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Sunday 31 March 2019


What is the worst thing about the collapse of the Alt-Right, the defeat of Trump's agenda, and the mutation of the Left into ever-increasing lunacy? Here, I'll start: it is the fact that these events have given a jolt of life to long-expiring false opposition movements, which should have been left to die so that something new could arise in their place.

One of these is neo-Nazism, which was dwindling to its lowest ebb during the formative years of the Alt-Right. Now, thanks to the Great White Signalling Spiral of 2016-17, it has received a new infusion of young unemployable pariahs who will have no better career options than folk activism for the rest of their lives. We already hear far too much about this pathetic little soap opera at Affirmative Right, and it might be a good idea to just ignore the stuckment and hope others follow suit.

Mainstream conservatism, the other pole of false opposition, is much more worthy of attention. Many on the Dissident Right have an optimistic theory about conservatives: that as the Left continues to import new voters and use them as a revolutionary proletariat, the long-dormant mechanisms of democracy will kick in, and conservative parties will be forced to adopt explicit white interest politics in order to win elections. You'd think that if any number of Republican politicians had been nursing any such intention, the last couple of years would have been a good time to reveal it, given that renegade billionaires who have just won landslide elections don't show up every day of the week. But no - they did as much as the Left to take advantage of Trump's inexperience and stuff him and his agenda into a box.

Although the Sailer Strategy remains a good tactic for winning elections, there is no historical determinism blowing wind into its sails. For one thing, even if the Cathedral were to create a de facto one-party state, there would still be plenty of demand for politicians of lesser holiness to represent corporate and military interests - so why should conservative leaders, a wretched and cowardly lot, take a stand against the odds and risk losing everything? Yet even this underestimates the sophistication of Western totalitarianism. Far from leaving conservatives out in the cold to plot rebellion, the leftward drift of the progressives drags them along with it: so as the Inner Party gets crazier, the Outer Party picks up new supporters simply by retaining relative sanity.

And because two-party totalitarianism is a more resilient beast than the one-party kind, the objective on the other side is never to destroy the Right entirely, but always to leave just enough of it to be reconstructed into a zombie opposition. So as the real Dissident Right is repressed, the media promotes  a knock-off version of the Dark Enlightenment, and fake "right-wing youths" spring from the wallets of boomer billionaires to peddle a neutered Trumpism. But there is more to come. The hot new idea among conservatives is, I shit you not, white-knighting for feminists to own the libs.

A recent panel at the conservative Heritage Foundation, approvingly discussed by Andrew Sullivan, was entirely given over to radical feminists - one of whom tearfully listed such injustices as the fact that, thanks to transgenderism, the massive prison rape epidemic that keeps ordinary men terrified of feminist accusations is now spilling over into female prisons. Surely a proper traditionalist conservative would know better than to fall for this, right? Well, according to some, Rod Dreher fits that description - and when he received a letter from a feminist castigating transgenderism as a "male sexual rights movement", his response was to instantly declare allegiance to m'lady, and pre-emptively scold his readers against "demonising allies".

Why are these feminists, none of whom are Pizzeys or Paglias with actual conservative opinions, suddenly looking to break bread with conservative men? The answer is that they are being ejected from the pro-transgender Bioleninist coalition, which just loves the idea of producing a new generation of literal court eunuchs to live in dependence on the planned status economy. Sad to say, this alone practically guarantees the acceptance of the feminists by the likes of Sullivan and Dreher. If you can trust a cuckservative to do one thing, it's swear eternal fidelity to an ageing party slut who has run out of other options, even if she has spent the last thirty years or so calling him an evil closet rapist.

Obviously the transgender movement is a new frontier in leftist society-wrecking, but there are a few important points to be made here. First, and most importantly: as some conservatives are level-headed enough to understand, second-wave feminism is based on the same principles as transgender ideology, and might accurately be called first-wave transgenderism. Its battle-scream has always been that there are no meaningful differences between the sexes; that women should take up male roles and seek dominance in relationships; and of course, that women should gain access to all significant male spaces, because to deny them such is "discriminatory". The media have anathematised the concept of femininity, and propagandised women into embracing the role of the female eunuch, a sterile inferior male who serves to carry the will of the bureaucracy into every workplace and family. (Yes, I am reclaiming this term from the feminist loon Germaine Greer, who merely used it as an antonym for "slut".) The feminists seeking alliance with conservatives have not repudiated any of this; they just know that their freedom to abandon female roles depends on men's staying yoked to male roles, so they don't want any Y-chromosome owners getting in on the gender-bending action.

Secondly, it is feminism that has crashed the birthrates of the West, and to all intents and purposes abolished the institution of marriage. Aside from the creation of a small population of permanent volunteer commissars, the main result of transgenderism will be the castration of homosexual males and the physical alteration of mentally-disturbed females. This may not be pleasant for those directly involved, but is far preferable to tolerating a poison that eats into the marrow of normal society.

Finally, for Rightist men and women who do not sacrifice principles to "strategy", transgenderism offers a nice punchy red pill for waking people up to reality. For years we have had to put up with bullshit deterministic explanations of the feminist revolution: men are becoming obsolete, we're returning to the primordial matriarchy, women are better at things because they "emote" and "multitask" (in other words, can neither think rationally nor concentrate on one thing at a time), blah blah blah. Women naturally feel flattered by this, and men are generally inclined to play along with a show of magnanimity, because no man of any worth wants to think that he is competing with women and losing. But women must now defer to a tiny group of low-functioning biological males, who increasingly get to invade their intimate spaces, and apparently need not fear excessive legal consequences for smacking them around in the streets. How could such a group have risen to power over women by any sort of meritocratic determinism, indeed by any other way than state patronage?

Thus the secret is out in the open: women have not been "liberated", but have merely passed from the control and protection of fathers and husbands to that of bureaucrats and managers. They do not hold power, but are rather "empowered" at the whim of the state. "Subjected women" work for their families, obey their husbands, and suckle their children; "liberated women" work to pay tax, obey the party line, and suckle bureaucrats and welfare dependents. "Subjected women" court potential husbands by whispering sweet nothings, e.g. "I don't need any man but you"; "liberated women" court the state by shouting bitter nothings, e.g. "a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle". Are "liberation" and "subjection", then, anything more than meaningless propaganda terms? Of course, the freedom for women to practice unrestricted hypergamy is quite a seductive arrangement; but as the white working class found out long ago, and as feminists are only now finding out, bureaucratic oligarchies also know how to pump and dump.

But none of these points will be made by mainstream liberal conservatives, who would rather play their stupid triangulating games with people who hate their guts, and help the Left to profit from the latest revolution by consolidating the last one. Well, I suppose these people aren't granted comfy sinecures and freedom of speech for nothing. At least we are still, for now, at liberty to mock them as the worthless geldings they are.

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