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Friday 27 August 2021


Trolling Biden
Affirmative Right editor Colin Liddell examines the 20-year war in Afghanistan. He argues that this was indirectly caused by America switching from the gold standard to an oil-backed fiat currency and thus having to take a more imperialistic stance in the Middle East. He also argues that America's schizophrenic inability to be honest about its realpolitik motives for its imperialism led it to embrace Globohomo as a convenient way of overcoming the misgivings of an isolationist public. 

Also available on Bitchute, RumbleYouTube, and Odysee 


  1. A rather strange mis-adventure this Afghanistan-thing was! What was it really about?

    Oil/money and so on? Meh, I dont know. Iraq was more of the oil-candystore and the americans left there more quickly than in Afghanistan.

    Something to do with central Asia, Russia, China and so on? Probably not really.

    I would say something to do with Islam was probably the primary reason to be there. The main global powers are doing some mega-large "ordo ab chao" operation with Islam. The Iranian theocracy, Erdoganist Turkey, the Talibans and the Islamic state-franchise are all parts of this operation to my mind. So it is several decades old already.

    What it is exactly then? I dont know really. Other than Islam is a very huge, very old rusty system, but with a still active militancy, that can be used as a rather destructive force on a global scale. So if you need a giant juggernaut for whatever purpose in your plans/policies, Islam is the thing to swing around.

    1. China's Achilles Heel is its Uighur population. Holding Afghanistan greatly improves access to this 'resource,' but Pakistan got in the way.


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