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Friday 17 September 2021


by Utter Contempt 

It doesn’t take a crude, fanatical anti-semite to see that Curtis Yarvin and Michael Malice are obscurantists. I’ve said much the same thing about TRS. I’m not presuming to know these people’s motivations, or their true identities and associations. But each of them is successfully peddling some dead-end ideology that casts a shadow in the buyer’s mind over valid, competing ideas, and can only be arrived at circuitously. The carrot is always an apt critique; the stick is always to tar doubters by association with e.g., Jews, or conspiratards, or statists, or lolberts, etc. “You’re not a sucker are you? Here—buy my book!”

The same is true of BAP: his followers are ordering Achilles, and being served Trump through the back door.

I never understood the hype around BAP. Every one of his ideas is lukewarm. For example, here he is on his latest podcast:

Periodically, I remark that the people who rule us are incompetent losers, and it is always interesting to see how much statements like these anger a subset of my followers. I am open to many theories, but I am opposed to what I would call the conspiratorial, paranoid style of thought. This is a way of interpreting political happenings [where] it is assumed that geopolitical events are mostly intended, and fruits of hidden plans; that the politicians and other visible actors are puppets for hidden, conspiratorial parties, and that we are more or less powerless to influence the course of events. The conspiratorial, paranoid style is a cope. First of all it relieves those who think this way of the great burden of understanding what is happening. Many conspiranoids I see are under-informed about events. Secondly, the conspiratorial, paranoid style spares its adherent of the burdens of opposition. What happens is inevitable, and there is little or nothing that can be done against it; and finally, it is submission to occupational elite propaganda; it is an acceptance of the truth of basic stories these people tell about themselves. Villains like Klaus Schwab consciously play to conspiratorial, paranoid reconceptions because they benefit from them.

“Klaus Schwab is a villain who’s playing a villain to trick you into believing he’s a villain.” Uh….

This take is itself a cope: Klaus Schwab and friends don’t give a
fuck what you think. They’re going right ahead with their program.

Does anyone seriously believe that politicians the world over aren’t puppets who serve at the pleasure of a billionaires’ club? Read BAP’s words carefully—he’s not saying that conspiracy theory can go too far; he’s denying that it has any validity whatsoever. Watch as he escalates deftly from “a subset” to the whole genre. It’s sleight of hand. No wonder Kanye came out as a BAP fan. Like so many others, he’s a moron with good instincts and no critical faculties.

Many conspiranoids are under-informed.
So what? So are many non-conspiranoids. I have no doubt that imbeciles are in the majority. And tyrants always seek to instill terror—this is no great insight. What they never encourage, however, is the dissemination of authentic, comprehensive information about their crimes. Of course, pride cometh before the fall, and the oligarchs are nothing if not hubristic. But that’s exactly why virtually no one who earnestly traffics in so-called conspiracy theories does so out of a sense of powerlessness. Nothing has been more empowering for more people than the rise of independent online journalism over the last 20 years.

What BAP is telling us here is to underestimate an enemy. I, too, think they’ve overplayed their hand, and am hopeful about the future because I can’t afford not to be. But these people are playing an exceedingly long game, and musings like BAP’s here can only make sense in the eye of the storm, to those who have the long-term memory capacity of a goldfish. COVID-19 is the biggest experiment in trauma-based psychological conditioning ever conducted. A virus was intentionally created and unleashed so that nations could be looted and subjugated in perpetuity. We can ignore the perpetrators’ dictates as best we can, we can protest and perhaps strike fear into them and can certainly disbelieve everything their marionettes have to say—but in that case, what’s stopping them from making any number of course corrections? Oh, but the ruling class wouldn’t do anything like that, ’cause only losers believe in conspiracies.

Klaus Schwab is either a villain, or an incompetent. He can’t be both.

Also published at Utter Contempt

1 comment:

  1. All ideologies are dead in. Society isn't real and nothing actually matters but your own subjective experience. Even caring about the future and muhNation is just egoism via imagination and projection. Anyone who isn't a nihilist is wrong.


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