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Sunday 21 July 2019


We are now entering the Twilight Zone.
by Duns Scotus

I'm still not sure if Trump is playing 4D chess or not. There are those who think his "go home" tweets  to the Communist wing of the Democratic Party were an inspired tactical move to strategically split and weaken the Democratic Party. But it's just as possible that he was doing some boomer tweeting. Maybe it was both. Anyway, regardless of anyone's intentions at such and such a time or someone's outrage connected to certain words spoken or tweeted, things in general have an inherent logic and a greater meaning that manifests itself despite the often blind stumbling of those involved in the controversies of the day.

What this brouhaha over Ilhan Omar and her fellow "Gang of Four" members reveals is that America is heading towards an "identitarian singularity," whether it wants to or not. In fact, it has been heading in that direction for quite some time, but things are clearly hotting up now.

Firstly a little background on the term "singularity." This is a concept that has become increasingly common in recent years. I first became aware of it in connection with Black Holes and then later with regard to artificial intelligence and Transhumanism. There it meant a point at which A.I. becomes so advanced that the rules of the game change entirely.

As the Jewish cryptologist Irving Good said in 1965:
Let an ultraintelligent machine be defined as a machine that can far surpass all the intellectual activities of any man however clever. Since the design of machines is one of these intellectual activities, an ultraintelligent machine could design even better machines; there would then unquestionably be an 'intelligence explosion,' and the intelligence of man would be left far behind. Thus the first ultraintelligent machine is the last invention that man need ever make.
The general concept of the singularity, however, mainly stems from the work of the great Scottish scientist James Clerk Maxwell, who is otherwise best known for creating a unified theory of electricity, magnetism, and light. He conceived singularities as clusters of unpredictability caused by non-linear flows in dynamic systems, like falling rocks, rivers, or weather systems, but also did not exclude social systems from their impact.

A singularity is essentially a point at which the established rules seem to break down because of hitherto underappreciated complexity. The complexity seems to be hidden because it falls in with more conventional patterns, until of course it doesn't. When this happens radical and unexpected change is likely to occur.

This is also the foundation of Chaos Theory, in which a small initial cause will trigger enormous, unexpected, and, at least for a time, confusing changes. The other key point of a singularity is that afterwards everything seems—or in fact is—quite different. Such radical change has some affinities with Jewish philosopher Thomas Kuhn's idea of a Paradigm Shift, but that is strictly limited to intellectual paradigms rather than vast, profound, and irreversible social changes.

So how does this concept of a singularity apply to identity?

Each country, state, or civilisation has what can be called an identity system that "manufactures" its identity (a collective sense of who a certain group of people are) through social relations, morality, and culture. In normal times these work in rather straightforward or "linear" ways.

The identities created by these identity systems have to be able to differentiate the group from other groups or else identity looses all meaning and function. But because people in any society are diverse and complex by nature, the identities must have a certain looseness and flexibility. Under unusual conditions, for example the kind created by globalism, such systems can be threatened, as we see in the case of America and other Western "multicultural states."

What are the factors attacking identity in the West? I would suggest the following; a little reflection will supply countless practical examples:
  1. The destruction of traditional socialising culture and morality
  2. Increased underlying social complexity through mass immigration
  3. The stigmatisation of assimilation
  4. The undermining of remaining identity factors to make them seem ironic, hollow, or meaningless
  5. The weakening of preexisting unities through the amplification of generational, gender, sexual, and lifestyle differences
  6. The elevation of negative identity as a form of "identity"
Any one of these factors would be enough to cause havoc to the identity systems of the West. Yes, even without mass immigration we would be well on the way to becoming fractious and divided societies. In fact, what are America's Blue State vs. Red State stand-off and Britain's Brexiteer vs Remainer schism than largely intraWhite breakdowns of common identity?

Taken together what all these factors produce is:
(a) a drastic weakening of the unifying social identity system ("the established rules")
(b) a drastic increase in disharmony ("hitherto underappreciated complexity")
The Leftist view of Ilhan Omar and the other members of "The Squad" is a perfect demonstration of the first of these processes. We are supposed to buy the idea that they are as "American" as people rooted in the history and culture of the country, and descended from its founding stock, simply because they are in America. Nothing demonstrates the "drastic weakening of the identity system" more than this.

The bar to being an American is at an all-time low. Omar is also the embodiment of Point (6): "The elevation of negative identity as a form of identity." Although it would be even more accurate to say she represents "anti-identity" or "hostile identity." Yes, her actual hatred of American identity is her "American identity," according to the Left.

In fact, even before the advent of Omar, the Left had already turned this sick idea into this iconic image, which was prominently featured in the opposition to Trump a couple of years ago.

So American, according to the Left.

Before this radical disruption, the "established rules" of the old identity system that created the American people were essentially:
(i) Be here now
(ii) Speak English
(iii) Be culturally European (and preferably White)
(iv) Identify with other Americans instead of your own ghetto or group
If it wasn't so statistically unimportant I would also add:
(v) Don't marry your brother
But that can also be generalised if we rephrase it to:
(v) Don't do any of the weird shit you or your ancestors used to do in the "old country"
To the degree to which you pulled off these five points you were a true American. Congratulations!

With this clarity, we can now see how those rules—and thus America's identity system has become broken. Ilhan Omar handles (i) okay, has a little trouble with (ii), but completely shits the bed on (iii), (iv), and (v).

Now, the contemporary Democratic Party (which we may as well call the "Demographic Party," as it seeks to win by replacing Americans) only believes in (i), and even there it is possible they may change their minds soon, possibly creating a U.S. "citizenship ray" that can be fired out deep into the bowels of Africa and Asia to generate an infinite number of "New Americans" that can then be shipped in to vote for the Demographic Party.

As for the GOP, they are happy to make (ii) optional and drop (iii), although they firm up a little on points (iv)—unless someone is pro-Israeli—and (v)—with some exceptions (see below).

No biggie, the rabbi is just sucking a freshly circumcised baby penis.
So, while the "established rules" of America's identity system have been greatly weakened, the "raw material" with which the system has to deal—the diversity and underlying complexity from which it must construct a common identity—has skyrocketed.

Into this ball of nascent chaos and instability Trump has fired his tweets, gently suggesting that the likes of Ilhan Omar and Co. should get back in touch with that much more potent element of their identities, namely their Somalian, Black, Cuban, or Palestinian personas.

The resulting hysteria is Chaos Theory and the Singularity in action. After decades of stocking up on diversity while sabotaging their identity creation system, Americans are confronted with a situation where it may now be too late to construct a common identity.

Can America return, as was once hoped, to an identity based on its chief historical fact of mass European migration to the North American continent, while finding fixes for its Black, Native American, and other minorities, or is the only way forward to create a more "transcendent" global identity?

In short the choice is between a country where the majority feel rooted and belong and one where nobody does. But also America may no longer be capable of even making that choice now that chaos is in the driving seat.

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