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Saturday, 3 August 2024


Under its various incarnations, this site was the founding site of what came to be known as the Alt-Right. It distanced itself from that movement in 2018 (due to well-known reasons)  by renaming itself Affirmative Right.

In 2022, I decided to shut the site down in terms of new content but keep it up as an archive site. This was motivated by two different reasons:

(1) A lot of the content was actually extremely good and worth preserving online, despite the sad downward spiral of the Alternative Right in general
(2) Some of the content had, regardless of its quality, struck a chord and been of some minor metapolitical and historical importance

However, much of the content pushed out by our various writers, including myself, was of limited quality and limited relevance. Some of it was conspiritard, batshit nonsense, but, hey, we were a "big tent" back in the day! Sometimes the work was highly "time sensitive" and tied to a transitory news cycle and just seems dated and pointless today.

For these and other reasons, I have decided that all articles on this site will be systematically reviewed, on a year-by-year basis, and that a "cull" of the lesser works will take place. They will be removed from the internet, at least at this site. In fact, I have already done a little of this previously on an irregular basis.

Anyone is free to publish anything that may be culled in the coming months and years elsewhere. But at this site I will endeavour to only preserve those pieces of genuine and long lasting quality, although I cannot guarantee that I will always make the best decisions.

The cull will proceed from the earliest published pieces and move forward in time. First up will be articles from 2010, the year the Alt-Right was launched.

Time to thin the herd, as they say! So, let's begin with our 2010 content. 


WHAT IS IT TO ACCEPT TRADITION? by James Kalb (Pedantic piece on tradition that doesn't say anything much)

THEY BE WRONG by Jared Taylor (Short, rather lightweight piece about the decline of grammar and its impact on political debates)

GAY MARRIAGE: WHAT IS TO BE DONE? by Andy Nowicki (Low level analysis about "evil elites" forcing gay marriage on us)

EURABIA IN PERSPECTIVE by Richard Hoste (A rather tedious reply to the article immediately below, which has already been deleted, so this one has to be deleted too)

THE MEANING OF THE MYTH by Srdja Trifkovic (Overly partisan and rhetorical piece on the West vs Islam) 

WIPE THAT SMILE OFF HIS FACE by Alex Kurtagic (A rather tedious and long-winded piece on tolerance of Islamism in Western socities)

THE SREBRENICA GENOCIDE MYTH by Srdja Trifkovic (An obviously partisan Serbian view of a sensitive issue)

BLACK MEN CAN'T KICK by Joe Kowalski (Rather dull racial headcount of international football teams)

THE SPANISH GEORGE W. BUSH by Richard Hoste (Rather dated piece on José Maria Aznar (who?) and Spanish attitudes to Islam-related stuff)

INTOLERANCE FOR THE INTOLERANT by Derek Turner (Informative but now over-dated nuts-and-bolts piece on the Dutch 2010 election)

FOOTBALL AND THE DECLINE OF MAN by Derek Turner (A rather sour tirade against sporting pastimes)

WILDERS IS ASCENDANT by Srdja Trifkovic (Somewhat crude piece commenting of the "dhimmitude" of the ruling "traitor class")

EXQUISITE RACISM by Matthew Roberts (Oblique piece about supposed threat to French cooking from multiculturalism)

THE CIVIL RIGHTS MYTH by Elizabeth Wright (Somewhat dated piece about Ron Paul fucking up an interview with Rachel Maddow)

NORTHLANDERS AND THE GRAPHIC NOVEL by Jack Donovan (Rather light puff piece for some Viking comic book)


TRUTH IN ADVERTISING by Robert Weissberg (A dull read advocating common sense ideas)

¡VIVA LA REVOLUCIÓN! by Vox Day (Naïve accelerationist piece about the Balkanisation of America)

GORDON'S GÖTTERDÄMMERUNG? by Derek Turner (Rather dated round-up of British electoral politics with an unnecessarily Naziesque-sounding title.)

THE EDUCATION OF GLENN BECK by Richard Hoste (Dull, overlong piece about a minor Conservative media figure)

GREEK FIRE by Panayotis Doumas (Short, rather dated piece about migrants causing problems)

FACECRIMES by George Whale (A poor attempt at stoking up Orwellian paranoia)

CAPTIVE MINDS by Joseph Kay (Rather confused article apparently trying to attack intellectuals and the Conservative movement for something.)

MIND THE GAPS by John Derbyshire (Fairly well written but redundant and over-obvious commentary on the usual HBD stuff. Yawn!)

AFTER WAGNER by R.J. Stove (A somewhat tedious, point-and-sputter piece about the media being a bit woke reporting on the death of Wagner's grandson)

SWAN SONG by Derek Turner (Basically "immigrants bad because eat swans")

MOSCOW TURNS RED by Nina Kouprianova (An embarrassing love letter to Russian Imperialism)

WHY I'D BE A PAGAN by Scott Locklin (twee article about sympathising with the LAPR while not believing in it)

THE GUARDIAN ON RACE - THINKING INSIDE THE BOX by Derek Turner (Over-specific attack on an unimportant Guardian journalist)

ALL ABOUT ISRAEL by David Gordon (A dated and overly Jewish-American-centred discussion of Liberalism)

NEOCON VICEROY STILL WRONG by Mark Hackard (Over-specific and now dated attack on a Neocon / lightweight)

THE ONE, THE MANY, AND THE ALTERNATIVE RIGHT by James Kalb (Overgeneralising theocratic garbage)

AN AFRICAN AMERICAN RESPONSE TO ALTERNATIVERIGHT.COM by Alex Kurtagic (Rather try-hard, trite, and defensive)

NEOCONNED by Paul Gottfried (A tedious and over obvious critique of Neocons and "the Conservative movement")

ECSTASY OF VITUPERATION by Alex Kurtagic (Rhetorical and overly defensive article / somewhat dated_

FLIRTING WITH FASCISM? by Illana Mercer (Rather obvious piece of writing on Dutch people voting for Geert Wilders because they don't like Islamification)

THE HARLOT OF BRUSSELS by Srdja Trifkovic (Rather hysterical piece about the supposed "totalitarian tendencies" of the EU)

PRISON OF NATIONS by Srdja Trifkovic (Rather lightweight and hysterical piece about the supposed "totalitarian tendencies" of the EU)

VITRIOL-THROWING - AND THROWING THE ELECTION by Derek Turner (dated and rather light piece of political reportage)

LIBERALISM: INCLUSIVENESS AND THOUGHT CONTROL by James Kalb (trite commentary on the contradictions of Liberalism -- such as "diversity VS equality" and "faith in science."

RECLAIMING HOLLAND? by Derek Turner (short intro blog on Geert Wilders that is now obsolete)

SARAH PALIN, PC PURIST by Elizabeth Wright (overlong piece that labours to say that Sarah Palin was basically woke)

NEWS FROM HOME by Derek Turner (into blurb for a section of the site focusing on Europe that was closed down in 2012)

IS CHRISTIANITY FOR WIMPS? by James Kalb (lightweight blogpost that says medieval Christians were tougher than secular moderns, duh!) 

"HATE WATCH" by Paul Gottfried (dated piece about Amren being shut down by Antifa)

THE EXILED by Patrick J. Ford (dated piece about a dissident English-language paper in Russia)

TURKIES by Derek Turner (dated piece about Euro politics making obvious points)

JULIUS EVOLA & RADICAL TRADITIONALISM by E. Christian Kopff (rather tedious piece on an extraneous pseudo intellectual)

ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE by Alex Kurtagic (lightweight blurb)

by Richard Hoste (trite and lightweight piece making over-obvious points)


GOLDBERG VARIATIONS by Paul Gottfried (Historic interest: critique of Conservatism Inc's awkward attempts to subsume elements of Leftist critique)

by Sean Gabb (Strong kickback against what was probably a Russian instigated op at the time to talk down the achievements and mutual benefits of the British Empire)

JEWS: NOT A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS by David Yeagley (Interesting article by a Native American arguing that America is based on a WASP cultural foundation in which Jews are not strangers)

OMNIBUS ARTICLE: IS THE ALT-RIGHT ANTI-SEMITIC? by Various (Interesting piece, not least because it reveals the deep ambivalence of the ealry Alt-Right on the JQ) 

WHAT OTHELLO CAN STILL TELL US by Derek Turner (Interesting piece about Shakespeare and interracial casting)

THE PASSION OF MEL GIBSON (AND RICHARD SPENCER) by Richard Spencer (Historically interesting -- Spencer worries about his own unhinged tirades coming to light)

HOLLYWOOD'S LAST WHITE NATIONALIST by Andy Nowicki (Rather stupid piece -- an Indian director is a "White Nationalist" due to neutral attitude to White characters -- but of some historical interest as Nowicki's first article here)

GAMING THE WORLD: SOCCER AND THE CAMPAIGN FOR ANTI-RACISM by Colin Liddell (Insightful piece on how woke academia misunderstands working class culture.)

THE DEATH OF THE WASP DOWN-UNDER by R.J.Stove (Argues that WASPs in Australia promoted the social transformation that "overthrew" their dominance)

WHITE MAN'S GAME by Steve Sailer (Informative but rather dated analysis of sports demographics)

MONOTHEISM VS. POLYTHEISM by Alain De Benoist (Interesting if somewhat convoluted essay)

IN DEFENSE OF SOCCER by Nina Kouprianova (Interesting article by Richard Spencer's wife) 

PC SWEDISH NOIR by Paul Gottfried (Fun film review)

POLITICAL NUCLEAR FUSION by Sean Gabb (Well-written if naïve libertarian piece that impinges on geopolitics)

THE BUCKLEY MYTH by David Gordon (Interesting example of well-informed but wrong analysis from a Libertarian)

ISRAEL, THE WEST, AND THE REST by Srdja Trifkovic (Informative piece on the recurring problem of Israel/Palestine)

WAS RAMBO RIGHT? by Ron Unz (Interesting piece about an exposé of John McCain by a well-known journalist that was oddly ignored)

LIONS & LAMBS by Paul Smith (Odd piece that mixes a film review of Ridley Scott's Robin Hood with a libertarian message)

WAY OF THE KNIGHT by Jack Donovan (Instructive, if somewhat LARPy, essay on medieval masculinity transposed to the present)

THE MYTH OF THE OLD REPUBLIC by Andrew Fraser (Rather long-winded but significant reflection on WASP identity and self-loathing within White identity)

WANTED: SOMETHING TO DREAM by Alex Kurtagic (A highly rhetorical and nebulous attempt to create a "positive vision" for the Alt-Right. Some historical importance.)

NEW TRIBE RISING? by Patrick Buchanan  (Rather tedious rhetorical piece but interesting reflection of the growing sense of White victimisation in multicultural America.)

WHITEWASH by Kevin Lamb (A reasonably effective critique of weak Leftist arguments used against HBD and racial consciousness.)

PAPER TIGER by Colin Liddell (Article on Tiger Woods and the inherent "Whiteness" of social norms promoted by culture and advertising)

HUNGARIAN SPRING by Derek Turner (A report on the rise of right-wing/ identitarian parties in the Hungarian election of 2010)

ERNST JÜNGER: FROM STORMTROOPER TO ANARCH by Keith Preston (Erudite account of a minor figure who was mainly important to the Alt-Right by an anarchist writer aligned with the Iranian state.)

WE AREN'T THE WORLD by Alex Kurtagic (An attack on the naïve "Feed the World" altruism of 80s pop stars)

THE CASE FOR OPEN BORDERS by Scott Locklin (A light-hearted piece, possibly riffing off Berlusconi's comment that Italy would only accept immigrants who were "pretty girls." Revealing the Alt-Right's tendency towards irony.)

REMAKING THE RIGHT by Kevin MacDonald (Over-convoluted paleoconservative anti-Semitic tosh masquerading as "new" Alt-Rightism / historically interesting example of how the Alt-Right was subverted in its cradle by older agendas.)

WHY I'M A PAGAN by Stephen McNallen (A lightweight and rather LARPy article, only worth retaining as historical evidence of the Neo-Pagan element in the Alt-Right)

THE "BIG TENT" TRADITION by Jack Donovan (Rather confused article about a "lack of faith" but of some historical importance in emphasising the intellectual diversity of the early Alt-Right)

LOTHROP STODDARD: AMERICAN NIETZSCHE (PART II) by Thomas F. Beronneau (Long, erudite piece on  Stoddard's career)

THE HOMOSEXUAL QUESTION: WHY SAME-SEX MARRIAGE IS STILL WRONG, BUT REPEALING DADT IS RIGHT by Jack Donovan (Lengthy but nuanced article on gay issues in the military)

LOTHROP STODDARD: AMERICAN NIETZSCHE (PART I) by Thomas F. Beronneau (Long piece on how Stoddard's work was influenced by the experience of Haiti)

THE PROBLEMS OF NEOPAGANISM by Patrick J. Ford (Of historic interests as it shows the tensions between Christianity and Neopaganism in the early Alt-Right)

YOUNG TURKS by Srdja Trifkovic (Interesting piece on Turkey's foray into Neo-Ottomanism)

A BRAND NEW SHADE OF GREEN by Derek Turner (Fairly interesting piece about Ireland and its Muslim population)

THE BAYING OF ALGIERS by Derek Turner (Interesting example of hard rhetoric turning into ineffectual action with Nicolas Sarkozy)

THE ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY by John Derbyshire (Rambling but fairly erudite piece on mental illness)  

BIG BROTHER GOES GREEN by Alex Kurtagic (Fairly interesting piece about how the Left exploits ecological concerns.)

WHICH ALTERNATIVE? by James Kalb (A piece on the definition of the "Alternative Right." Of some historical value.)

THE MYTH OF THE OLD RIGHT by Richard Hoste (reasonably solid piece on US political history) 

MODEL MINORITY? by Jason Richwine (rather dull "wonkish" piece of some historical importance. It was picked up on MSNBC by Rachel Maddow to attack the Heritage Foundation after Richwine joined them.

AUTHENTIC BLACK CONSERVATISM by Dylan Hales (interesting piece on how the Black political spectrum is shoehorned into the liberal left) 

THE SIREN SONG OF DIVERSITY by Robert Weissberg (informative piece on race and jobs in America)

THE FAILURE OF "CONSERVATISM" by Keith Preston (interesting, possibly Iranian-influenced critique of Conservative support for a strong military)

LIBIDO FOR THE STUPID by Paul Gottfried (interesting commentary on the populism and proto-Trumpism expressed in the GOP's love affair with Sarah Palin)

THE WAR ON OBLIVION: INTERVIEW WITH WELMER FROM "THE SPEARHEAD" by Jack Donovan (balanced and informative discussion of early manosphere issues)

WHY AN ALTERNATIVE RIGHT IS NECESSARY by Richard Hoste (relatively good summary of the flaws of Conservatism circa 2010)

"THE ALTERNATIVE RIGHT AND THE IMPOSSIBILITY OF CONSERVATISM" by Kevin DeAnna (interesting in highlighting the forces that sparked the Alt-Right/ some paranoia)

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