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Sunday 30 December 2012


by The Editors

The Maya were wrong, as we always knew they would be, but 2012 turned out to be a full and interesting year nonetheless, if at times dark and difficult. Here to help you remember is a month-by-month account of the Old Year seen through the eyes of Alternative Right.

JANUARY: With 2012 an election year, we started as we meant to go on – being sceptical about the electoral process and the options it offered. For those in our movement the main point of engagement was the possibility that Ron Paul might somehow make waves and reverse the self-destructive path that America is clearly set on. In his article Ron Paul as Both Denial and Possibility Alex Kurtagic looked at how Paul fitted within the dominant political system while also unwittingly challenging certain aspects of it:

Yet, like Ayn Rand’s Objectivism, Ron Paul’s quantitative, rationalist, individualist outlook makes sense only in prosperous, stable, racially homogeneous societies.

In times of austerity, instability, and racial heterogeneity it poses an existential threat because the collectivism and authoritarian bias of competing non-White groups enable them better to exploit the opportunities opened to them by crises and uncertainty.

Another figure half-in and half-out of the political system was Pat Buchanan. This month his tenuous connection with the establishment was ended when he was fired from his job at US Cable News channel MSNBC for some of the arguments put forward in his book Suicide of a Superpower. So much for freedom of speech!

January also saw significant contributions from Jonathan Bowden as he teamed up with Richard to discuss the Ayn Rand, the New Right, Democracy, and the nuclear politics of the Middle East.

FEBRUARY: The second month opened with the Leftist Huffington Post jumping on the HBD bandwagon with the claim that Right Wingers were dumb. Alex hit back with a list of points that ended with “The core message is: ‘only morons disagree with us, so don’t openly disagree with us unless you want to look like a moron.” Fear of the Huffington Post was never going to be an issue here at Alternative Right as subsequent articles saw particularly hard-hitting articles, including an interview with Gianluca Iannone, the leader of Italy's CasaPound and Mark Hackard’s scathing attack on the half-time entertainment at Super Bowl XLVI:

Madonna Ciccone is a 53-year-old woman who in any healthy society would be relegated to its more sordid undersides. In this degraded age she is crowned songstress to the world, a tawdry prefiguration of the scarlet harlot from St. John's Apocalypse. A veteran perpetrator of three decades of cultural subversion, Madonna executed yet another lewd, insipid musical extravaganza before a global audience.

Other outstanding pieces were Alex’s Why Conservatives Always Lose and Frank Borzellieri's The War on Guns, both of which in their own ways presaged major events much later in the year, namely the defeat of Romney and the big push for more gun control following the Sandy Hook massacre.

MARCH: This month saw the annual American Renaissance Conference reported on by Alfred Smith. The event featured speeches by Jared Taylor, Alex Kurtagic, and Guillaume Faye, a legend of the French New Right whose books are only now coming out in English thanks to Arktos.

While Faye was in America, the presidential election underway in his homeland was dominated by a gunman shooting several people, including some Jews in Toulouse. This was enough to convince the French and international media that the shooter was a White nationalist, although he later turned out to be a radicalized Muslim, highlighting the emerging "under-reality" of Western multicultural politics and the intensified need for suppression and denial of all race realism, something that is packaged as "tolerance."

Tragicomedy was added to this farce by the implosion of Jason Russell, the founder of the Kony 2012 campaign, a simplistic panacea for SWPLs with a vague interest in the complex problems of Africa. Just as the internet-driven campaign was starting to drive the mainstream, it all fell apart when Russell was arrested by police after running around naked screaming at cars in San Diego, effectively “doing a Kurtz” (Heart of Darkness), that is becoming corrupted and animalized by the savagery of Africa, but without actually being in Africa.

APRIL: This month was dominated by the tragic death of the great Jonathan Bowden. Another fine podcast from Richard and Jonathan at the start of the month on the topic of eugenics emphasized the astounding erudition of Bowden. Both Richard and Alex wrote heartfelt commemorations for our fallen comrade.

Another big event was the sacking of John Derbyshire from the National Review for a common sense article published at Taki's emphasizing the importance of teaching children about the dangers of certain situations involving violent Blacks. Along with Buchanan’s sacking earlier in the year, it seemed that the establishment was striving to build a firewall to protect itself from certain "heretical" concepts that it feared, and with good reason as the underlying problems of America came increasingly into focus throughout this election year. Colin Liddell touched on this, with regard to the Derbyshire case, in The Asymmetry of America:

The most obvious of the many divisions that have arisen is that Blacks are no longer held to the same standards as the rest of the country, with the result that a great many of them have simply given up trying to live in a way compatible with Whites. While some see this as a disaster for the "Black family," it can also be seen as the rejection of what are essentially Northern European modes of behaviour, and the reassertion of the tribal and extended family patterns inherent in African populations.

Derbyshire’s sacking made perfect sense in the context of an official state religion of "Equality." Alex's excellent article Equality as an Evil demonstrated that it was the orthodoxy that was in fact the true heresy:

Difference is what makes us individual. To assert that everyone is equal, therefore, is to negate individuality, because individuality implies uniqueness, autonomy, non-interchangeability. None are compatible with equality. The demand for uniformity— even when made in the name of individualism—entails a demand for conformity, a renunciation of the self, a demotion or degradation of the individual. This is not just another contradiction, but an affront to so-called ‘human dignity’, and since dignity is human, equality is inhuman. A philosophical outlook that simultaneously exalts and affronts dignity is not a coherent outlook.

Another fascinating piece was Andy Nowicki’s The Survivor, which further explored the Columbine massacre with an interview with one of the survivors, Richard Castaldo. The article revealed a strong anti-Christian animus in the killers that has largely been covered up.  

MAY: The month started with Richard deciding to take on a more backseat role in the day-to-day running of Alternative Right, something he addressed in The Future of AlternativeRight. Despite this, interesting content continued to appear driven by events around the world, such as the French Presidential elections (The Death of France) and the rise of Golden Dawn in Greece (Golden Dawn Sheds Light On Itself). A particularly interesting piece came to us courtesy of Filipino writer Siryako Akda whose Rethinking Colonialism offered a fresh outlook:

My answer to that is to look at Colonialism as a perennial pattern of human behavior that will continue to exist in human affairs but constantly take on different forms. This view is inherently conservative in that it assumes that conflict, conquest and expulsion of populations will not be done away with at the Liberal "end of history" but will continue in ways that will defy the definitions set by the prevailing zeitgeist.

Gender and sexual issues were also covered in Andy’s piece Antisexualism.

JUNE: This was a relatively quiet month, although it also had its highpoints, including appearances on Vanguard Radio by Kerry Bolton discussing geopolitics and conspiracy theories and Derek Turner introducing his excellent new novel Sea Changes. Other articles of interest were Andy's tribute to the "seminal mansophere blog" In Mala Fide, which closed at this time, and Colin's invocation of monarchical mysticism Lizzie the Jinx in what was the 60th year of Queen Elizabeth's 'reign':

Monarchs who don't rule – and British monarchs ceased ruling sometime in the 18th century – can only have one function, that is, to act as talismans or lucky charms for their nation. If they succeed in bringing luck, then they can be considered to have done their job, regardless of their other imperfections, whether these include talking to trees (George III), marrying American divorcees (Edward VIII), or stuttering (George VI). Selection, it should be remembered, is not by ballot, but merely consists of appearing in the right birth canal at the right moment.

Monarchy without power not only has a hint of the mystical about it, it is in fact entirely mystical and nothing else but mystical, and it must be judged in these terms, rather in the same way as you would judge the juju from your local witch doctor (a real possibility in modern Britain).

Other articles of interest were Brett Stevens excellent You're the Victim? which expertly exposed the way that many of us on the right lapse into paranoia and a victim mentality. This contrasted with the positive attitude shown by real victims in Andy’s N*****s of the Earth and Sebastiaan of Orania, both pieces excerpted from his major article for Radix, looking at the efforts of South Africa’s increasingly downtrodden White minority to preserve their existence.

JULY: Summer with its skimpy fashions was the perfect backdrop for Jack Donovan’s hard-hitting article Everyone a Harlot which eviscerated the creeping feminization of a West that increasingly resembles what he describes as the "Bonobo Masturbation Society":

People used to have decent aspirations. They wanted to have families. They wanted to do good work. They wanted to be good citizens, good Christians, good people. Now everyone wants to be a player and a porn star. Everyone wants to be the kind of monkey that all of the other monkeys want to rub up against.

July also saw a number of substantial articles by Keith Preston on the fascinating foursome of Aleister Crowley, Corneliu Codreanu, Julius Evola, and Friedrich Nietzsche. In Nietzsche the Visionary Keith tried to extrapolate the kind of society that would ultimately arise in a future consistent with the great German philosopher's views:

As one anonymous commentator has suggested: "I think that the future will be a world of dizzying social complexity, replete with small city-states with governments ranging the gamut from democratic to monarchical to theocratic, surrounded by vast hinterlands filled with eco-villages and wild ranges where hunter gatherer humans chase wild game and forage for nuts and berries, while vast trade fleets of ultra-light zeppelins transfer goods and services all over the planet, and transhumanist consciousnesses zip through endless, decentralized computer networks maintained by industrial syndicates a million workers strong, who build satellites and launch them into orbit to maintain a global network of communication so primitivists can use cell-phones to trade furs for plastic-composite bows… and so on."

As the US presidential election campaign started to build momentum, the coming rise of ethno-politics was highlighted in Colin's The Changing Face of Democracy.

Vanguard Radio also saw the first of the programs involving the triumvirate of Richard, Andy, and Colin, a new format that was to become increasingly regular as the year progressed.

AUGUST: This month was dominated by the London Olympics and an impressive opening ceremony that contained a very unimpressive message of multiculturalism and welfarism as the UK's dominant values. This provoked a couple of responses from AltRight, including the podcast Political Games and the article Olympic Requiem.

The Summer also saw pressure growing on President Assad in Syria in a struggle that had become essentially an ethnic and religious conflict (Assad Sad Story). Meanwhile American politics continued to deny all semblance of reality with a mood that was perfectly captured in Unleash The Beef's The Whooping Of The Tards:

Politics is evil. Participation is a forfeiture of sovereignty and consent to be fucked in every sense of the word.

The Democratic Party is an organization that exploits the inexplicable self-hatred of feeble-minded people.

The Republican Party is an organization that exploits the inexplicable pride of feeble-minded people.

There’s a bunch of other parties that no one cares about because anyone stupid enough to potentially care won’t be allowed to by the Democrat and Republican parties. The Libertarian Party has the least cataclysmic philosophy of all parties, but in light of the fact that government is the negation of liberty, having a “Libertarian” political party is a deeply mind-fucking contradiction.

SEPTEMBER: The big event of September was the killing of the US ambassador in Benghazi by a Muslim mob in what looked like massive incompetence from the State Department or even a bad case of karma (Getting “Gaddafied”). The suppression of democracy in the UK also figured big with the ‘kettling’ of yet another EDL march. The roots of such pernicious behavior and stupidity were explored more deeply in Andy’s excellent piece Murderous Equality:

Again, as we see, the legacy of genocide, terror, and tyranny that the push for equality has engendered makes absolutely no difference; equality will remain perversely sacrosanct among our cultural betters; it will continue to be trumpeted as a good in itself, an end unquestionably worthy of fulfillment, and its conspicuous historical dark side will be downplayed, if not completely ignored. In Europe and North America, the wish to impose “equality” now carries a more and more pronounced anti-white subtext; its advocates tend to be deracinated white liberals (or SWPLs, as they are now called) who have imbibed poisonous cultural Marxism like mother’s milk, and who flatter themselves as being the vanguard of the ongoing societal revolution, ridiculously romanticizing the cultures of urban blacks, barrio Latinos, and other ethnic minorities, while viewing their conservative Middle American racial brethren with an unhinged, embittered hostility worthy of an Ellen Barkin Twitter hissy-fit.

OCTOBER: This month belonged to Génération Identitaire, from their "Declaration of War" video to their occupation of the Great Mosque of Poitiers (Génération Identitaire's 'War' Takes Shape),” but elsewhere other interesting developments were underway. In Greece Dimitrios Papageorgiou examined Golden Dawn’s continued strong showing (The Gladiators) and came to some surprising conclusions:

The main cause of Golden Dawn's popularity is not its views and solutions for the economic problems that Greece is facing. I would dare to go even further and claim that it is not even its staunch views on immigration. It is exactly what nationalists in the recent years have been afraid of admitting, that is the readiness to use violence. GD has cultivated the image of its members as people who can act violently against those that threaten the Greek populace, be they politicians, immigrants, or thugs. It’s their tendency for action instead of words that has won over a number of people, even if they do not entirely agree with them or vote for them.

Also, things were afoot in the world of British nationalism, with a new party forming in the North, centred around Andrew Brons and other ex-members of the BNP. Nationalist stalwart Kevin Scott made the case for the new party in The Death of the BNP:

Thankfully, such a formation is now on the horizon following the long-awaited departure of Andrew Brons from the party, after a series of meetings in the West Midlands, which investigated the possibility of a new successor party being established to fill the space left by the BNP. As a result of those meetings, Andrew Brons agreed to leave the BNP citing "constructive expulsion" after he had been earlier smeared as a "state agent" on the party's website and his supporters dubbed "vermin" by a petulant Nick Griffin who is increasingly desperate to retain control of the party's purse strings and his dwindling support base within nationalist politics as a whole.

Other popular articles of interest were Mark Hackard’s Shock Troops of Dystopia, Alexander Forrest's Interview with a Contractor, and Gwendolyn Taunton's enlightening account of the Zen-like thought of the reactionary guru Nicolás Gómez Dávila:

According to Gómez Dávila, in the modern era the reactionary cannot hope to formulate arguments that will convince his opponent, because he does not share any assumptions with his opponent. Moreover, even if the reactionary could argue from certain shared assumptions, modern man’s dogmatism prevents him from listening to different opinions and ideas. Faced with this situation, the reactionary should instead write aphorisms to illicit a response rather than engaging in direct debate. Gómez Dávila compares his aphorisms to shots fired by a guerrilla from behind a thicket on any idea that dares advance along the road. Thus, the reactionary will not convince his opponent, but he may convert him. Furthermore, the aphorisms themselves are not written in isolation – when placed together in their context they are equally as informative as any normally composed text could hope to be.

NOVEMBER: As election month arrived, AltRight took up a strong position of apathy, ridicule (Election Rhetoric: The Full-On Wank), and disengagement. Richard summarized the essentials in Withdrawal 2012:

From a Leninist, revolutionary perspective—"the worse, the better"—one could make equally valid arguments for each candidate.  Obama, as a mulatto, looks like his policies; he gives White Americans a visual representation of their dispossession. That's a good thing. Romney, on the other hand, gives the people a false sense of WASP continuity.  He is also more likely to join Israel in attacking Iran, launching another trillion-dollar war, or even a global conflict.  Thus, the governor might be better positioned to bring about the final collapse of the American empire and the global dollar system that underpins it.

But then, both Romney and Obama are "worse-is-better" in that they are but two aspects of the same system—which itself is destructive and self-destructive.

Instead of arm-chair speculation about which candidate is more likely to bring on a major crisis, we should begin finding solutions outside democracy and the two parties. The first step in this process is to actively disengage from this equally evil and stupid political system.

Brett Stevens presented an interesting "minority report" viewpoint throughout the election campaign, with a series of articles that supported Romney, like The Hidden Fault:

People want to go in a right-wing direction, but this is not going to happen through an ideal candidate arriving from the heavens and mentioning the sayable. It occurs in increments: a candidate appears, pushes the boundaries of the sayable, and gets elected. The next election, more from the unsayable realm is sayable.

You have a choice in this election to represent your interests. If you do not choose it, you will not be represented, and you will be rolled over by those who are representing their interests.

The re-election of Obama brought up issues of immigration amnesty and secession. As always AltRight had some counterintuitive approaches, such as Jack Donovan's The Bright Side of Illegal Immigration:

Illegal immigration is killing my grandfather’s America, but that America is never coming back.  The bright side I see is that this is all part of the process of creating a failed state—a state where no one believes in the system, where the government is just another shakedown gang, where no one confuses the law with justice. A state where there is no such thing as a law-abiding citizen, a state full of middle class criminals. A state where overregulation and corruption, combined with a lack of the will and the resources to enforce the law, leads to widespread civil disobedience.

In a failed state, we go back to Wild West rules, and America becomes a place for men again—a land full of promise and possibility that rewards daring and ingenuity, a place where men can restart the world.

America of course is not the only country to face this trajectory of demographic decline and replacement leading to chaos and struggle. This was very much an issue in France too where Falko Baumgartner examined the data (The Africanization of France), while Génération Identitaire formulated a response. Roman Bernard reported on the party's conference (Remaking a People).

Culture also began to figure prominently as Vanguard focused on the James Bond myth in Goldenball while Andy released yet another novel, the excellent and salacious Heart Killer, with a couple of excerpts to tit ilate readers on AltRight. Also of great cultural interest was Siryako Akda's piece on the archeofuturist message ofWarhammer 40,000 (Into the Grim Darkness).

Other important articles included Colin’s lengthy interview with veteran British nationalist John Bean and John Maelstrom’s thoughts on secession (The Ultimate Secession).

DECEMBER: This month was dominated by the Sandy Hook massacre and the intensified debate over gun control. What couldn’t be discussed by the mainstream media was the kind of society you would need to create in order to make gun control even possible, one of the points raised in Colin’s Of Guns and Monkeys.

The issue was also extensively discussed by Richard, Andy, and Colin on Vanguard, which by now was operating as a separate website. Other topics covered on the podcasts included The Hobbit, Japanese politics (they too had an election!), the new movie about Abraham Lincoln, the phenomenon of "Gangnam Style," and Tarantino's celebration of anti-White violence Django Unchained.

The year ended on a high point with the print copy of Radix finally being sent out, after too many delays, in what has been an extremely busy and sometimes difficult year, but also a very exciting one.

Last but not least, the comment boards were always a pleasure to read, with a wide range of opinions and lots of interesting information finding its way onto the site. Many thanks to all our writers, readers, and commenters for a great year! And may the gods bless us all in 2013!

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