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Sunday 19 September 2021


Affirmative Right editor Colin Liddell examines recent events in Afghanistan, and sees an historical echo of an earlier U.S. attempt at "nation-building," namely the effort by the Federal Government to remake the American South, following the 'Clash of Civilisations' that we call the "American Civil War."

1 comment:

  1. Or it was perhaps not really a mistake (at least in the normal direct sense).

    I dont think the KKK was reconquering power (so to speak) in the South without the clandestine acceptance of the northern powerholders.

    And it also looks like the Taliban were given over Afghanistan more or less directly. They are no doubt an American client group of some sort. Remember that one eyed "Mullah Omar"-character, the founder and original leader of the Taliban? That guy was just too shady to be some random islamic sheeplover with the simple innocent dream in his semi-illiterate head of a purist muhammadan emirate in his native highlands.

    Whatever the Americans came to do and not to do, they went away when they had finished it, in their time and on their terms and they then left the turf to exactly their chosen group of sheepenjoyers.


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