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Wednesday 29 September 2021


Move over "Jew on a stick," there's a new game in town. Richard Spencer is starting a fresh religion. It seems he is no longer a White nationalist (if he ever was). No, he's found something better -- he's now an "Apollonian," which is exactly what it sounds like.


  1. Replies
    1. The GOP just approved Raising the debt ceikling of the USA, along with the approval of a $5TRILLINS spending budget, plus DACA, Amnesty etc. this means that WE, our children, grandchilden and about 5th gnerations+200yrs of Americans into the futuro will be DEBT SLAVES to the JEWISH/FED/Banking, more wars for ZIOJEWisrael..all that GOP/MAGA/RED resistance is BS...

  2. Odd strategy. When people google Mark Brahmin theyre going to see endlessly long blog posts about Saturn and "Judaism as bride gathering cult" and their eyes will just glaze over.

  3. This is a reference to Nietzsche's counterposition of Apollonians to Dionysians ( Apollo, the sun god, is meant to stand for reason and logic. Dionysus stands for chaos, frenzy, licentiousness. I think the idea is that Nietzsche argued that both tendencies were part of humanity and should be fused in some way, but I find philosophy discussed mainly through classical art/drama and Greek gods confusing--the classical allusions don't add anything for me. I suppose you could argue that in this time of the fall of the West, the Dionysians are running riot, and the identitarians, the Apollonians, want to rescue order out of chaos? In that sense, Spencer is a WN, but this raises the question of whether some WNs in their behaviour are more chaos agents than potential agents of order? I would like Spencer to explain this all properly. Trump is of course a Dionysian. Could the Apollo-Dionysus contrast be compared to the concept of a cultured thug?

    1. Greek gods were concerned with sacred boundaries and humans must be very careful when they violate them in any number of ways.

      Birth Of Tragedy summed up tragedy as the Dionysian chorus of satyrs mocking the Apollonian hero.

      Of the Greek gods only Dionysus was murdered and reborn. The giants who killed him and ate parts of his body were the ancestors of humans. If you can think metaphorically about that it means Dionysus himself was a sacrificial victim and humans are descendants of his murderers.

      Concerning Dionysian madness, the maenads of today are obsessed with abstractions called racism and sexism. But both are Apollonian in character, manufactured by intellectuals, and are an attack on natural order, one would think.

  4. For the last few years I have seen Spencer as an entertainer and a kind of comedian. Now he never disappoints.

    1. May have spoken too soon. His recent debate with Styx was boring AF.


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