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Monday 17 December 2018


by Daniel Barge

Everything you've heard about the Yellow Vest protests is wrong. As you already know, they are not about a charge on diesel fuel to promote environmentalism. Nor are they about economic stresses and strains. The data I have suggests that it is Germans who should be in the streets rioting.

Nor is it about immigration, multiculturalism, and the attendant political correctness that this brings. All these are at best minor factors and have been present in France for a long time now—i.e. they can't explain why the riots are happening now, nor why these riots are so intense and so virulent.

The one thing that can explain why the riots are happening now—and also their intensity—is President Macron, especially as the prolonged honeymoon period that greeted this "new hope" is now entirely over.

But what exactly is it about President Macron that creates such visceral anger, rage, and hatred, that makes hundreds of thousands of people don yellow vests and rip up the streets week after week? Well, brace yourself, because the answer is that it is his gayness! And not just his gayness but also that of the French people in general.

As my Affirmative Right colleague Duns Scotus points out, the entire Western world is becoming at least in a relative sense "gay," by which we mean it is becoming more effete, "soy," metrosexual and androgynised. As Duns observes:
The evidence for this increasing androgynisation of Western political leaders is overwhelming and all around us. Apart from a few surprising holdouts like Donald Trump, who is, in part, a reaction to the gender-ambiguity of Barack Obama, the entire West is moving towards rule by feminine-looking men and masculine-looking woman.
Emmanuel Macron is almost an epitome of this. I have no doubt that the man is actually gay himself, despite having an elderly beard lady that once served as his high school teacher, and who may have allowed a large portion of the French electorate to delude themselves temporarily, at least, until THIS happened:

Jupiterean...or Ganymedean?
There, well that explains the timing of the riots almost perfectly!

Ironically Macron's gayness was at the heart of his appeal last year, because, as we see even with alt-right e-celebs like Richard Spencer, Milo, Millennial Woes, and Greg Johnson, it is the "gayness" (whether sexually consummated or not) that makes them appealing to the modern audience. Rather than the actual bum sex, I am referring here to the soft word or phrase, the tinkling laughter, the arch comment, the faint blush of embarrassment, the coy self revelation, etc.

In short, such "gayness"—as opposed to the harsh logic and gruff tones of the true man—is slick, charming, and seductive, emotionally manipulative, and effective on the modern Western audience, which has been softened, weakened, and feminised, at least in relative terms. Such feminisation also lies at the heart of capitalism and its constant drive to ensnare our desires and soft sell us into oblivion.

First round of 2017's French Presidential Election
Last year in France, when it was clear that the old parties had failed, had collapsed in on themselves, and thrown up hollow men as candidates, who could only fail, Macron became the stopgap solution to prop up bankrupt centrism, and stave off the rightful advent of Marine Le Pen and her new political synthesis of hard Left and hard Right.

Macron, with his slick, nebulous, and seductive qualities, his ambiguity, his all-things-to-all-men vibe—topped off with a sophisticated fashion sense and media savvy skills—was able to woo the voters, especially the ones whose numbers now make up the Yellow Vests.

While Le Pen's voters were Whites from rust-belt France, especially the north east of the country,  and areas "over-enriched" by the immigrant ascendancy, the data suggests that the core constituency of the Yellow Vests was working class and lower middle class voters from still largely white rural and small town areas (see map).

In 2017 these were exactly the kind of voters who could be gently cajoled, charmed, and persuaded not to vote for the candidate deemed "unacceptable" by the elites. All it took was the right kind of attractive alternative candidate to appeal to their already degenderised tastes as to what a politician should be. That man was clearly Emmanuel Macron.

But a seduction that then doesn't follow through, that disappoints in the matter of satisfaction, leaves an especially bitter aftertaste—a sense of disgruntled betrayal and also a sense of self-loathing that one could be seduced so easily.

Together, these complex emotions create a rancorous cocktail of deep resentment and bilious rage that we now see unleashed on the streets of Paris and many other French cities. The yellow of the yellow vests is perhaps the jaundiced resentment of the charmed and cheated, and what we see now is an emasculated uprising that can be most simply characterised as a gay tiff. This is why it is so fierce!

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