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Friday 26 January 2018


Trump towering over the globalists at Davos.

by Richard Wolstencroft

One Year of Donald Trump’s Rule! Who ever thought we would get this far? Let’s take a look at what I cheekily call "Trump Year Zero," as I do believe his appearance on the world stage represents a true paradigm shift in global geopolitics, both nationally and internationally. The term "Year Zero" has an air that is both messianic and evocative of the shock/horror of Pol Pot's radical takeover of Cambodia So, that sure is a fun mix. But, first some housekeeping, a little back story, and a few small caveats.

Even within Alt Right and Alt Lite circles, I am considered a bit of a one-eyed Trump supporter. I take that as a fair assessment. I have never openly sworn my allegiance to the Alt Right or Alt Lite, and probably gravitate to the more non-White Nationalist Alt Lite end that tends to see protecting Western Civilisation in itself as the most suitable focus for our efforts in the oversensitive political climate of the day, but I have publicly endorsed Donald Trump. That’s not always an easy road, especially when one works in the arts and cinema scenes down-under or otherwise.

I have a keen intellectual interest in the New Right and especially the new Right Wing Populism that has swept many electoral polls across the West, of which Trump and Brexit were the two most stunning examples. This interest of mine dates back to my study of Right-wing political thought and my degree in political philosophy from La Trobe University (1999-03). I have been accused of being Alt-Right-esque (along with people like Jordan Petersen, Paul Joseph Watson, Gavin McInnes, Stefan Molyneux, and a host of others), and that is probably a fair enough statement as this new politics does indeed interest me and I am a sporadic contributor here for Alternative Right, overseen by Colin Liddell and Andy Nowicki, two of the smarter, more switched-on, dialectical, humorous, and interesting voices in the broader New Right. So, considering all this, I thought I might take a look back over Donald Trump’s first year—or, as I determined to call it, "Donald Trump, Year Zero!"

First, a little history of my previous writing on the Trump juggernaut. I predicted Trump’s win as early as February 2016, with my essay here, "Trump and the Metapolitics of Winning." I was one of the first to note the incredible hostility to Trump from the mainstream US media and Washington establishment in my essay "Get Trump." I hinted that a few Globalists might get on board "Team Trump" before he won, and just in case he did. I also wrote two influential pieces, where I compared Donald Trump to the "benevolent gangster trope," rather like the character of Don Corleone in The Godfather. Steve Bannon made a few Don references apropos Trump along the same lines, which made me wonder whether he had read them.

Anyway, the one-year anniversary is an auspicious time to look back over Trump’s annus mirabilis (or horribilis if you prefer) and see the many things he has done, the things he has had difficulty doing, and the obstacles that stand in the way of him fully achieving his vision.

To say that Trump's victory took the elite by surprise is like saying that the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79AD took the the people of Pompeii by surpirise. Yes, they were surprised as f**k, and almost turned to stone, like those figures buried under the ash of the Roman volcano. They were seared by the "Trump Combustion" that blasted through the corridors of power that day, and overwhelmed what they thought was an invincible bulwark in the person of Hillary Clinton. Regardless of what you think of Hillary, she was and is a tough competitor. Ask any of her main critics and leakers! Oh, you can't, can you, as they are dead, LOL.

It’s been a busy year for the Don after sidelining the opposing Clinton Crime Family. I would like to outline some of his key achievements in my more Meta view of his Presidency.

I think the number one achievement of Trump is he is a true Paradigm Shifter, grabbing the wheel of Western Civilisation and steering it away—potentially—from a few large icebergs and tidal pools that lay ahead. Bret Easton Ellis called him "The Great Disruptor" on his podcast show, and I think the title sticks for me. He is the greater upsetter of apple carts and over turner of various cosy games of monopoly—both public and private—that were under way.

The effect of Trump and his difference of vision and direction has far exceeded any other President of the postwar era. It was a startling breath of fresh air and it certainly connected with enough of the electorate to sweep him to power. He’s what my old political philosophy professor Robert Farrell might have called "a circuit breaker." When a moribund system is so corrupt and slowed down by the very entropy of its own ennui, something has got to give. And Trump is that something, that catalyst, popping the bubble of a small-L "liberal" world.

We really have to give Trump credit for so riling and galling liberals and the New Left. What is more, the New Left should even be thanking him, as he seems to have mobilised them in their own failed politics. The recent spate of rather well attended women’s marches comes to mind. None of them know what they want, none have a new vision for society, but certainly quite a few of them did turn up. We have to give them that. Trump, in a way, has given their tired old dreams one more Sisyphus-like roll of the boulder up the hill. Some Old Leftist have even talked forlornly of harnessing the rejuvenating effect that Trump has had on their dead ideology. But luckily that won't go anywhere.

Trump’s main impact, I argue is "meta" and even spiritual. Around his juggernaut a whole penumbra of right wing and libertarian politics has been born. It can best be summed up by the term "New Right," that has its links to the likes of Alain de Benoist—even though he’s gone a bit bolshy now—while also encapsulating new, anarchic, bitcoin-recommending Libertarian figures like Jeffrey Tucker. It’s a broad spectrum, the Trump nexus.

The New Right encompasses the Alt Right (of which this site is a founding organ) and the Alt Lite, that I myself gravitate towards. Trump's appeal is dialectical, and he is in his odd way a true dialectician himself. His critics on The Left and Right often do not see this. Trump moves between varying ideas of the New, Alt, and Lite Right. He never pigeonholes himself and remains openly pragmatic and practical. He is able to do a Nietzschean ‘joyful wisdom’ dance across the spectrum of political ideas and ideologies, even throwing a curve ball, as he dips into Libertarian territory, with recent tax cuts, and leftist ideas of protectionism at times.

One of the first big changes was aesthetic. When Trump took possession of the keys of the White House from the former African American occupants, he immediately got in his gold interior decorator from Trump Tower to provide a fresh look with new curtains, sending out a strong visual signal that "the king is in," "the lion has returned," revealing Trump’s meta and symbolic nature. We see the same emphasis on the meta in "The Wall," which, I argue, is inherently and mostly a symbol and meta idea to cure a country that has lost a sense of inner unity.

Soon after the new drapes went up, came a succession of proclamations, some of them significant, like pulling out of the TTIP. This was something that both Bernie Sanders and even Noam Chomsky agreed with Trump on, so naturally it received almost zero recognition in the mainstream press.

Normally, the US media gives a newly elected candidate they don't like a 100-day grace period to see what they are going to do. This was not so with Trump. The ‘get Trump’ animus, rather than going into retreat, went into overdrive, reaching even Spinal Tap levels of absurdity, as they turned the anti-Trump bile up to eleven, so to speak.

We saw serious attack articles from the the US media about Trump’s golfing, diet, mental and physical health, speech habits, relationship with his wife and family, his way of drinking water (seriously!), and, of course, yet more bullshit about his hair—the later being almost an idée fixe. This was correctly met by The Donald and his staff with putdowns, come backs, and outright retorts of #fakenews.

Media bullshit aside, some of Trump’s first year highlights include the following:

  • Ending the Paris Accord, whicn was a globalist financial scam worth trillions
  • His appointment to the Supreme Court of Neil Gorsuch, a solid conservative
  • His little heralded defeat of ISIS in the Levant
  • The many pro-Western Civilisation and anti-terrorist speeches he gave in Europe (and even in Saudi Arabia, leading to a purge of Islamicist radicals there) 
  • His decision to move The US Embassy to Jerusalem

The latter move drew criticism from many on the Alt-Right, but I think that was a very clever, 4D Trump chess move, as it plants a dividing wedge right in the middle of the Jewish Community. Think about it: Here is Trump, the "literally Hitler" bloke, being the best friend Israel has had since the damned place was formed post-WW2. You can just see the calls going out from Uncle Morrie in Tel Aviv to the nephews and relations working in the mainstream US media in LA and NYC:
“Oy vey, what are you saying about dear Donald Trump…I swear you are off the Hannukah list if you keep up that bullshit against a Knight of Israel and a true mensch such as President Donald J Trump, I swear, Avi.”
Three more moves on a 4D Chess board! Other highlights include:

  • Freeing hostages
  • Deporting immigrants through ICE
  • Getting tough on Obama’s weak Cuba deal
  • His decidedly pugilistic inauguration speech that ruffled many feathers
  • The panic he installed in Camp Hillary and her surrounding team of media puppets, vampires and apparatchiks
  • His recent breakthrough in tax cuts and jobs growth

Oh, did I forget to mention that Wall Street is at an all time high? The exact opposite of what globalist ‘nay-sayers’ said would happen. The achievements are all there in black and white.

Has it all been smooth sailing? Well, no, and not surprisingly, considering the vast globalist and Washington elite opposition to him that exists inside the Dems, the Deep State, his own party, and the fake news Globalist Media—aka "The Swamp."

There have been problems. The issue of DACA is a case in point. At first Trump acted strongly, ditching the program to howls of disapproval from Democrats. Of course, Trump gave his trademark Cheshire Cat grin and moved on. But this issue came back to bite him, with hyenas and vampires, like Pelosi and Schumer, circling the wagons and using DACA to dress up their opposition to funding the Border Wall. They know he wants his mythic Wall more than anything else, as it is a potential key to him being re-elected in 2020. They decided to use it as a bargaining chip to get their way on DACA.

Trump was forced into what looked like some big compromises, and instantly drew criticism from some key allies, like Ann Coulter, Tucker Carlson, and even celeb right-wing twitteratti James Woods. I think Trump realised this and, whether he meant it or not, "Shithole-gate" broke overnight, nixing the whole DACA compromise that seemed to be emerging. That may indeed have been a blessing in disguise.

Shithole-gate, what a joy! I loved it and laughed so hard that week. The videos, like the one above, where a large part of the US Mainstream Media declare themselves “Proud Shitholers” and say the word "shithole" over and over again was an almost supreme 4D chess move. And considering the fact he may not have even said the word (!) it’s all doubly amusing. He has trained these silly media twits so well that they now create Trumpisms and controversies in his favour all on their own. Pure meta genius!

Then there is the issue of health, not Trump’s, but the thorny issue of health care. I have to admit Trump’s actions here are less than stellar. I followed his campaign fairly closely, and he basically alluded to a kind of universal health care model with Republican teeth. I’m not exactly sure what that is, or could be, as it is seemingly a bit oxymoronic, but it was at least intriguing.

Obviously the repeal of Obamacare was a point that both he and the non-nationalist elements of the GOP could agree on. But, I felt Ryan’s bill was weak (and rather vicious) and it was correctly allowed to fail. In all honesty I think Trump is attracted to the kind of wonderful semi-socialist health care system we have Down-under with Medicare. I have a vested interest in supporting and advocating this, as it saved my life in a health crisis back in 97 and moved me from a more Libertarian perspective to the rarer grounds of a more right-wing socialist perspective. Only mildly though, as I have no desire to Cubanize or Sovietize the economy. I just want to mediate its vast energies and productivity, a harness its Promethean energy to provide quality health care and education to a nation that deserves it, the good old US of A.

If you don’t believe me that Trump likes the Australian model, then listen to the man himself sitting down with our Aussie Prime Minister Malcolm Turnball praising it.

Even Bernie seized upon this, saying he agreed with Trump on liking the Australian model. I think Trump should team up with Bernie to get the US a more universal health care system. It would stymie both his enemies in the GOP, and also his Democrat foes might have to go along with Trump if he backed Bernie’s model. But, maybe that’s a 4D Chess move of the future. I certainly hope so, as it would be very popular and a possible 2020 clincher.

On to the sticky wicket of Trump’s failings, I’ll keep it short as I love the guy, but one must also point out areas that need work, out of true admiration and friendship.

Some of Trump’s appointments, the people he chose for certain jobs, turned out within a week or so to be the wrong people for the position. I am not sure whether he is deliberately being given some bad advice or sometimes just makes the wrong call, but I imagine sometimes it’s one or the other, or both. No one is perfect. Letting Globalist weasel Michael Wolff hang around the White House? Uhmm bad idea, Mr Trump. He should have been booted after a few days. This guy was a serious snake in the grass inside the White House and his new book has been used to hurt the Trump cause.

Which brings us to the painful topic of the Bannon split. No two ways about it, this was not good, and it should have been avoided on both sides. Bannon appearing to back up even a loose strand of the "muh Russian conspiracy" was both dangerous and bad news.

I think the back story here is that since Trump's election, the Globalist cabal, the Swamp, and the Deep State have worked on one key thing—to separate Bannon from Trump. They knew that Bannon fed the staunch, right-wing, populist nationalist side of Trump. Not only did he help get Trump elected, but also had the drive to push forward with the Make America Great Again agenda. So, I believe the cabal went all out to poison their relationship and drive a wedge between these two figures. And what’s more, they succeeded, which I think is sad for both Trump and Bannon.

Bannon should have expected this attack and stayed fiercely loyal. But, unless this is some 4D Chess even I cant see, the fight and falling out that followed seemed real and was not good. They exchanged harsh words—some quoted or misquoted in the aforementioned disastrous Wolff book—and Bannon even ended up leaving Breitbart.

I think they should make up and realise that this fight between them is exactly what the Globalists want, so, don’t give them what they want.

One of Bannon’s main criticisms—that Trump listens to the advice of his family and perhaps trusts them a little too much in affairs of State—is perhaps something for all parties to consider, including the God Emperor himself, if I may be so bold.

So there it is, Trump Year Zero as seen by your humble narrator on international politics and the New Right from Down-under. I hope you enjoyed this past year as much as I did. Overall, I think we have reasons for hope and work to do. There were some ups and downs, that is for sure. But that is simply because the Trump Train in Office has now clearly become The Trump Roller Coaster. So hang on for dear life folks, but get out there online and continue to support the Donald in the meme war. 


  1. Rule of Narrative changes the Rule of Law.

    When the New Narrative is made sacrosanct, the Law must succumb to it because... it's a 'dream', and who wants to defer a dream?

    The fate of America and Europe too is due to the fundamental change in the premise of the New Narrative.

    If whites had insisted that US and Europe are white lands and belong to white people BUT white people are nice enough to take in some non-whites, the new arrivals would have come with a sense of gratitude, appreciation, and respect. After all, they were magnanimously allowed in as guests in another people's homeland.

    So, the new arrivals always feel owed to the native people. They feel that the native folks, out of the kindness of their hearts, did something they didn't have to do. They were nice enough to let in non-whites who have a chance of a better life.

    But suppose the premise of white nations are changed. The new narrative is "white lands were always nations-of-immigrants" on the basis that there had been earlier invasion of peoples in prehistoric times. Also, suppose premise says that Diversity is magic and More Diversity is wonderful for a nation. And fundamental Change is what a nation should be all about.
    Then, the corollary is homogeneity and continuity are bad things. Homogeneity must be replaced with magical Diversity, and continuity must be severed by 'reinventing' the nation in the spirit of Change.
    So, the primary destiny of white nations comes to about increasing endless Diversity and to welcoming total Change.

    Under reigning ideology of PC, not only are white people inculcated with such value system but non-whites in white lands no longer feel appreciative as lucky guests but as rightful owners of white nations. After all, the New Premise says Diversity and Change must take precedence over Homogeneity and Continuity(that are deemed 'racist', 'hateful', 'extreme', and 'far right').
    Thus, foreigners who arrive in white lands don't come with gratitude but with moral and ideological arrogance. They come to make demands to let more of their kind into white nations and for white institutions & industries to favor non-whites in high positions to make things more 'just' because, after all, white nations no longer belong to white people but to the World in the spirit of Diversity and Change.

    Core ideas are that important. Changing the central idea of a nation is like changing the code of a computer. If a computer code is programmed to favor red dots and eliminate blue dots, red dots will be favored. Over time, there could be 1000 red dots and only 10 blue dots remaining. But suppose the code is changed to favor blue dots over red dots. Red dots may not worry since they greatly outnumber blue dots. I mean, how much harm could 10 blue dots do to 1000 red dots? But the altered code will mean that blue dots will gain with every passing hour until they will greatly outnumber the red dots. While red dots are eliminated one by one, the program allows blue dots to multiply.

    When the Western code was altered, most white people didn't react with alarm since they looked all around and saw white people and white power. So what if the New Laws & Values favored Diversity and Change? What could possibly happen?
    Well, look around the big cities of Europe. It led to the invasion by tons of non-whites who cannot be expelled because the core code of the West now say they are what the West and its 'values' are all about.

    Why do these Usurpers act with such arrogance and contempt for White America? Because the new code favors them. They no longer feel grateful and appreciative. They no longer plead for favors. No, they just make demands and act like the West is theirs to pilfer and plunder. All the great things created by Anglo whites and other whites exist to be claimed and taken by non-whites... or so the New Code says.

    1. If you have title to your house, it's your house. Now, suppose there's a homeless person and you let him in. It's still your house because you hold the title. The title encodes the house as yours. So, your act of kindness to the homeless person is your decision. It's your decision to let him stay or to tell him to leave.
      But suppose you decide that you're gonna share the title with him. You tell him, "my house is your house", and you expect the guy to be grateful and kiss your pinky. But instead, the guy feels that since he owns the title to the house just as much as you do, he will do whatever suits his fancy in the house. Also, he has friends and families who have much to gain by coming to the house. So, he calls them over. You protest, but the law no longer favors you since you shared the title with the guy. You find your house, which is no longer yours alone, filling up with more 'new owners' invited by the homeless guy(who is now co-owner of the house). In time, the house has a 100 people, and all those people don't see themselves as guests but as co-owners. So, you went from owning the house to being 1/100th owner of the house. Boy, wasn't that dumb?

      Whites in the West have only ONE way to save itself. Take back the Title to their National Property. In Europe, this is totally justified since Europe is the ancient homeland of whites. Denounce Diversity and Change as the cult of neo-imperialism and colonization. Tell non-whites to return.
      The change in the code was fatal to Europe. As Europe is so much richer than the Third World, what was likely to happen if the Code were changed? Naturally, the poor masses were gonna flock to the West for better material lives. And they were gonna call more of their kinds to share in the loot. If you feed animals, what do they do? They send out signals and more of them come. And if they initially came with gratitude and appreciation, they later come making demands for more and more and get angry if you don't feed them.

      Nothing can be saved without the Change in the Code. Sure, they will accuse the rise of nationalism as 'racist', but if nationalism was good enough for the Third World in driving out white/European colonists and imperialists, it's good enough for white people to kick out Third World mobs of usurpers. White people must reclaim the Title to their lands. And if it means war and violence to topple the vile elites and kick out foreigners, so be it. Viet Cong didn't just hold up signs. They fought. So did the Algerians resistance fighters to drive out the French.

      The re-coding of the West to favor Diversity and Change over Solidarity and Continuity was the fatal flaw. Every society is a system, like a computer is a system. And just like a computer follows its codes, a social system functions in accordance to its legal coding and narrative drives. As long as the Code favors Diversity and Change, we can kiss the West goodbye. Diversity and Change must be properly identified and diagnosed as virus and cancer embedded into the Western DNA by vile globalist elites. They must be treated like disease that must eradicated from the core DNA of the West. Diversity and Change are like HIV. They are meant to weaken and destroy the Immune system of the West by brainwashing whites into thinking that any thought and action for self-preservation is Evil. Nationalism is an immune system to defend and conserve the social system of a people. When nationalism is attacked by globalist cancer, the immune system fails because the people are made to believe that there is nothing more evil than their desire for solidarity and continuity as a people and culture.


    2. White folks must rise up and attack Diversity as Demise and Change as Extinction. A great people don't need to be replaced and 'reinvented'. Diversity-and-Change was a case of fixing something that was not broken. The idea of 'fixing' the rich and stable West with dysfunctional Third World morons who wrecked or degraded their own nations was too funny, but no one got the joke because white people were 'guilt-baited' with Shoah and made to feel that Nationalism was the root of all evil in WWI and WWII when, in fact, both wars were the result of imperialism that violated the national sovereignty of weaker peoples.
      The real reason for the rapid recovery of the West and Japan owed to restoration of nationalism. Nazi and Japanese imperialism was defeated, and nations could be free and sovereign again.
      The new danger was that the Cold War gave rise to Soviet and American empires. But then, with the fall of communism, it seemed as though every nation in Europe would be sovereign and free. Then, there would be peace and prosperity predicated on security and stability. But then, there was globalism that led to EU neo-hegemony and expansion of US as the hyper-power that treats other nations as vassals, but then, US itself is the vassal state of a bigger power of globalist networks dominated by banksters.

      It is because globalists want to control the entire world that they push Diversity and Change on all nations(except Israel). With Diversity and Change as the elite mantra in every nation, nationalism will weaken as native elites will not defend their nations but serve the globalist elites who offer them lots of money and prizes if they go along. And then, every nation can be infiltrated and taken over by foreign capital and New Cosmopolitanism whose only truths are Homo Worship and Rap music.


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