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Tuesday 28 November 2017


by (Name Withheld by Request)

“Toxicity” and “toxic” are overused words in contemporary parlance. When not employed for literal purposes (e.g., “This snake’s venom is highly toxic”), such phraseology is often, to some degree, manipulative and dishonest, since it tells rather than shows. (e.g.,“So-and-so’s misogyny is positively toxic,” which translates to YOU MUST HATE SO-AND-SO BECAUSE I DECLARE HIM BEYOND THE PALE AND HOW DARE YOU THINK IT MIGHT BE OTHERWISE; YOU HORRENDOUSLY AHBORRENT TOXIC MONSTER FULL OF TOXIC TOXICITY!!!)

Nevertheless, I think that one may well declare the current state of discourse “toxic,” given that at least one major media publication told its readership that it was in fact incumbent upon all right-thinking,non-deplorable people to be openly rude, hostile and obstreperous on Thanksgiving (i.e., a holiday ostensibly intended to promote love and togetherness) to relatives who voted for Trump (i.e., roughly half the country). Nor were such-- well, toxic—suggestions made in a cultural vacuum.

In fact, much of the anti-Trump Left, as well as much of the pro-Establishment Right, has become patently unmoored from reason over the course of the last year or so. Hateful invective is now commonplace amongst this demographic and their public representatives. Quite unironic online encouragements to commit murder, terror, and savagery are frequently met, not with indignant gasps of protestation and bewilderment, but rather with raucous, lusty cheers from a virtual peanut gallery afflicted with a truly frightening collective bloodlust.

There seems to be no stopping the insidious momentum of this escalating and ongoing lynch mob/witch hunt. The entire enterprise is breathtakingly dehumanizing at its core. It assumes that the "enemy" has deliberately forfeited his humanity and thus deserves to be made the brunt of a campaign of terror, including actual physical violence. The inherent ramifications are deeply unnerving, but no one swept up in the hysteria seems to know, or care.


I thought that I, anyway, would surely be safe from having to endure any such wearisome Thanksgiving travails.

True, the people with whom I was spending the holiday were a large group of ‘card-carrying’ liberal Democrats, whom I’m nearly positive unanimously voted for Hillary Clinton. And of course, in the eyes of the opinion-shapers at large, I am no mere “normie” Trump-voter, but rather a full-fledged toxically toxic white supremacist alt-right hateful extremist (or so say the opinion-shapers at large), with a long public track record of intractable badthink… I knew for a fact that many of this group were aware of my writings, but such had been the case for years. I had grown up with these people; at one time, in my youth, the then-kids of the family and I had hung out regularly. Though I barely saw most of them anymore, other than annually at Thanksgiving gatherings, they remain sort of like family, being close friends of direct relatives of mine.

Generally speaking, they are nice enough folk, though we have little in common. So I felt relatively secure that, even if some of these people wouldn’t regard me with great warmth, they would still agree to tolerate my company, munch turkey and mashed potatoes in my presence, engage in occasional harmless little conversations with me, watch football games on TV in my company, and do all the other typical modern-day American Thanksgiving-type stuff while I benignly dwelt in their midst. I figured, that is, that they would “put up” with me, even if they were inwardly holding their noses with their Hillary-voting fingers.

And in general, I was right. They were willing to tolerate my probably undesirable presence with equanimity, and for that I am sincerely grateful.

However, one mammoth exception to this rule also occurred, one which proved to be so egregious that I am still, frankly, a bit stunned, days later.


This stun-inducing moment happened just before the meal. Traditionally, this time, while not exactly a prayer, is meant to be “prayerful” shared occasion, in which the assembled stand in a circle and hold hands while a brief speech of thanksgiving is given (I always inwardly roll my eyes at this, being an inveterate non-touchy-feely non-cornball, but I play a good sport nevertheless, seeing as how I see most of these people only once a year.)

In years past, the thoughts expressed by the family patriarch, who typically presides over the gathering, has been entirely anodyne, if mawkish: We are all together again; we are blessed to be able to get together again; everyone that we love is gathered in one place, etc., now let’s eat!

This time, however, the patriarch’s message proved to be a radical departure from years past. I will sum it up here, from memory. It ran something like this:

“This year, all of us have been on life’s journey, and we have made choices along the way. Some of us have made good choices, and others of us have made bad choices… We have a president now who is unleashing hatred upon this country. Things are really awful right now. Things weren’t like this last year at this time, with the president we had then… I really hope that we can get rid of this president soon… Some of us have said things or written things that maybe we shouldn’t have said or written, and maybe we should think about that… Happy Thanksgiving."
While speaking, the patriarch’s tone grew increasingly tremulous and aggrieved; for all of his anger, I could have sworn he was on the verge of tears. And there I was, the one who had supposedly “made bad choices,” who ostensibly “wrote things I shouldn’t have written,” holding hands in a putative “love circle” whilst getting his character impugned, quite humiliatingly. This bristling Thanksgiving jeremiad lurched towards its scathing denouement. Though I was never mentioned by name, I was clearly the target of his disapproval. The patriarch knew it, I knew it, and everyone else present knew it, too.

Afterwards, I dropped the hands of those next to me and blinked with shock. Others flocked to feed their faces, but I staggered away to the bathroom, where I stood there for a good five minutes, fully absorbing the effect of this holiday takedown. It all seemed inexplicable, for a number of reasons.

Here, after all, was a man who had been a kind of “uncle-figure” to me growing up—a sweet, funny, self-effacing teddy bear of a guy who didn’t usually care for politics. He was not a vindictive person. How, then, did he feel justified in engaging in this kind of grotesque rhetorical indulgence, whereby a moment of giving thanks and reveling in togetherness was transmogrified into an occasion for a cathartic airing of grievances against a “wrongthinker”in his midst? How did he think it was okay to attack me at such a moment, and to effectively forbid me to respond to defend myself, since me putting up any defense would effectively ruin the holiday time for everyone, and make it seem like I was being petty and defensive? In short, how could a good-hearted man behave in so despicable a manner? And how did the others in attendance—regardless of their political views—see fit to let this despicable behavior simply slide?

If he so disapproved of my behavior (for whatever actual believed transgressions I had committed beyond his vaguely censorious insinuations—“bad choices,” “things I shouldn’t have written”)—then why had he not called or written me, as an honorable man would, instead of ambushing me with shaming invective in front of everyone else at a time supposedly set aside for the expression of collective gratitude and good will?

In some ways, I admit that I am at a loss to answer these questions. (I refrained from confronting him afterwards in any way, for the sake of preserving harmony, and also because I just didn't really see the point.) It would seem that we have truly arrived at an age in which Dostoyevskian demonism is afoot, where psychic terror reigns, where formerly reasonable people are increasingly being transformed into something frankly unrecognizable.

So much for the spirit of Thanksgiving.

God only knows what will happen to Christmas.


  1. So sorry to hear about your Thanksgiving. We truly do live in a graceless age.

  2. Well... it´s not difficult: the liberal has learned that he gets browny points for virtue signaling. For the liberal it is e.g a virtue to be emotional, to be, yes: childlike. Because that expresses: authenticity.
    So all else follows easily: the liberal enacts the child that pretends not to understand. The liberal pretends to think that the White Identitarians´ demand for race separation actually be the demand for race extermination. And now comes the yuuge hour for the liberal: THIS TIME HE WILL REALLY STOP HITLER ! I.e. he will kill the fascist hordes.... i.e., us, White Identitarians. Oh the browny virtue signaling points to be raked in!

    So.... that´s the liberal. An irresponsable idiot playing adorable to rake in browny points.
    Not more difficult than that.

    P.S.: granted, our position certainly doesn´t get any easier with wide parts of rightist comment sections absolutely unironically routinely call for the summarily extermination of... (enter preferred hated group). The total idiot rightist screecher is mirrored by the total idiot liberal-leftist screecher.

  3. I hate to say this, but.... taking the high road is for faggots. You should have let him have it. That's why liberals always win. Because cuckservatives care more about "keeping the peace" than standing up for what's right.

    1. I have to agree. In my family its well known, don't virtue signal or try to use social niceties to manipulate people and push agendas.

      I won't be silent. It means they don't dare. It means RESPECT.

  4. This guy got fired for his creed. I thought the Constitution said 'no discrimination based on creed'.

    Now, if someone complains that a company has hired a Zionist imperialist, BLM thug, or a communist, can that company fire that person based on those creed-entials alone?

    Would ACLU let it pass? I don't think so.

    The big struggle of patriots must be banning the firing of people based on creed.

    After all, wasn't the beef about McCarthyism that some writers, teachers, and folk singers were blacklisted because of their Stalinism?

    Liberals said we must stand with the right of even Stalinists to work. So, why the silence from all quarters about the firing and blacklisting of people based on CREED, meaning belief, ideology, or conviction?

    Alt Right must lead the Civil Rights Movement for the Freedom of Creed in the Workplace.

  5. Leftism truly is a secular religion. They thought the end of history had already begun, that all the future held was a straight line upward into the Light, of egalitarian Heaven on earth. But they've been confronted by a critical mass of Evil in the election of Trump. Thus, the psychotic, deranged, unhinged behavior the left has amused us with.

    1. Yep. Their god has proven to be weak. They are frightened. They are beginning to perceive that the god is metamorphosing into a beetle-faced, pregnant hermaphrodite instead of the image of a Voltaire, Thomas Jefferson or even MLK or Ghandi. Oh, the horror, the horror.

  6. There is a very large segment of the White population whose natural agreeableness formed the cooperative energy of our once civilized society. Now this ingrained desire for harmony has been infected with and by the complex toxins of Equality and the vast social changes of the last 50+ years. Whites, especially Northern Whites, also have a terrible flaw of character, a desire to be seen as Good, which in our sad time means Unresisting, Nice, Pleasant and Harmless. Very very few of these fellow-Whites can be cured, alas. They will turn on their own (in the cowardly passive aggressive way the author describes) rather than offend a stranger or a sworn enemy.

    In Harold Covington's deeply bloody and violent Northwest novels, about the foundation of a post-American White country, there is a character exactly like these people. He has experienced the horrors of the anti-White multiracial hellhold that America became, including being literally crippled by its agents, and he lives right on the border of the new ethnostate, but he adamantly refuses to cross the border and join it. Why? Because during the revolution, to get the masses of Hispanics to flee the northern parts of the US, White insurgents massacred a busload of unarmed Mexican migrants. The terrible tactic worked. But this man, in face of all the misery the Old America came to embody, rejected the new state (literally yards from his house) and chose to stay with a regime which degrades and hates him and his progeny. All out of moral indignation on behalf of people who, were the tables turned, would not have given him a second thought. Far too many of our people are like that. They are our great Achilles heel.


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