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Saturday 15 August 2020


Allegedly not a racist
by Daniel Barge

When a Black person kills a White person these days, the first question that is asked is: "Was the White person a racist (and thus deserved it)?"

This is even the case in the killing of a 5-year-old child gunned down in front of his sisters for the possibly racist microaggression of allegedly riding his bike on his Black neighbor's lawn.

Here is the child's distraught mother making clear that her son was not racist, as reported by the Washington Times:
She also sought to dispel some rumors swirling on social media that the shooting could have been racially motivated (Sessoms is Black and Cannon was White), or that Sessoms flew into a rage because the boy was allegedly riding his bike on Sessoms‘ property.

“My baby didn’t see color, my baby made sure you knew he loved you even if he only knew you five minutes. [I don’t care] what damn color you were!” she wrote in one post in all capital letters. “This was not just because my baby was riding a bike!! Don’t let this social media and news for you!” she wrote in another.
Yes, she sought to dispel "rumors" of racism by focusing on her own son, rather than the man who shot him!

Typical White people stuff in modern-day anti-White America: Your toddler get's gunned down by a Black man, but instead of pointing to the very real possibility that the murder was motivated by anti-White hatred and the endless litany of "Black Live Matter (White Lives Not So Much)," you are immediately put in the position of having to deny the possibly racist motivations of your 5-year-old dead child riding his bicycle in the vicinity of a Black man.

Tell me once again how diversity is our strength.

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