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Saturday 28 September 2013


London was not always evil.

There was a time in British history when the financial resources of The City, the industry of the North, the military prowess of the Celtic fringes, and the markets and raw materials of the colonies created a positive win-win synergy that transformed the World. But, throughout the 20th century, the mismatch between London and the rest of the UK has become progressively greater, with the former becoming a parasite on the latter.

The key period of transition was the fall of the Empire (1939-1956), following which the City strove to continue its global hegemony by other means, becoming, in a sense, rather like post-Imperial Rome – a penumbra of indirect power, emanating from the ruins of a once great Empire.

But just as the Papacy damned those territories around Rome to backwardness, so the City of London played a similar retarding role on the UK economy, which could never properly modernize, and UK society, which was unable to adjust to its new post-Imperial reality as a non-global state.

How the City exerts its malevolence was highlighted in an article 
No vote nae threat to London elite,” by the ex-Marxist Scottish nationalist George Kerevan, published recently in The Scotsman newspaper. The "No vote" refers to the lavishly-funded campaign to vote "No" in next year's referendum on Scottish independence. 

Kerevan’s point is that, although The City wants Scotland to remain in the union because it "helps to justify the seat at the top table of the UN and EU," a more important reason it opposes the break-up is because it fears authentic Englishness and wants to promote in its place a new, fake "Britishness" (showcased at the London Olympics last year) to further its interests. Kerevan describes this ersatz identity as follows:

"...the construct of a New Britishness as a personal identity also signifies the globalist agenda of the London city state. Implicit in the new 'liberal' Britishness are values that promote the free market, low taxation and deregulation. The New Britishness favours immigration because London needs cheap labour and Russian billionaires."

This "Britishness" is to serve as a distorted, deracialized, and therefore genocidal avatar for the identity of the English, as their Englishness is suppressed through the organs of elite propaganda.

"...the London metropolitan elite – City bankers, international oligarchs, media darlings, and Westminster politicians – has come to despise expressions of traditional Englishness. These they view as parochial, racist and isolationist – hardly the values you need to be a city-state that seeks to dominate the global economy. Plus the very English notion of fairness precludes obscene City bonuses and MP’s perks."

In other words, in order to maintain its economic parasitism on the nation and the wider World, The City realizes it must destroy or at least retard every authentic identity in the British Isles under an elastic simulacrum of "Britishness" that it can define at will.

The perfect symbolic image of what is intended by this notion – as that is all it is – was demonstrated in a recent article on the BBC website dealing with the issue of distrust of Muslims among young people.

Alongside the gentle soft-soaping on the issue, the BBC ran an obviously contrived photo of someone in a burka waving a British flag.

When you consider the greed that motivates The City, the depths it will go to achieve its ends, and the pernicious effects of its selfish malevolence on the rest of the country, then the idea of destroying London in the same way that the Romans destroyed Ancient Carthage may not seem quite so shocking.

BBC: "British" is whatever we tell you it is.

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