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Tuesday 28 September 2021


Right now Britain's Labour Party is holding its annual party conference. Because of this the party and its minions have started to appear briefly on news and social media radar. It's almost as if a stone has been turned over to reveal the worms and insects that usually live in the damp and slimy darkness. 

Labout right now is in an odd position. Having jettisoned popular Leftie radical Jeremy Corbyn, following Bojo "I'm a Turk" Johnson's Brexit-fuelled landslide in 2019, the party has apparently been hijacked by some pseudo-moderates who are trying to steer it back to electability behind dull-as-dishwater new leader Keir Starmer. 

The strategy is not so much to win power as to wait for the Tories to completely make a balls-up and lose power, and thereby "inherit" it. The key here is to be bland enough and vaguely reassuring so as not to "scare the horses" (aka the voters). 

The Labour leader with his wife (Yes, we know she's Jewish).

Corbyn was popular with Labour Party grassroots and he was even reasonably popular with Labour voters, but he was absolutely loathed by floating and swing voters. That's why Labour couldn't even beat Teresa May's Conservative Party. Starmer is an attempt to be the exact opposite of Corbyn: grassroots activists don't like him and Labour voters don't like him much, but the all-important floaters and swingers might just be tricked into thinking he's a nice, reasonable, if somewhat dull man. Assuming Boris has just blown up the country by doing something typically Borisy, this could just be a winning strategy with a large enough group of people having a tiny but decisive enough incentive to vote Labour. 

But the problem for Labour is that Stodgy Starmer is not the only person in the party. Immediately behind him Labour has filled up with all sorts of eye-catching freaks, screwballs, and deviants. Yes, tolerance levels for toxic weirdery have never been higher in Britain, but this is still not the way to win elections. Normies and people who still think only women can have cervixes still dominate the voting lines. 

Thanks to years of stupid fast-tracking, aimed at pushing "evil, cisgendered White men" into the background (see video above), the Labour Party has become a circus of ethnic, queer, anti-male empowerment. Take just one of their rising stars Nadia Edith Whittome, who at 25 is the youngest Member of Parliament in the UK, having been elected at the tender age of 23. 

Obviously she's not indigenous British. What else would you expect from modern Labour? In fact her father is a Punjabi Sikh who emigrated to Britain, while her mother is described by Wikipedia as an "Anglo-Indian Catholic." Yup, non-British on both sides of the family tree. 

Her mum was also a solicitor who sent her to a private school, so she is definitely not working class. Also, her parents divorced (or possibly never even married), as Whittome, so we learn, grew up in a single-parent household. Now that wouldn't possibly have any effect on her, would it, not unless you're a terrible bigot and think there's some sort of connection between a single-parent upbringing and openly identifying as "queer."

Nadia with ex-leader Jeremy Corbyn

So, what sort of "life experience" would this poster child for middle class dysfunction and atypicality have that would entitle her to sit in the Mother of Parliaments and cast her vote on the nation's destinies? Well, read on: after dropping out of a low-ranking university (Nottingham), she was employed as a "hate crime project worker" and a "carer" for a few months before being fast-tracked to the front of the Labour Party.

The other details on her biog at Wikipedia suggest she is a typical shrill Leftie, full of self-righteous rage and hatred for everything that Britain has stood for over the centuries.

A brief look at the Labour conference or the party's front ranks will tell you she is not some outlier, but is increasingly typical of the atypical core of the Party. And while Britain has undergone radical changes in the last 25 years, it has not undergone nearly as many changes as the Labour Party, once the party of miners, dockers, and steelworkers. Britain, despite the trends, is still a largely a White, small-c conservative nation that likes its history and identity, and still thinks a cervix is something that belongs only in women.

This is an enormous problem for the Labour Party, but it is also one for the nation, as it means the ruling Conservatives can almost get away with murder, as the opposition is so poor and anti-normality. It's almost like someone designed it that way.

Labour now the party of androgynous, middle-class, studenty types.

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