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Tuesday 6 August 2019


Greg Johnson, the world's leading authority
on Hindu Nazi nutjob Savitri Devi
by Colin Liddell

You've got to laugh, really. A few weeks after Richard Spencer, the Alt-Right's number one "sub-masculine Anglo," whored himself out to CNN to attack Trump's mean tweets, the Alt-Right's number two "sub-masculine Anglo," Greg Johnson, is now desperately playing catch-up, trying to rentboy himself out to any mainstream outlet that will have him by releasing a "Press Release" entitled "Author of The White Nationalist Manifesto Blames Trump for El Paso shooting."

This ludicrous document uses the following twee logic in an frantic attempt to get noticed:
Donald Trump was elected on the platform of building a wall on the Mexican border — which is right next to El Paso — and ending massive non-white immigration. Trump has had more than two-and-a-half years to keep his promises, and he has done virtually nothing. Indeed, the Mexican border has collapsed under Trump. More than one million illegals are expected to arrive this year. America is no longer a serious country.

I am sure Patrick Crusius, like around 60 million white Americans who voted for Trump, had high hopes that he would restore our southern border. But those hopes have been dashed. If Trump had actually kept his campaign promises, Crusius probably would not have been driven to this desperate act.

Trump is fond of trotting out the mothers of Americans who have been killed by illegal aliens. Because of his failure to stop the invasion, Trump now has innocent American blood on his hands as well.
"Oh, big bad mainstream media, purr-lease purr-lease notice me."

Yes, this is beyond retarded. In fact it is the kind of supremely stupid shit that only over-intellectualised White people with zero common sense can pull off. Both Dickie and Greg are perfect fits—and perfect twits.

Yes, Trump has been a bit crap about some things, but I'm still inclined to cut the guy a bit of slack, as he seems to be genuinely trying against a stacked deck and a mountain of opposition. Forgive me for not going into details, as it would prolong this article more than it needs to be. All I want to say is that if you are going to use such ropey logic to blame Trump for this, then why not cut to the chase and simply blame Greg Johnson and Richard Spencer for the shooting?

No, seriously.

The problem that America has is a political system that is deeply dysfunctional. It doesn't represent the interests of its core population and can easily be co-opted by donors/bribers. The bi-partisan structure helps lock all this bad stuff in. But, given the fact that the problems of mass immigration, multiculturalism, and racial replacement have been going on for so long, why hasn't the nationalist right in America been able to get its act together and break this disgusting duopoly by creating a viable populist/nationalist Third Party that can reach out and appeal to the average White American?

The sad fact is that American nationalism, of which Spencer and Johnson are only the latest expressions, has completely failed. But also, it has to be pointed out, this is not a universal condition. In other Western countries, the old Centre-Left-Centre-Right duopolies have either been overthrown, as in Italy, or severely shaken as in the UK, France, and even Germany.

Why is this so?

To keep it as simple as possible this is mainly because they have avoided the constant Nazi-signalling that dumb American nationalists seem to get constantly suckered into.

What made the Alt-Right special, while it was still special, was that it initially promised to be something different, until suddenly it wasn't. I remember that moment quite well.

Those Hitler salutes for the cameras in November 2016 didn't just come out of the blue. Dickie had been prepping for that all week, with Arno Brecker aesthetics (totally gay!), Wagnerian music, Hitlerian rhetoric, and his fat friend (((Mike Enoch))) actually sieg heiling from the stage.

In this case Spencer was clumsily catching up with Johnson, who had a more solid track record of intellectualised Naziism, which I touched upon in this old article: "When You're Covered in Shit."

A typical day at Counter-Currents
So why have European nationalists been able to avoid this shit-trap and go on to greater and greater success, while Spencer, Johnson, and Co. have backed themselves into a dingy, little, swastika-adorned ghetto?

Possibly it's because European nationalist movements are not made up of effete Anglo types and mystery meat morons hard-wired to find Nazi schtick and Jew-obsessing compelling. It could also have a little something to do with the shenanigans of America's Deep State, but then Europe too has a Deep State.

The main point is that Johnson and sub-Bond villain Spencer are exactly the types identified by the authors of The Pink Swastika, for whom politics is more a sick, kinky role-playing game than something based on achieving practical goals and maintaining moral appeal.

If America had an actual healthy nationalist movement instead of a Nazi LARPing club, then you would have a situation where frustrated incel nutjobs, like the El Paso shooter, would have to search extra hard for excuses to go ballistic. No doubt they would find them, but nationalism and the only US President to make any kind effort on behalf of ordinary Americans in over 50 years wouldn't be in the firing line.

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