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Monday 8 July 2019


Monogamy ended the chaos, the end of 
monogamy will begin the chaos anew.
by F. Bardamu


Monogamy gave otherwise undesirable men a reason to contribute to society, thereby avoiding potential civil strife and rebellion. It further reduced male aggression by eliminating the need for intrasexual competition. However, the explosive growth in the number of bachelors since the mid-20th century has rendered monogamy increasingly irrelevant.

This has exposed the ugly realities of Darwinian sexual selection, such as the fact that both sexes primarily value physical attractiveness in a partner. Facial attractiveness, which is more genetically heritable and a much stronger signal of phenotypic quality than body attractiveness, is more important for women than it is for men; for men, body attractiveness, which is highly malleable, can be just as important as facial attractiveness, if not more so (Currie & Little, 2009).

Thus, females evaluate male fitness on genetic factors beyond individual control, whereas males judge females on factors that can be easily changed.

The female is thus the shallow sex, while the male is usually much deeper. This also means that men are less discriminating than women in terms of physical appearance. Because women have little interest in sex for its own sake, they tend to dominate sexual marketplace transactions. If men are unable to meet or exceed a minimum threshold of physical attractiveness, they will find themselves permanently excluded from all mating opportunities (Fugère et al., 2017).

Women’s sex drive is not as urgent as men's; this sex drive differential is a necessary precondition of the female’s natural tendency towards hypergamy.

Women, regardless of physical attractiveness, personality, or behavior, are daily inundated with offers of sex and marriage from beta males, so they can easily go without, typically for long periods of time; on the other hand, men with normal testosterone levels simply cannot endure prolonged abstinence without becoming anti-social or low-functioning.

The stronger male sex drive means that the average man will not experience the level of sexual activity he desires; this is especially true of the unwanted bachelor, whose existence is one of chronic sexual starvation and loneliness. Monogamy partially alleviated the problem of frustrated male desire and female hyperselectivity by providing most men with a semi-regular sexual outlet.

Declining marriage rates however mean more undersexed, sexless, and lonely men, who will become increasingly angry as they become more numerous, only to realize that they have been shafted by the dominant liberal egalitarian and feminist ideology of the West's hostile elites.

Another curse of the male is that there sexual prime last much longer. This means that prime age males typically outnumber prime age females in Western countries, another ugly reality.

An unbalanced sex ratio, with more males than females, merely increases the severity of the male “sex deficit” (Hakim, 2015). According to the principle of least interest, if there is too much of one sex, that sex becomes relatively worthless.

Because they are fewer, the average sexually prime woman finds herself with a tremendous amount of sexual power; she can now delay marriage for as long as she wants, while she passes her time sport-fucking alpha males; even mediocre women have an abundance of sexual opportunities because of the surplus sexually prime male population.

Surplus males are usually eliminated through wars; however, there haven’t been any major conflicts since WWII because of the long, uninterrupted Pax Americana. Added to this the liberal totalitarian policy of mass immigration from the Third World has significantly worsened the sexual marketplace effects of an already unbalanced sex ratio. This is because the majority of immigrants are single, prime age males.

Since no corrective action will ever be taken as long as the liberal totalitarians remain in power, male sexual frustration and loneliness will inevitably reach crisis proportions in the near future. The decline in marriage across the Western world has allowed women to re-assert their primitive hypergamous instincts and return to the mating behaviors of the Stone Age and the Neolithic.

In the past, this female hyperselectivity meant that if inferior males wanted a woman, they had to kill the alpha male. Because the alpha male was short-sighted and selfish in his outlook, he had no reason to share his harem with inferior males. The reproductive rewards that came with exclusive sexual access to multiple females of child-bearing age were enormous; they would not be surrendered without armed force.

During the Neolithic, unattached males would go to war against males of rival clans; if they were victorious, the defeated clan’s women were seized as war booty and forced to become the wives, concubines and sex slaves of the warriors.

Rape, the "sex communism" of the ancient world?
The practice of seizing women as war trophies featured prominently in the Old Testament tradition; in early Roman history, “the rape of the Sabine women” staved off Latin population decline. The medieval Vikings raided all Europe in search of female captives; they were brought back to Scandinavia as concubines and sex slaves.

Historically, men who find themselves permanently deprived of female companionship are a dangerous element to have in any society; those who allow this underclass of marriage-deprived males to grow are playing with fire. The founders of Greece and Rome were among the first to recognize this, which is why these ancient civilizations have an unbroken tradition of prescriptive monogamy; the institution of slavery was used as a safety valve to ensure male chastity and devotion to family.

Much violent conflict around the world has been instigated by unwanted bachelors. That male singleness is positively correlated with an increased risk of violence, not only against women, but within society as a whole has been validated by recent research (Seffrin 2018). This is certainly true of Moslem and even Asian countries, which have some of the world’s most unbalanced sex ratios. Sociobiologist David Barash writes (2016):
The resulting excess of men […] has a disruptive social effect […]: predisposing societies toward social disruption, increased violence, and possibly even war, ultimately because the reproductive prospects of these ‘excess’ men are limited or even foreclosed altogether. We need more attention to the societal consequences of altered sex ratios, whether generated by differential mortality or by social traditions—both of which in turn are often driven by our polygamous ancestry.
In the West, a man who finds himself deprived of sex and female companionship cannot simply go on a slave-hunting expedition like the Vikings of old. Taking women by force was what warriors did when they found themselves unable to attract women in their own societies. However, this option is no longer available. Instead, unattached males, especially Whites, the demographic most affected by lack of monogamy, have taken to drugs and excessive drinking; they are even committing suicide in record numbers. Others have dropped out of school and the job market altogether, refusing to contribute to a society that ridicules or ignores their fundamental biological need for sex and female companionship.

Men are even refusing to “go gentle into that good night”; they want revenge for what was wrongly denied them by a liberal totalitarian police state that terrorizes inferior males with incessant feminist propaganda and feminist-inspired legislation. Since 2014, there have been a number of high-profile acts of brutal violence committed by disgruntled and increasingly restless single men, beginning with Elliott Rodger and the Isla Vista killings.

Unwanted men: society's attention is elsewhere.
A growing underclass of unwanted men should be treated for what it is, a crisis that will spiral out of control if ignored.

As long as the hostile elite refuses to ensure that men have a stake in society by forcing women to suppress their hypergamous instincts and return to monogamy, this violence will only increase, becoming more widespread and indiscriminate as time goes on. Western societies are currently regressing to a prehistoric mode of existence.


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