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Saturday 17 October 2015


The problem with Whites is that we are way too intelligent. Intelligence can doubtless be defined a million ways – a sure sign of intelligence in itself – but, in essence, it is the ability to overuse the brain so that it doesn’t function properly; and by “function” I mean support the very simple purposes for which it was evolved: socialize, group-bond, maintain identity, resist aggression, breed, protect, survive, and expand. Of course intelligence makes us feel good about ourselves, but, also, as opposed to wisdom, it is the enemy.

A little etymology:
intelligence (n.) late 14c., "faculty of understanding," from Old French intelligence (12c.), from Latin intelligentia, intellegentia "understanding, power of discerning; art, skill, taste," from intelligentem (nominative intelligens) "discerning," present participle of intelligere "to understand, comprehend," from inter- "between" (see inter-) + legere "choose, pick out, read" (see lecture (n.)). Meaning superior understanding, sagacity" is from early 15c. Sense of "information, news" first recorded mid-15c., especially "secret information from spies" (1580s). Intelligence quotient first recorded 1921 (see I.Q.).

wisdom (n.) Old English wisdom, from wis (see wise (adj.)) + -dom. A common Germanic compound (cf. Old Saxon, Old Frisian wisdom, Old Norse visdomr, Old High German wistuom "wisdom," German Weistum "judicial sentence serving as a precedent"). Wisdom teeth so called from 1848 (earlier teeth of wisdom, 1660s), a loan-translation of Latin dentes sapientiae, itself a loan-translation of Greek sophronisteres (used by Hippocrates, from sophron "prudent, self-controlled"), so called because they usually appear ages 17-25, when a person reaches adulthood.
OK, what does this prove? First of all, intelligence is newer (from a twelfth-century French word), and compared to wisdom, has a much busier etymology. It clearly has its roots in medieval scholasticism; y’know, all that nonsense about how many seraphim can ice-skate on the back of thumb tack, and was probably used by England's Norman upper classes and imported clergy to "signal" how "socially superior" they were over the downtrodden Saxon masses.

Wisdom is as old as English itself, more organic – literally so with reference to the teeth – and rooted in folk and tradition ("precedent"). It's definition is much more static, like a sacred stone that has stood there for centuries, soaking up a power that it now emits.

Intelligence, by contrast is busy, busy, busy. It implies information overload ("comprehend," "read, " "sense of information," "news") and frantically thinking about things ("understanding," "choose," "power of discerning,"  "pick out"). Its roots in scholasticism also give it a quality of adhering to words and rules, and extrapolating into the future, rather than looking to the past. It clearly has a lot more moving parts – and we all know what that means.

Wisdom is more Zen-like, an unattached cognizance of things as they are, condensing in the right decision (whenever a decision is necessary). Intelligence is the opposite – over-attached to details, logical points, and cute little demonstrations of cleverness – jumping to conclusions too early, and then dancing around facts with bells on its ears. A perfect synonym for it is sophistry.

Wisdom, by contrast, is centred and stately. It represents impressions, facts, and innate truths fusing together seamlessly in a greater sense of truth. While wisdom unites, intelligence divides. It focuses on splitting hairs, nitpicking, cherry-picking, setting off egos, creating factions. It also has a constant need to validate itself and to be praised, like a garrulous woman with too much make-up. It is hollow and socially noisy. Wisdom by contrast is quieter and more assured. To put it in manosphere terms, wisdom is clearly the alpha, whose silence is only a measure of how loud he can roar, while intelligence is the irritating beta, constantly buzzing around, seeking the attention he isn't getting.

From this, it should be obvious which works best, and why the world and the West is in such a mess. Politically wisdom is of the right, intelligence of the left. But for decades now we have been living in a world of busy intelligence that has snubbed wisdom, a world where we have been cleverly explaining why things don't work and why they will work if only we do this, that, or the other, all the time digging our hole-shaped society deeper and deeper. We have chosen intelligence over wisdom purely for economic reasons, as stupidity has always been a great way to stimulate the economy.

Things are really a lot simpler than intelligence would have you believe. The truth is all around us all the time, and the more mistakes we make the harder reality hits us over the head. At present it's practically hitting us over the head with a sledge hammer 24-7. Only those with their heads tightly swaddled with the particularly dense form of stupidity that intelligence is capable of, could fail to notice.


  1. Wisdom is Knowing

    Intelligence is Understanding

    Sadly neither is terribly well represented in the general population, left or right does not matter.

    1. PS. and Intelligence is not "new" it has simply been very well repressed by the Church in the Dark Ages. Where you where permitted to "know" certain things, most of them false anyway, but where an instant heretic if you displayed any understanding of the "why" because that led obviously to real knowledge.


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