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Friday 24 May 2013


by Charles Walter Aubrey

The tactic employed by the Communist parties of Europe against their early adversaries was to declare what was or was not "politically correct." This term was formulated as part of an overall strategic effort to stigmatize opposing parties.

Times have changed. Political correctness has now metamorphosed into a nigh-honorific system whereby (white) people must stringently adhere to a complex and nuanced linguistic system that continuously runs in that background of every thought, speech, or action of the modern Occidental world. Thanks to the thought police waiting to scorn any that may utter that which is out-of-line has led to a mass psychological repression of “racist” discourse in Western culture.

This repression, in turn, actually exacerbates the inherent “racism” or, rather, the intuitive and natural sense of the “other,” because that which is repressed will rise to the surface eventually. But political correctness also limts the extent to which a racial or ethnic group can be critiqued, which leaves no system of checks-and-balances in the overall behavior of these groups.

The mass self-censorship of political correctness has greatly damaged the Western mind. We face a widespread epidemic of mental trauma due to the efficiency by which violations of political correctness are swiftly and publically carried out against offenders. Beholding the scourging and crucifixion of public and private figures in the media who dared defy or disregard political correctness quickly puts a stop to the viability of the notion of freedom of speech.

As the public has witnessed that the imprudent tongue comes before the fall, white people across the European and American spectrums now live in fear of crossing this ever-changing, ever-more nuanced line.

Ultimately, the macrocosm will reflect the microcosm. In humans, that which is repressed must be dealt with in some way or that which is repressed will rise to the surface and lash back. In turn, the post-post-modern era is beginning to see and feel this cultural backlash. This counterforce has slowly, but with growing velocity, begun to work its way into the very center of the political continuum.

Opinions of the "fringe" dissidents of the 1980’s, 1990’s, and early 2000’s which were relegated to the lightly-treaded backwaters of the internet can now readily be read on mainstream conservative websites such as, or heard expressed  on conservative talk radio.

Though such talk is not entirely racially specific, and is ever so cautiously approached, previous off-the-table, taboo topics such as black-on-white crime, cataclysmic racial demographic projections, the freely exploited dispensation of welfare by minorities, the laughable bipartisan position on illegal immigration, and the power of the banking system have become topics of discussion amongst the silent majority even if they must be conducted with whispers and watchful eyes.

Presently, only the discourse of political pundits, social critics, and news junkies reflects this bold rhetoric that originated somewhere on the “far right.” However, how many daughters, mothers, wives, fathers, sons, and brothers must be brutally murdered at the hands of “youths” before an epidemic of vigilantism breaks out and runs amok? How much trauma can a society endure before there is a violent reaction? I imagine this era of vigilantism will coincide with the bankruptcy of the NFL and a scarcity of Budweiser.  We are not there yet. Times are not tough enough, but they're getting there.

On the other hand, what political correctness essentially does for minorities protected thereby is to suppress nearly all criticisms of these racial and ethnic communities. The patronizing, priggish indulgence of white liberalism leaves minorities unchecked in their cultural and social behavior. The most glaring example of this is certainly the manner by which whites have treated black Americans with kid gloves since the eighties, barely daring to complain about any misdeeds committed by our melanin-rich brethren, lest one be castigated as a "racist" bigot.

White America's self-censorship and chronic rhetorical pulling of punches results in minorities being allowed to to their basest whims, without being called on the carpet. Under such circumstances, the masses will usually settle for the lowest common denominator, because that is what is easiest. Unfortunately for the black community, the bar has been set the lowest, and the society at large demands nothing more from them.

This behavioral exploitation can only be culturally ignored and rationalized for a time. The long-suffering morale of the country will soon be chipped away, as we are seeing now, and racial strife will yield in some form or other from this cultural repression. As the behavioral whims of African Americans continue to encroach upon White America and no corners are left for whites to ignore them in languid pacifism, violence will begin to manifest.

Therefore, the ramifications of political correctness produce the opposite desired effect. The progressives are wrong to think that they can brainwash the younger generations until the old “racist” generations die off. Instead, the natural order will continue its attrition against that which is unnatural and, eventually, will draw the West back into harmony, as the effects of these systems of black magic by the progressive elites are fleeting and will fade in time as the grip of anesthesia will eventually dilute in the veins of a patient. But how much more strife will we have to endure before things are again set right?

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