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Monday 13 November 2017


Let me be very clear here: I like the Jews and I like Israel. I especially like the fact that the state of Israel was essentially a colonial state founded at the very time (1948-1967) when the tide of history was flowing most strongly against colonialism. That almost puts it next to Rhodesia in my holy pantheon of based, un-PC states. But unfortunately, like Rhodesia, there has always been a sense that Israel is ultimately doomed.

OK, right now it has a sizeable nuclear arsenal and the support of the World's only superpower, while the rest of the Middle East is cucked or in chaos. But the long-term trends are against it. It really was a mistake putting it where they did–in the heart of Islamic civilisation.

A poor appreciation of geopolitical Feng Shui.

Because of this enormous initial mistake, the state of Israel has had to rely increasingly on powerful lobbying in the West. But the problem with lobbying is that you have to keep it low profile, behind the scenes, and in the shadows. Israel did a good job at this for many decades. But, as the internal contradictions of Israel's existence increasingly bite, it has had to lean more and more heavily on this lobby stick:

"Please, Goyim, can you invade Iraq for me?" "Please Goyim can you put Hezbollah on your terrorist list?" "Please Goyim can you kill Qaddafi for me?" "Please, Goyim, can you foment an uprising against the Islamic Brotherhood in Egypt?" "Please, Goyim, can you get rid of Assad for me?" "Please, Goyim, can you do something about Iran?" etc., etc. 

The paradox of power, however, is that the more you are forced to use it, the more you are liable to lose it; and something similar is now being seen with regard to Israel's lobbying power. In particular it is becoming too well known, practically a meme now, which is not healthy for something that feeds on the public's ignorance and breathes the air of smoke-filled rooms.

Criticised Israel. Probably a Nazi.
First there was the BDS movement, which was taken up, among others, by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd fame. You can be sure that the entire Left now see Israel in the terms framed by this essentially anti-colonialist and anti-White impulse.

Then it was "political realists," like Nigel Farage  who recently matter-of-factly referred to the Jewish lobby and immediately provoked a Streisand Effect response that just spread the meme far and wide. If Farage is saying this, we know that Trump and others are at least thinking it.

Now, even sympathetic Judeophiles are jumping on board, with the revelation that Prince Charles is more than a little aware of how the Jewish lobby has been working all these years. That should open plenty of eyes.

The revelation comes in a letter to his now deceased friend Laurens van der Post, recently published by the Daily Mail, in which the Prince writes:

"I now appreciate that Arabs and Jews were all a Semitic people originally and it is the influx of foreign, European Jews (especially from Poland, they say) which has helped to cause the great problems."

Even though the letter dates from 1986, it serves the function of once again underlining how vital the Israeli lobby is to the existence of Israel; and, by so doing, reminding the World that Israel is not a state like any other, but one that requires a constant effort of will, exercised in halls of power across the World, in order to exist. It exists, so to speak, "at a stretch."

Charles having a grand old time with his Arab pals.

The more that people dwell on this, the more cramped become those muscles expanded in the effort to maintain Israel.

This situation is not unlike the last attempt to insert an alien entity into the Middle East, the noble Crusades of revered memory. That too required constant lobbying by powerful groups in the West, until people simply lost interest and allowed the states or states created by the Crusades to swing in the inhospitable wind.

The Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem existed from 1099 to 1187, a period of 88 years. Israel, founded in 1948, may surpass this figure but one wonders by how many years.

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