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Wednesday 6 April 2022


The Russian military budget is around ten times larger than that of the Ukraine, but due to a number of factors explained by YouTuber Binkov, the Ukraine will be able to increasingly outnumber (and outfight?) Russia in their ongoing war.


  1. The Dissident Right must hope that Russia scores a big victory. The US hegemon needs to be defeated. The invade the world, invite the word formula must die. This has nothing to do with any of Putin's qualities. It was great that the Taliban defeated the US too....

    1. Taliban didn't defeat the US. NATO beat the Taliban (at relatively low cost in lives) and pulled out because the QUAD "alliance" with India (to contain China) complicated things with Pakistan, the only access point to Afghanistan. In short, it was a smart move for the "US hegemon," so technically a victory.

      In the Ukraine, Russia has already lost. Putin has pushed Ukraine irrevocably towards the West, while destroying his own chemistry of power and the undeserved reputation of the Russian army. See my article Putin Has Lost and this video The Myth of Russian Military Greatness.

      The defeat of the Western toxicity has to be from an internal ideological struggle within the West, assisted by successful ideological alternatives abroad. "Putinism," however, is an ideological dog's dinner.

  2. For the AR both Russia and Ukraine are invaluable. Both are White, Christian and by now much more European than the average hamlet in Britain, France or Germany. Both countries protect Europe's eastern borders while our own leaders even refuse to protect our women and children in our own streets from the immivasion.

    Russia needs to be taught a lesson that attack wars are not acceptable, but some of its demands - like no NATO expansion to Ukraine and the right to self-determination for the Russian minority - are not unreasonable and should be accomodated.

    In turn, Ukraine's integrity and neutrality should be internationally guaranteed. Basically, we should follow the advice of georealists like Mearsheimer and Buchanan. The former wrote a highly lucid analysis of the nature of the conflict as early as 2014 ("Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West's Fault"):


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