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Thursday 20 September 2018


Goys, you're under attack by Bono.
by Duns Scotus 

Don't get me wrong, I like Red Ice. Firstly because they are a dissident voice, and secondly because they sometimes produce interesting content. But, like anybody, they are subject to the rules of economic survival, and in their case that often means generating the maximum amount of hysteria about what's wrong with the world, and framing it in terms of paranoia to have the maximum emotional impact on their target audience.

To the weak-minded, this kind of excited blackpilling casts them in the role of brave defender of the White race, and therefore worthy recipients of a few shekels. I don't grudge them it, as long as they don't grudge me feeling slightly miffed by the often tiresome tone this generates for those of us of a more phlegmatic disposition.

But what do I mean? A classic example is this story from a few months ago: MACRON OPENLY ENDORSES THE KALERGI PLAN: 200 MILLION AFRICANS TO MASS MIGRATE TO EUROPE IN THE NEXT 30 YEARS.

It's actually just a piece from Breitbart with a newer, scarier sounding headline, referencing the so-called Kalergi Plan, which is something of an Alt-Right meme—y'know the most evil plan that's ever been devised by man, etc. Well, at least according to the bullshit wing of the Alt-Right. But more on that later.

This headline is definitely clickbaity, so if you don't want to be manipulated by what you read, there is a Standard Operating Procedure you should follow with such stories: immediately search for the original source material on which it is based, and then blow away any remaining froth to see if there is anything solid there.

In this case, there is a link that you can click that leads to an edited text of answers given by Macron during a two-hour long interview. It's in French, but this can easily be translated by software.

Surprisingly, given the prominence accorded to the Kalergi Plan in Red Ice's headline, Macron neglects to mention this at all.

WTF! Is Red Ice fake news? Are they doing a CNN? Tell me it ain't so.

So, what exactly is all the fuss about? What are we supposed to feel all hot and bothered about? What is it that Macron said that elicited such a strong reaction from Red Ice?

Here's the bit on immigration, y'know that part of his plan to bring in 200 Million Africans within 30 Years that is enshrined in the headline:
"We have a migratory phenomenon that is there and will last, because there are geopolitical conflicts, climatic problems, and African demography that is there and that is a real bomb. In this context, I remain attached to the right to asylum, which is constitutional since 1946. It requires us to welcome all women and men who risk their lives in the country they come from. And we welcome them: the right of asylum is constitutionally defended and respected."
Shitlibby as this is, you will notice there is fuck all about 200 million African migrants moving to Europe. Can't really see Macron choosing that as his "hill to die on" with his popularity ratings scraping the bottom in recent months. What he said was basically just a vague endorsement of already existing French state policy on refugees.

Perhaps the context of the interview should also be mentioned. Macron was speaking at the Theatre National de Chaillot, in front of the Eiffel Tower, where the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed seventy years previously. In other words, this was big, signally "human rights" event, so this is exactly the sort of rubbish you would expect from any mainstream politician today, along with platitudes about "international cooperation," "World peace," and "washing the feet of lepers." This is also the way in which a second-rank state like France attempts to project soft power.

So, what about that scary figure of 200 million Africans descending on Europe? Did they just pluck that number out of their arses? Not entirely. During one of his answers that is not covered in the edited French text, it appears that Macron referred to a book by the French-American journalist Stephen Smith. Breitbart, it seems, then dug into that book and came up with Smith's estimate that the number of Africans living in Europe will grow from nine million to between 150 million and 200 million within the next 30 years. Quite a disconnect from Macron's actual speech!

Two points to make. Macron is not saying this, Smith is, and the number coming, according to Smith, is not 200 million but between 141 million and 191 million, as 9 million are apparently already here. That's quite a lot of sloppy journalism right there.

This makes Breitbart and Red Ice both look bad, but then Breitbart wants to scare its audience of Trumphats and Boomer patriotards, while Red Ice wants to have a similar effect on its audience of Alt-Righters. Why? Because that's how you win the media game in this day and age, by catering to hysteria. It is not just the Left that does this. The right sadly does it too.

In the interview Macron also came up with lines like this, which didn't quite fit the narrative and so magically disappeared from the final cut:
"I believe in a sovereign Europe, I believe in the sovereignty of our country on the subjects that depend on them: immigration, tax evasion. But I also believe in European sovereignty."
OK, so you're going to say these are merely the worthless platitudinous words of a politician—and I wouldn't give you an argument there—but you do notice how that works both ways, don't you?

Alt-Right boogeyman, Richard 
von Coudenhove-Kalergi
If you can dismiss these words as worthless, why then do you take a bland restatement of France's fraught refugee policy and a casual reference to an academic book on migration as a carved-in-stone commitment to something called the Kalergi Plan and the enforced importation of 200 million Africans?

Because you're being manipulated and you kind of want to be manipulated that's why.

As for the so-called Kalergi Plan, this is simply the concoction of naive, uneducated, or disingenuous White nationalists, built on two passages taken out of context from one of Kalergi's forgotten and unread books, Practical Idealism, which appeared in 1925 on the back of WWI.

The two passages in question are:
The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.
Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.
The book itself is a load of pseudo-intellectual claptrap in the vein of Evola and Spengler, with its head firmly in the clouds or, alternatively, up its own arse. If this is an example of a "plan," then a few notes written on the back of a newspaper might be the next literary masterpiece. Honesty, try wading through it yourself—you can find it here—but bring something to read on the journey as it's mind-numbingly boring.

At best this is a naive, idealist's retarded description of a future world, rather than a "cunning plan."

The actual plan that Kalergi was involved with was the one he's still remembered for—a kind of prototype of the European Union—didn't say anything about mixing in the brown hordes and even had a nifty Eurocentric flag like this:

Pretty fashy, if you ask me.
Based on this, if Kalergi hadn't said the occasional nice thing about the Jews and a mixed race future in another book, you could probably make him out to be a bit of a "fash," indeed not so different from Sir Oswald Mosley, a contemporary of Kalergi who believed in practically the same thing with regard to Europe.

But what we see here is the Alt-Right's tendency to blindly follow certain memes to the point where objectivity is lost, paranoia multiplies, and enslavement begins. This, in case you have forgotten, is no way to change the World.

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