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Saturday 7 March 2020


Today is the first anniversary of Guillaume Faye's death. In commemoration we are republishing Constantin von Hoffmeister's tribute from last year.

"I know the skies bursting into lightning, and the whirlwind
And the surf and the currents: I know the evening,
The dawn rising like a flock of doves,
And I sometimes saw what men only thought they saw!"

                                    — Arthur Rimbaud, The Drunken Boat
Guillaume Faye entered the gates of Valhalla on March 7, 2019. He leaves behind an impressive body of work. His main vision concerns the creation of a White superpower, which he dubbed Eurosiberia, stretching from Lisbon to Vladivostok. Another term for the same geopolitical construct is Euro-Russia, the merger of Western Europe and the Russian Far East — to herald the beginning of a new European Golden Age, with our continent becoming truly independent of the pernicious influence of the other global players today.

The theoretical underpinning for this super state is the Faustian philosophy of Archeofuturism, which posits that the old and traditional has to enter a fruitful marriage with the new and cutting edge. Spaceships named after Odin and Hercules will pierce the sky in the search for suitable exoplanets to explore and colonize. Megacities will coexist with quaint villages in a lush landscape. Villagers will marvel at the steel spires from afar while toiling in their fields. The technocratic elite in the cities, meanwhile, will find new ways to make the home of the White race more environmentally sustainable without losing sight of the main goal: The Second Stealing of the Fire.

For Faye, the enemy is very clear: the “masses of aliens who immigrate and settle here with us.” This enemy is symbolized by Islam, which Faye accuses of a colonization that leads to the destruction of native European peoples. America, however, is merely an opponent. According to Faye, it cannot be considered an enemy because it only represents geopolitical interests. America is only strong because Europe is weak.

The problem
For Faye it is not class war but the racial struggle for supremacy that drives history. The Nietzschean will to power is an integral feature of the European people. Its current absence is the main cause for the imminent fall of Western civilization.

Faye was opposed to cultural relativism or hippie ideas like “anti-imperialism.” He had no interest in fighting for any people except his own, namely Europeans, because “each people is only responsible for its own identity, and history is a graveyard of peoples and cultures.” The concept of ethnocentrism postulates that the race or ethnic group one belongs to is the cornerstone of all considerations.

Guillaume Faye was neither an angel nor a saint. He was a heavy drinker and smoker, an active participant in porn movies and a womanizer. He was a French poet in the vain of Arthur Rimbaud and Paul Verlaine. He was literally possessed by the exuberant and frenzied spirit of the French symbolists, always uncovering new truths, formulating fundamental axioms and making predictions, which all true Europeans hope will one day come to pass. Burning the candle at both ends like the Absinthe-guzzlers of yore, Faye’s near hallucinatory visions have the same elegance and beauty as Charles Baudelaire’s apocalyptic prophecies, but while the latter’s are uniformly pessimistic about the failure of modernity, the former’s are unequivocally filled with the optimistic joy of a future overcoming. Faye embraces the Age of Rapid Progress and believes creating chimeras in laboratories would be a swell thing to behold.

The White race is the master of Eurasia. Eurosiberians are the inhabitants of Europe and Russia. Only eight million Whites live in Siberia. It is their obligation to multiply and colonize this vast space. Siberia is the new Wild West. Islam is an enemy of Europe. The North is the enemy of the South. A new battlefront has been drawn. In the trenches in the North, the White race, grim-faced and merciless, sits ready with guns cocked and cannons loaded. The West will decolonize itself with the help of fresh blood from the East. West and East will merge and become Eurosiberia. The Eurosiberian identity will give birth to the counterrevolution which will pit itself against the world revolution of the colored peoples.

In his book The New Jewish Question (published in France in July 2007), Guillaume Faye denounces Holocaust “revisionism” (or denial). Prominent Holocaust “revisionist” Robert Faurrison denounced Faye for that transgression against rightist dogma. Personally, I have come to the conclusion that Holocaust “revisionism” is utterly inconsequential and counterproductive to the cause of racial liberation. Naturally, Holocaust “revisionism” is mostly the home of raging anti-Semites (who try to downplay the anti-White policies of the Nazis). Faye was a progressive European nationalist and hence on our side. Most Holocaust “revisionists” are not on our side. Also, it is not “the Jews” who criminalized Holocaust “revisionism” but gentile officials of gentile countries.

Faye was opposed to demonizing and scapegoating Jews, as so many people on the Right are delusionally wont to do. Faye took the position of Friedrich Nietzsche when he stated that “to run down the Jews serves no purpose, it’s politically stupid and unproductive.” Faye also correctly identified anti-Zionism as merely another form of anti-Semitism. He said that “anti-Judaism [a term he prefers to anti-Semitism] is a political position that is obsolete, unhelpful, out of date, even when camouflaged as anti-Zionism.” Faye castigated European nationalists who view Israel as an enemy:
“How could I be anti-Zionist? ... Unlike Islamism, Communism, Leftism, human rights, and masochistic, post-conciliar Christianity, Zionism neither opposes nor restrains in any significant way the ideals I defend, that is, the preservation of [Europe’s racial] identity. How would the disappearance of Israel serve my cause? For a European identitarian to think that the Hebrew state is an enemy is geopolitically stupid.”
RTS = Racialist Tourette's Syndrome: A condition that describes people who can't shut up about "the Jews." Such people are usually not interested in winning.

Guillaume Faye is reviled among the mentally ill RTS crowd. They cannot comprehend that a man of his stature could simply “ignore” what they falsely view as the number one cause of the West’s decline. While Faye was not afraid of criticizing individual Jews and Jewish groups, he made it very clear that “the Jews” as a monolithic group do not exist, as evidenced by the fact that many Jews are also on “our side.”

The other problem
Guillaume Faye most certainly supported Israel. He made this quite clear in many private conversations I had with him in Moscow. Faye has absolutely nothing in common with the “Jewish conspiracy” theorists, who, unfortunately, still infest the Right. Luckily, though, more and more people are realizing that this way of thinking is anachronistic, counterproductive and definitely not based in reality. Since Faye is possibly the most important thinker of the Right, it seems fair to say that the Right is not a monolithic anti-Zionist beast. Some rightists’ anti-Semitism leads them to embrace Islam as their new identity. Their obsession with “the Jews” leads them directly into the camp of Europe’s deadliest enemies.

Guillaume Faye is a Hero of Eurosiberia precisely because he had a wider vision and an insight that was not limited to insane fringe conspiracy theorizing but rather to levelheaded and fact-based analyses of the current status quo. Faye’s heroic status stems directly from his ability to prophesy and inspire without resorting to lies and falsehoods. Faye, who foresaw a “convergence of catastrophes” (a natural disaster combined with a massive military conflict, for example, could bring about the desired paradigm shift) and preached a return to eternal values while embracing the coming Technological Singularity, was and will always remain the black-pilled prophet of European optimism - a true Promethean soul!

Faye's ideas about racial and cultural struggles as the key to Western self-discovery finally culminated in a book that was published exactly one day after his passing: Guerre Civile Raciale (Racial Civil War). The esteemed American pro-White advocate Jared Taylor wrote the preface. In this book, Faye bemoans the sheep-like passivity of his people in the face of replacement and subjugation, but he also expresses his fervent wish that one day, weary of being deprived of their culture and way of life, they will rise up and, animated by their survival instinct and sense of self-defense, start organizing a counteroffensive which will hopefully lead to a FINAL VICTORY.

The author and Guillaume Faye in Moscow - July, 2007

Originally published here on the 13th of March, 2019. 

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