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Thursday 7 March 2019


by Georg Immanuel Nagel

The euphemistically named Austrian Domestic Intelligence Agency, the "Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Counterterrorism" (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz und Terrorismusbekämpfung, BVT), is arguably the most useless institution of its kind in the Western world.

For decades it has somehow not been able to do a single thing about violent Antifa groups. There is not even one case, where it actually persecuted a violent leftist organization. Also Islamist networks are prospering here. Austria has in general a reputation of being a paradise for foreign agents.

So, if the BVT is not fighting the real terrorist groups, what is it doing all day long?

The actual focus of the BVT is clear: Their main target is to chase right wing "thought criminals," an activity made  possible by numerous nebulous laws. These have been imposed in the last few years by the Social Democrats and the cuckservatives as a reaction to the rising power of the Right. When officials of the BVT speak about "fighting extremism," they really mean fighting the Right, and at the moment it seems that the liberals who secretly run this shady institution are totally freaking out.

The trigger for this is the new government coalition of the once solely cuckservative Peoples Party, which pretends to be more based now, and the Right-wing populist Freedom Party (FP). The new government is often described by the foreign mainstream media as "far right." That unfortunately is not true. Our new chancellor Sebastian Kurz started his career in the same way as other mainstream Conservatives in the past, saying things like "the average immigrant is more educated than the average Austrian" or that "Islam self-evidently belongs to Austria."

Kurz (right) with EU Commission
President Jean-Claude Juncker
However, the so-called "refugee crisis" that started in 2015 changed everything. Mr. Kurz seized the moment, and grasped the opportunity to ride on the rising wave of anti-immigrant populism to become Austria's youngest Chancellor in history. My personal opinion is that he does not have any real ideology of his own or specific world view. He will do anything that is perceived as popular, so that he can get power. Therefore the "force for good" in the coalition is the solidly Right-wing Freedom Party, especially the confident interior minister Herbert Kickl, who is showing a hands-on approach to fulfilling his agenda of restoring law and order.

In theory Kickl is the boss of the BVT, but the reality is that the same agents and civil servants, who got their jobs from past governments, led by the Social Democrats, are still in charge. So de facto nothing has changed.

The agency is still the same "thought crime" police it always was, and the minister can not just fire these guys even if he wanted.

Last year the mainstream media and the opposition were pushing a "fake news" scandal about Kickl. The headquarters of the BVT was even raided by a special police unit to investigate accusations of corruption against several agents. Peter Gridling, who has been the director of the agency since 2008, had to be temporarily suspended from office. However, none of the numerous allegations—money laundering, embezzlement, sexual assaults, the transfer of thirty new North Korean passport to South Korean agents, etc.—have so far been proved.

Kickl (center) with Italy's anti-migrant
Interior Minister Matteo Salvini (right)
The opposition claimed, that Kickl arranged these investigations in order to get rid of Gridling, so that the Freedom Party could install one of their own men instead.

This is obviously not true, because the investigations were demanded by the Department of Public Prosecutions for Corruption and the Ministry of Justice, which are controlled by the other party in the coalition, the cuckservative People's Party, and not by the Freedom Party.

What is interesting, however, is that the panic-fueled reaction to an alleged change of power within the BVT shows that the Left knows well that this agency is not only an instrument of national security, but also a weapon in the civil political struggle. At the moment, the Red "Deep State" is using this weapon more shamelessly than ever before to persecute perpetrators of wrongthink.

What I will tell you next is not a joke, but the absolute truth: There has been an investigation against me by the BVT merely because I used a Pepe meme (see above)!

Some time ago I produced stickers with an image of "sad Pepe" and the slogan "Praise Kek and fight the cucks!" on it—y'know standard Dissident Right stuff. On the sticker was also the internet address "" [dead link] linking to the website of the Occident Society (Verein Okzident), an activist group, that I have founded together with the former Christian Conservative politician Alfons Adam in 2015, who is therefore also accused of "hate speech" (Verhetzung), a fake crime that carries a very real punishment of up to two years of prison. We both had to undergo an interrogation by the BVT.

Here are a few questions that they asked me, verbatim from the transcript. Try not to laugh too much as this is an extremely serious business:

"You are accused of having produced and publicly displayed stickers, that show 'Pepe the Frog' and the writing 'PRAISE KEK AND FIGHT THE CUCKS' and therefore you have spread racist, anti-Islamic, xenophobic and anti-Semitic influences. What do you say to this?"

"Did you know about the ambiguity respectively the abuse of 'Pepe the Frog' as 'Nazi-Frog' on the internet?"

"What does Alt-Right mean?" "What does Kek mean?" "Why did you use Pepe the Frog?" "What does cuck mean?" "Do you have a personal aversion to Islam?

I have already had the chance to look into the files of inquiry. The "intelligence" that the BVT has compiled about my case is very revealing. They collected a lot of articles about the Alt-Right, etc. from far left organizations, the liberal mainstream media and the definitely non-neutral Wikipedia. They also quoted English articles that were translated into German with Google translator, which does not of course create a reliable translation, but only a vague approximation. The agents accused me of having spread "right wing extremist propaganda" and being part of a network of "crypto-fascistic groups."

They are arguing like this:

Anonymous people on the internet have created pictures that show Pepe as Hitler etc., therefore he is a "Nazi-Frog," which makes it hate speech to use him. The term "Alt-Right" is also used by some American Neo-Nazis, therefore it is a criminal offense to describe your political views as Alt-Right in Austria. 

It is unlikely that this absurd chain of associations is enough for a conviction, but these political trials aim also at destroying your reputation and your private life, to scatter your organization, to drain your financial resources, and most of all to scare off potential supporters and followers.

Martin Sellner of the Austrian Identitarian movement
This worked well with the gigantic trial against the Austrian branch of Generation Identity, who were recently persecuted for forming a "criminal organization." Of course the only crimes they were accused of were several incidents of "hate speech" and spreading "hateful" stickers. Even though they were acquitted, the private and financial costs remain.

What did the "far right" government say to this unbelievably scurrilous trial? Nothing, absolutely nothing to this day. Nobody expects support from the cuckservatives, but everybody was disappointed by the Freedom Party. While the leaders of the party officially say that they have nothing to do with the Identitarians or groups like mine, their base predominantly supports us. When they continue to allow the Deep State to persecute normal citizens and to destroy their lives, just because they express opinions that are not politically correct, the base will start to become rebellious and a lot of supporters are already irritated because of several other acts of cucking towards the Left.

The government could easily abolish or alter all "thought crime" laws, but they fear the "public opinion," i.e. the mainstream media.

They are afraid of being accused of supporting "extremist" groups. But if they do not get rid of these stupid laws, the liberals will just continue to use their Deep State networks to criminalize right-wing groups and people. This Pepe case has to be regarded as a godsend that undermines the political abuse of the justice system by making it appear as it truly is—ridiculous. The national media is already reporting on this absurd incident. The best support for us at the moment is to simply talk about what is going on.

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