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Monday 4 March 2019


The big news in Dissident Right circles in the past week or so has been the banning of many if not all Counter Currents titles from Amazon and the demonetization and apparent break up of the Heel Turn hub of Alt-Right live streams on YouTube.

What should the Affirmative Right attitude to this be?

I think we should be pleased because both Counter Currents and the Heel Turn network effectively conflated the wider Dissident Right with Naziizm and genocide, which is the essential problem that the Dissident Right has always had, which is why it is called "Dissident" and not "mainstream" (btw there is no mainstream Right at the moment, which is why our civilisation is dying).

This conflation of the Dissident Right with Naziism plays straight into the globalist neoliberal establishment's containment policy for Dissident Right ideas like White identitarianism and genuine nationalism.

So, one way to see this is that by cracking down on Counter-Currents and Heel Turn, Big Tech is effectively doing the job the Alt-Right should have done on itself, but didn't have the brains, will, or inclination to do by itself. But why was the Alt-Right unable to discipline itself and thus become stronger? I believe there are three main reasons:
  1. The Alt-Right is partly made up of disruption agents/ feds who know they can use other key groups in that movement to push it off the cliff of normie unacceptability.
  2. The Alt-Right is partly made up of people who are psychologically driven to pointless extremism and cabalistic tendencies. This group includes "gay Nazis" like Greg Johnson, Millennial Woes, Ghoul from TRS, and many others; closeted semi-gays or gays in denial like Richard Spencer, and people insecure in their Whiteness like (((Mike Enoch))), (((Weev))), Andrew Anglin, and many of the bit part players at TRS. Because of their psychological predilections this group generally finds it hard to accept data that shows the pointlessness and indeed destructiveness of their approach.
  3. The Alt-Right is also made up of naive or idiotic people who believe the mistaken theory that signalling Nazi and obsessing about the Jews is the best way to wake up the normie masses to the problems of Western civilisation or move the Overton window. It just isn't.
It is no coincidence that Dissident Right movements, like actual nationalism—as opposed to the weak tea that Trump dished up at his latest CPAC speech—and White identitarianism do best where Nazi-signalling has long been legally banned and extirpated, i.e. in Europe.

Luckily people like Johnson are increasingly
becoming joke figures in the Dissident Right.
Unfortunately the crackdown on Dissident Right books and sites is likely to overspill the Nazi-signalling retards.

Indeed, unfairly included in the Amazon ban are books by Jared Taylor, who avoids the JQ and does not do Nazi signalling. 

But, make no mistake about this—this is not happening because "they" are going to ban you anyway so "you may as well go full 1488" as the Feds in the Alt-Right are predictably saying. No, this unfair banning of Taylor's books is happening because he failed to sufficiently distance himself from these toxic Alt-Right elements and failed to explicitly attack them, as I am doing. 

Some will argue quiet plausibly that even that may not have been enough to save American Rennaisance's titles from being banned on Amazon—and there is even no guarantee that this eminently sensible Dissident Right site won't be shut down too—but that is just testament to the extreme toxicity that the Alt-Right has allowed itself to mutate into since around 2015, a toxicity that now allows the enemies of the Alt-Right to weaponise it against innocent targets in the wider Dissident Right like Jared Taylor. That, in case you hadn't noticed, is a further argument to crush the Naziist tendencies in the Dissident Right, not feel sympathy or carry water for them.

Any successful movement needs movement hygiene to take out the shills and freaks who will inevitably toxify it and destroy it from the inside. This is what the Alt-Right lacked, despite my own considerable efforts in this direction when I was still part of that sadly deteriorating movement. Now Big Tech is unwittingly providing the discipline that the Alt-Right lacked. This can only be good for the Dissident Right in the long-term. 

In fact, if you wanted to keep the Dissident Right contained in its impotent, little ghetto, the best thing you could do is to let idiots like Spencer, Johnson, Anglin, and (((Enoch))) go on effortlessly milking their audience of psychological freaks, useful idiots, and naive little kids out of their pocket money. 

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