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Saturday 14 August 2021



There are two kinds of crimes in the world: those that can be instantly weaponised and those that can't be. On the day we hear that 20 years of feminist, LGBTQ+ "nation building" in Afghanistan has gone up in smoke, we also hear that there has been a mass shooting in England. 

Five people, including a three-year-old girl, were killed in a six-minute mass shooting in the Keyham area of Plymouth on Thursday evening - the worst such event in Britain since 2010. Two more people were injured.

The attacker, named by police as 22-year-old Jake Davison, later turned the gun on himself.

The mainstream media has already decided its angle:

Jake Davison, the shooter who killed five people in Plymouth before turning the gun on himself, appeared to have an interest in the 'incel' culture, short for 'involuntary celibate'.

Although the 22-year-old said he would not call himself an incel, he had researched them online and spoke about them as "people similar to me have had nothing but themselves".

The misogynistic incel culture has amassed a following online among some men who feel angry and resentful as they believe women do not find them attractive.

Yes, the media has got a nice, new, juicy topic that the normies know fuck-all about. It can use this as an appetising sauce to pour over any dull, boring tale of everyday madness, anger, or violence to make it a little more enticing.  

But this story will also be weaponised to drive the usual agendas of the modern West, which, as we have seen, are all about centralisation, increasing control, and shutting down freedom -- or
Gleichschaltung, as I have seen it described on this site.

Personally I am against pivoting discussion of major social issues on the back of solitary criminal outrages, but that is how narratives are driven, and how discussion takes place in our dysfunctional societies. Unfortunately, this case will only be used to bash down a new victim class of so-called "haters," namely incels, without seriously considering the massive problem that the incel phenomenon is merely a manifestation of. Namely this:

The pre-1960s system of traditional morality -- based on a high degree of equality if not absolute equality -- was actually very useful in pacifying male rage and promoting civilsation. It was also effective at preventing the sort of "beta uprisings" that seem to characterize much of the Third World: 

But, no, in the name of "equality," a system of relative sexual egalitarianism had to be overturned to create the "sexual pyramid of skulls" that we see today.

We are now living in societies where women are encouraged to waste their most fertile years getting pumped and dumped by Alpha chads, while the Beta males and lower are expected to calmly and quietly wank themselves into the grave.

The weaponisation of this latest case will bring us to the point where merely talking about the toxicity of gender relations in the modern West -- even as fertility rates plunge towards one child per woman or under -- will get you banned, punished, and possibly even arrested for spreading "misinformation" and "hate."

The West hasn't just lost a war in Afghanistan. It is losing the far bigger war for its very existence. 


  1. There is little to no chance that society (especially modern, Western society) will value sexual egalitarianism for men over individual autonomy/legal egalitarianism for women. No father is going to support restricting his daughter's rights so that Elliot Rodger can get laid. It is much easier to simply tell Elliot Rodger to make due with porn (or prostitution if he can afford it), or else make due with killing himself (or being killed by others if he rebels).

    The suppressive measures described in this article are, in fact, the "solution" that society has settled on in regards to any potential "beta uprising." After all, what would the point of having a free debate about this issue even be? Either women have a right to social/legal equality or low-status men have a right to pussy. There is no "third-option". There is no compromise on this. You can redistribute money, but you can't redistribute pussy without severely cracking down on women's rights. I think it's much more likely that Western society will simply move to institutionalize polygamy, as many societies in the past have done.

  2. Let's be honest. The main problem is that the chads aren't pumping and impregnating. We would still be dysfunctional as a society but at least we would have a half decent birth rate.

    Frankly, polygamy is more natural anyway. And it's actually eugenic.


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