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Sunday 19 July 2020


Metapolitics, like politics, is the art of the possible.
by Colin Liddell

If there is one issue that is closest to the heart of the Dissident Right over its decades-long history, it is the JQ. I don’t mean that it is the most important issue. That is clearly mass migration from the Third World and low fertility rates of feminist-influenced White women, especially those with higher IQs. However, the JQ is clearly the issue that seems to generate the most heat and noise among the denizens of the Dissident Right, especially Rump Alt-Righters.

There are some on the wider Dissident Right who say outright that there is no JQ, while there are others who simply choose to ignore it. In the latter category I would cite Jared Taylor and Stefan Molyneux. The bald-headed Irish Canadian is an interesting case, as he has always been pretty consistent and truthful on difficult topics like racial differences, which he unfailingly approaches in a sensitive and moral way. But, apart from a few vaguely dog-whistling tweets, he took care to avoid addressing the JQ. Sadly this didn’t stop him being banned from YouTube and now Twitter.

The reason for such coordinated action by these Big Tech platforms is because the ADL, the driving engine of on-line censorship, decided that Molyneux was (a) too popular, (b) a bridge to more radical sites and ideas, and (c) represented a "reverse bridge" to a more normie-friendly stance that also detoxified Dissident Right critiques.

Their research must have shown that some people who got redpilled by Molyneux ended up going to the Daily Stormer, Counter Currents, or TRS. But no doubt it also showed that people who had been redpilled at those more toxic sites gravitated back to a more acceptable, morally-defensible, and effective position represented by Molyneux. Yes, Molyneux was axed both because of other people he had no real connection with and for reasons that had absolutely nothing to do with his own content, but he was also axed because of who and what he was -- i.e. a difficult to demonise dissident voice.

It should be well-known by now that the establishment want their right-wing dissidents to be swastika-shaped. Assuming this form is thus the most abject kind of conformity.

But, what about the refusal of dissidents as honest as Molyneux or as rigorous as Taylor to address the JQ?

I believe it reflects an important fact, namely that the Dissident Right is simply not able to effectively address the JQ and probably never has been. Molyneux and Taylor are among the highest IQ members of the Dissident Right and we can't assume that their positions are simply accidental. It is almost certain that they both realised the JQ was unapproachable in any substantive way from Dissident Right territory, which is why they have made careful efforts to avoid it.

But what do I mean by saying that the Dissident Right is simply not able to effectively address the JQ?

Well, I obviously don’t mean that it can’t talk about the Jews and Jewish power, or even come up with occasionally incisive critiques, as it does that all the time. What I mean is that whatever the Dissident Right says about the Jews will have zero effect and no one outside the Dissident Right will even listen. So much so that the Dissident Right would really be better off saving its breath. Indeed, not just those outside the tiny circles of the Dissident Right, but also many Dissident Righters themselves will just find the whole thing boring, repetitive, pointless, self-defeating, or all of these.

Aryan Superman Keith Woods
In fact, this explains why the Rump of the Rump of the Alt-Right (Spencer, Keith Woods, TRS, Striker, etc.) have swung so far to the Left in recent months. It is simply because they have intuited, rather than realised, that the only direction they can hope to attack the Jews from now is the Left. This also reveals what worthless monomaniacs these people are.

The Jewish position, which its critics define as “Jewish privilege and subterfuge” (Jews in the West) and “Jewish Imperialism” (Jews in Israel), is the equivalent of a castle surrounded by various kinds of terrain. The Alt-Right, despite its once honorable origins as a wide-tent intellectual movement, soon degenerated into a rabble that mainly wanted to attack that position. This site was notable for not participating in that stupidity, and indeed critiquing it. Nevertheless the Alt-Right made strenuous attacks on the Jewish position from the Right across metapolitical ground that had already been badly churned up.

In the wake of American voters twice electing its first Black President, there may have been some complacency among the Leftist establishment, so these attacks caused a lot of fear and panic at the time, but, of course, they ultimately went nowhere. Instead the Alt-Right, no matter how sharp their swords, got bogged down in the mud left by earlier dissident right attacks on the "Fortress of Judea" and got metapolitically massacred. The ground they left behind resembled a WWI wasteland, making it almost impossible for anyone to successfully attack again over the same ground. As for its metapolitical artillery, it lay bogged down and useless in the mud, abandoned to the enemy or spiked and destroyed, preventing its reuse.

The Alt-Right's immediate successor, the "America First" Groyper movement saw how much the terrain had deteriorated, which is why they limited themselves to a few petty sniping attacks from that direction.

Richard Spencer searching
for his common sense.
The story of how the Alt-Right failed is well known. The movement was infiltrated, a coalition of shills and useful idiots was formed, often featuring telegenic idiots who had some perverted sexual attraction to Nazism, and then the whole thing was steered down the road to costume Nazism: media hyping of idiots, normie alienation, and then waiting big guns of the Establishment -- deplatforming, demonetization, banning, condoned violence, and lawfare.

Because of the mess made by the Alt-Right, even a sensible critique of Jewish power from the Right now has no chance of achieving anything. The ground has been reduced to a corpse-strewn wasteland, the cover blown away, the water polluted, and the stench made unendurable. Those creatures who need to attack Jewish power as the ultimate end of their existence know they can no longer attack it from the Right. Instead, with their Fifth Column of shills still on board, they know they have to march to the Left to re-launch their attacks.

Will they succeed? Only time will tell, but I would bet every dollar or yen I possess against it. Let's be honest, the real Left won't even give them the time of day. But if they could precipitate an attack on Jewish power from that direction, the question would then be: What will the collateral damage to White interests be from this?

Any attack on Jews from the Left seems likely to lead to a general attack on all White people, something we have already had a foretaste of in Black Lives Matter.

As for the Dissident Right ever successfully critiquing the JQ, it would have to do this from a position of moral authority it has shown itself extremely incapable of gaining. The only way for the Dissident Right to ever deal with the JQ would be to successfully critique itself first.

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