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Thursday 7 November 2019


That's $121.53 cents a second, Goys.
by Utter Contempt

What do you think was really behind the Netanyahu-Obama feud in the lead-up to the Iran nuclear deal?

Obviously, the United States government is the enforcement arm (with Israel as one of its proxies) of a global oil and banking cartel. Accordingly, every accoutrement of your comfortable life in America—from indoor temperature control to heavy industry, oil refining, shipping and warehousing of consumer goods, the very electricity you’re using right now to read this—depends, in part, on the price of oil, and thus, on containment of Iran.

It depends on a lot of other factors as well; but generally speaking, whether thousands upon thousands of Israelis—soldiers, civilians, women, children, old people—are slaughtered in an apocalyptic war depends on just this one. And when it comes to containing Iran, Israel is doing the heavy lifting—its intel ops throughout the mideast, its air force over Syria—so that Hector and Raylene can have a gut bomb and a Monster Energy at the Cum & Go. And I don’t like Hector or Raylene any more than you do, but those are the facts.

So I’m sorry, but the widespread notion that U.S. aid to Israel is charity, and that U.S. troops are deployed to the mideast to protect Israeli interests, is appallingly stupid and malicious.

Starting early next decade, every dollar of U.S. aid to Israel will become a direct subsidy of the U.S. military-industrial complex. For about 35 years, it’s been 75%—Israel was allowed to spend roughly 25% of U.S. aid annually on its own domestic defense industry. This was originally part of a deal in the mid-80s that decimated Israeli aircraft development: Israel Aerospace Industries had developed a third-generation fighter aircraft, the Lavi, a kind of store-brand F-16, and U.S. manufacturers didn’t want the competition. So Reagan applied huge pressure to squash the Lavi, putting a few thousand Israeli engineers out of work in the process. The U.S. aid regime we’ve known all our lives was a direct outgrowth of this incident, offered to Israel as inducement (on the back end of significant dissuasive pressures) to abandon aerospace independence, something even Brazil and South Korea enjoy. Israel was probably singled out because it’s a bigger market (and testing ground) for U.S. equipment than those other countries.

But allowing Israel to spend 25% of U.S. aid on domestic wares turned out to be even more advantageous to U.S. industry than the 75% of aid Israel was required to spend stateside, because if your military is committed to spending a few billion dollars annually in the U.S. market, this means you’ve got to develop gear that’s compatible with U.S. systems, leading Israeli companies to partner almost exclusively with U.S. firms, set up taxpaying U.S. subsidiaries employing thousands of Americans, and share the technology they develop with U.S. partners first, rather than shopping around for the highest bidder.

Well, the military industrial complex is as much a pyramid scheme as the banking and insurance industries; why should U.S. aid to Israel be the lone exception to this? Israel’s annual defense budget is about $20 billion; $4 billion of this comes from America, but that $4 means that the bulk of the overall $20 gets spent in America. So for every dollar in U.S. aid, the Israeli taxpayer affectively shells out three or four subsidizing U.S. manufacturing.

Now, starting next decade, Israel will be required to spend 100% of U.S. aid in the U.S., and Israeli companies are laying off workers and relocating their manufacturing operations to the U.S. Israeli businesses that manufacture tank treads, helmets, and boots are going belly-up.

And those Israeli factory workers aren’t the only economic casualties. During the 50s and 60s, Israel’s economy grew at an annual rate on about 6%. In the mid-70s, U.S. aid started coming in, and over the next three decades, Israel’s economic growth slowed to less than 2%. To this day, Israeli economic growth consists largely in hosting facilities for big U.S. tech firms, and selling start-ups to those same companies. There can be almost no other long-term objective for an Israeli tech company than to get acquired by an American one. This has benefits for Israel, but national independence is not one of them.

As for this bullshit about U.S. troops supposedly dying for Israel: who is making all the profits from America’s post-9/11 wars? America’s military spending is in the hundreds of billions of dollars per year. Aid to Israel is less than 1% of this—that’s how little America’s near complete leverage over Israel costs. Is it any wonder, then, that Israel’s intelligence services try to infiltrate the U.S. in order to gain some influence over decision making?

Uncle Sam knows this, of course: of the top several dozen U.S. defense firms, whose executives need security clearances higher than God, none is headed by a Jew. Most of them don’t even have a Jew on the board, and no major U.S. oil company does. America’s wars are hugely profitable, first and foremost, for elite American gentiles. This isn’t to say that Jews aren’t disproportionately powerful in certain areas, but when you’re steeped in narratives about changing demographics and leftist insanity it can be easy to lose track of the extent to which this country is still run by Todds and Karens, who’ve been instrumental in producing this mess. I mean, do you really think that the few hundred million that Zionists spend annually to lobby U.S. pols is a bigger incentive than the trillions extracted from U.S. taxpayers over the last two decades to finance war?

Even with Jewish overrepresentation, the vast majority of executives of Fortune 100 companies are still white gentiles. And there’s nothing wrong with that, per se, but (again, even with Jewish overrepresentation) that’s mostly who’s behind institutional global liberalism, e.g., Carnegie Corp, the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, Bill and Melinda Gates, Warren Buffet and Jeff Bezos’s philanthropy of “dreamers” and gay pride, the Kelloggs, the Melons, Morgans, Gettys, Vanderbilts, etc.

Gives globalism a Jewish face while hating Israel.
It isn’t just Soros—whose Open Society Foundation’s mission is inimical to Zionism, just like the social agenda of all those other endowed organizations. Rich Jews and the Mossad running interference is the least we should expect under these circumstances. Israel is not wagging the dog, it is the dog, the attack dog for global liberalism, and in the event of a full-blown war for Atlanticist economic interests, Israelis will absorb the costs, like they did in 2006. That a handful of diaspora Jews may also find a way to profit from it doesn’t change that fact.

Thus, if U.S. military planning has anything to do with Israel’s security, it’s because Israel is a strategic asset—they’re a politically stable, hugely innovative, and militarily formidable ally of the Gulf monarchies that produce all of America’s oil, and they’re a huge market for American weapons, among other goods and services. America’s interest in containing Iran is also heavily tied to control of global oil markets. So it was in America’s interest to strike a deal with Iran in 2010 and leave the Israelis to sweat an Iranian nuclear breakout—which we’re still sweating. At the time, Obama’s national security advisor even threatened to shoot down Israeli fighter jets if they tried to use Iraqi airspace to attack Iran.

By the way, if America ever does strike Iran, it will be to accomplish American geopolitical aims, at the cost of Israeli civilian lives and infrastructure when the Iranians attack Israel in retaliation, as the Iraqis did in 1991. But unlike Iraq, Iran will have had the benefit of nearly a decade of oil revenues financing armaments and training, including of Hezbollah, partly using American cash.

Again, your comfortable life in America is bought in part by Israelis living under constant threat of a massive war on their territory. But it’s also bought (in the grand scheme only slightly, I admit) directly with the lives of Israeli soldiers and civilians: when Israel had Arafat within a hair’s breadth of his life in Beirut, it was Reagan who extracted him. It was Bush and Baker who pressured Israel to recognize the PLO, and Clinton who pressured Israel to allow Arafat and his band of genocidal kleptocrats back from Tunis into the West Bank, where they eventually used the U.S. aid and training they’d received to murder thousands of Israelis throughout the 1990s and the second intifada of the early 2000s. It wasn’t Hamas in 2002 who holed up in the Church of the Nativity, extorted the monks, held them hostage, and used the place as a latrine. It was the U.S. sponsored PLO.

I’m not saying these measures were foisted on Israel maliciously, as part of some anti-semitic conspiracy. But Israel’s long-term viability as an arms market depends on constant, low-grade conflict. If the CIA can manufacture a crack epidemic for the blacks, what’s putting it past them to exacerbate Israel’s conflicts with its neighbors? The truth is of course way more complicated, and may be way less nefarious. But the point remains: Americans no more die for Israel than Israelis die for America. And U.S. aid to Israel is more than a quid pro quo, it’s a purchase of significant leverage that Israel never had the option of withholding. That they’re frequently able to barter effectively? Big deal. All that confirms is that they’re Jews.

Also published at Utter Contempt

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