after Challenger was entirely staffed by White guys – in order to get the Hubble telescope in orbit (an essential project if NASA was going to justify any budget at all). But, after that, things tailed off. When a second shuttle Columbia – with an almost identically diverse crew – burned up on re-entry in 2003 the final nail was in the coffin.

Now, instead of actually conquering space, NASA tries to generate interest – and justification for its budget – by pretending to be a space exploration organization, in other words, LARPing (live-action role playing). This recent non-story is a perfect example of its more recent inactivities.

All White now: The first post-Challenger crew.
In reality, it has no choice. Unless it wants to be seen as a sexist, racist, White supremacist organization run by ex-Nazis or their like, it can’t afford to actually achieve anything by itself. At best it can send up unmanned satellites or piggyback on the space programs of other nations, as with the International Space Station, which is mainly a Russian show. But building its own manned space ships is obviously too high-risk a venture when you have all those PC boxes to tick as well.

A space organization that places “affirmative action” and ethnic and gender outreach at the head of its priorities can forget about ever reaching the stars; while a civilization that refuses to explore space because of "environmental concerns" will still be anchored to the ground when its own environment, no matter how carefully tended, turns on it as it inevitably will.

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