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Saturday 8 December 2012


Génération Identitaire, recently gained worldwide attention, with their "Declaration of War" video, and their occupation of a mosque at the historically important location of Poitiers. They are an organization filled with youthful energy in a state that has accepted multiculturalism and embraced its doctrines. I conducted an interview with Julien Langella, one of the leadership cadre of Génération Identitaire, an interview that serves as an introduction to the very interesting views of young French people fighting for their right to live as a homogeneous community in their country.

Identitarianism, nationalism, communitarianism, socialism? How would you describe identitarianism to a non-French person?

Langella: There is no "identitarianism." Génération Identitaire is not a club for ideologues fantasizing about the "Grand Soir" (the general upheaval to come) or "glorious tomorrows." We are young and pragmatic, both in our methods and worldview. This does not, however, keep us from having an ideal: we want to live in peace on our land according to our identity, like every people has the right to.

The 20th century was the century of ideologies – Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, Nationalism, all of which failed. The 21st century is the century of identities. Indeed it is the very substance of the European people that is threatened by the steamroller of globalization, invasion-migration and multiculturalism. Sovereignists have missed the boat by a longshot: it's no longer the power or sovereignty of nation-states that's in jeopardy; it’s the very identity of our friends, our families and our kinfolk. On the ethnic scale, because of the effects of migrant submersion on demographics, and on the cultural scale, because of the uniformization of different ways of life. In addition to this, European nation-states, prime inheritors of the Jacobinist ideas of the French Revolution, were the first agents in the destruction of popular traditions, deep rooted cultures and spiritual mass movements which fortified and irrigated European societies. No ideological recipe forcibly applied by these nearly extinct fossils can protect us anymore. The people have to take their fate into their own hands: time to wake up!

A nation can rise from the ashes of war or economic crisis, but it cannot survive the disappearance of its own people. There are 10 to 12 million Muslims in France and around 15 million immigrants, African and Muslim for the most part. It is the foremost political problem. Our fight is one for survival. We do not want to disappear, we want to live, and we want to be actors of our history and not simple bystanders. We do not want to become the Native Americans of Europe.

All of our political vision must be rethought in the light of this reality. We must take this reality and draw adapted political solutions from it, not twist it to meet some preconceived dogmas. We do not have any fixed answer to all the problems faced by the French and European people. However, we have adopted basic principles that serve as a compass in the ongoing storm. First we consider that ethno cultural homogeneity of a people is the foremost condition for social peace. Multiculturalism spawns "multiracism": just look at Lebanon, Brazil, South Africa, etc. Then, we believe that Europe is our chance: if the European people were united, we’d be invincible. I’m not the one saying this, the strategic analysts working for the White House are: they call our continent the "heartland," that is to say the heart of the World. Finally, we are rabid defendants of direct democracy, federalism and localism. Of course I'm not talking about the so-called European "federalism," which is in reality nothing more than technocratic centralism in disguise. By "federalism" I mean "unity in diversity." Localism is the relocalization of economic activities, political power and people. Like the Americans say: "small is beautiful!" But small is also stronger: countries like Switzerland, who frequently engage in direct democracy, show us the way.

Identitarianism: is it a movement? A party? An association? How would you describe it?

Langella: Génération Identitaire is a combat community. "Community" because we are more than a political movement: we are a clan within which rules the spirit of mutual assistance and solidarity. "Combat" because, when facing those that promote migrational policies that are criminal towards the European people, the struggle must be universal: beyond the political realm, we have a vocation to fight on the social and cultural ground. As Frédéric Mistral said: "it’s not about having an electoral majority, it’s about rebuilding a people!" We are an avant-garde of popular awakeners, not small time politicians hidden behind their necktie.

We are one of the three pillars of Le Mouvement Identitaire, founded in 2002, which assembles Bloc Identitaire, a political party and networking tool, the association Les Identitaires, which organizes every summer the Camp Identitaire, a place of political and militant formation, and Génération Identitaire, a combat community, which brings together the young identitarians of francophone Europe. We are a political oddity in a political landscape as fossilized as the one in France: the three pillars of the Mouvement Identitaire are structurally independent from each other, they therefore act freely whilst respecting a political line common throughout all the Mouvement. "Unity in diversity" is the creed of our mode of organization: federal and autonomous breaking from the centralization typical of traditional political formations in France.

Génération Identitaire recently made itself known to Europe with its "Declaration of War" but also with its action at the Poitiers mosque. What are the consequences of your success?

Langella: If you'll allow me, I'd like to come back on the occupation of the Poitiers mosque you were talking about.

With this successful first action, Génération Identitaire showed in what way our combat community was legitimate on the political scene: we are awakeners and we give a hard kick in the nest of political correctness and its ability to impose, beyond the debate itself, the very terms of that debate to the political class and the media! In that sense, we are stingers, we lead the way. What can still be saved in France depends primarily on the capacity for a non-electoral structure like ours to engage in direct contact with the French people through shock actions with high media repercussions, which are our trademark. For example, no less than 250 news articles, excluding the appearances on nightly television news broadcasts, followed the occupation of the Poitiers mosque. Showing the way, being role models, is our prime ambition. Through these kinds of concrete actions, we sow the seeds of the coming reconquest. We are a beacon towards which a certain number of young people will turn when the extreme ethnic and political polarization of French society will lead to the return of political and social mass movements.

This can no longer be considered metapolitical as inspired by Gramsci, for whom political victory could only be achieved through cultural victory, this is supra-political! For now, we are the minority of dissidents, the militant elite, which doesn't know fear and doesn't give up. Even more than that, we shift the frontlines and further our ideas! More than any poster campaign ever will. In French political life, there will definitely be a before and an after "Poitiers."

Since then, our numbers grow and we receive much support, and it does indeed require a lot of work. We've received many donations, letters of support from around the world (United-States, Québec, Latin America and all over Europe), new members, orders for books and stickers, etc. For the first time since the appearance of the Identitarian political tendency in 2002, our militants have been echoed around the world. The occupation of the Poitiers mosque has amplified a tendency started by the broadcast of our "Declaration of War." Since it was posted publicly, we've seen Facebook pages for "Génération Identitaire – Germany" or "Génération Identitaire – Italy" appear. The German page for example has as many "likes" as ours… The Declaration itself was subtitled in many European languages, and the view count for the one subtitled in English has even shot past the one for the original video. Our lambda was picked up all over the continent and we are currently brainstorming on how to make the best of this growing success, especially in Germany and Austria which are both very promising countries. The young German identitarians even had their first public action when they interrupted, pacifically and musically, the Intercultural Festival in Frankfurt. I'll take this opportunity to salute and congratulate them!

The weekend of the occupation of the Poitiers mosque, we received around 2000 emails of support, orders for material, and people wanting to become members! The person in charge of mail pulled a few all-nighters to answer everything and the person in charge of mailing everything spent days doing so… This shows that our cause takes precedence over anything else in our life. We can proudly say that we were not overwhelmed by our success: everyone has a task and performs it seriously. It's a big job, but we do it proudly and happily because we never could have hoped for such a huge success a mere two months after our creation… It's our biggest pride.

Is there a chance Génération Identitaire might be disbanded and outlawed by the French government?

Langella: The French laws that allow groups to be outlawed are mostly targeted at terrorists and private militias. Faced with the lack of sufficient judicial reasons, the President of the Republic gave up on disbanding us, to the great dismay of so-called "anti-racist" associations and sectarian groupuscules of the far left. The threat of disbandment was only meant to intimidate us. Much like the judicial supervision imposed on our four comrades under indictment for the organization of the recent occupation of the Poitiers mosque and which prevents them from leaving their district, meeting up with other militants present in Poitiers and participating in any political activity related to the identitarian movement. "France, the country of human rights," that's for illegal migrants and delinquents, not for young patriots! However, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. The success of the Poitiers action gave us the most important media presence the Identitaires had ever known since their creation in 2002. Our enemies gave us a big hand and for that we thank them with all our heart.

They can try to intimidate us, but they can’t dissolve the rage within our hearts. No one can disband passion, no one can disband youth. In the upcoming months, you will keep on hearing from us. Facing the political elites that have declared war on our people, we won't back down!

When you say "Europe," what do you mean?

Langella: I'm not talking, of course, about the European Union. Europe is a community of civilization and culture. As Europeans, we are all inheritors of Rome, Athens, Sparta and Christianity. As Frenchmen, we are in a good position to discuss this. Indeed, there is no such thing as a "French race": we are a mix of different European ethnic groups, be they Celtic, Latin or Germanic. Europeans have to be aware of that which has bound us for 30,000 years now, ever since our prehistoric ancestors painted on cave walls what they saw around them: all over Europe we find the same patterns, the same animals, the same beliefs. Throughout our history, every spiritual, cultural, economic, social and political movement that has appeared in a European country has had its equivalent in neighbouring countries.

Because we have the same identity and we are faced with the same problems (mass-immigration from Southern countries, pressure from Islam, American hegemony, proletarization at the hands of globalization), me must adopt a common front. The case of Tunisian refugees after the Jasmine Revolution is telling: because of the lack of common agreements with France and its other neighbours, the Italian government steered the flow of asylum seekers towards our country. This cannot be permitted to happen again.

For thousands of years, we've shared common grief, common hopes and sometimes common fights despite our internal quarrels. You Greeks are in a good position to acknowledge this: the Persian invasion of the 5th century before Christ took place when your great nation was torn up internally by rivalries between cities that language, culture and spirituality united, but faced with a greater enemy you raised the banner of Hellenic unity. In 1571 at the Battle of Lepanto, Europeans united once again against the common enemy: the Turks. Now Europe must unite once more through a common political construction that respects differences: we are for a Europe that respects nations and local identities, we fight for a Europe with 100 flags! Against the Europe of merchants and bankers, against the integration of Turkey in the European Union, we must come together and bring forth a powerful Europe that will hold fast in the face of all imperialisms. In friendship with our Slavic and Russian brothers we must clearly state: no Allah, no America! Europa nostra!

I have a perception of France as the European country that went the furthest into multiculturalism, is there any way to reverse this?

Langella: Of course! Where there's a will, there’s a way.

History is full of surprises. No one can predict what will happen tomorrow. What I can tell you is that a growing majority of French people, and especially young French people, share our sentiments and our rage. According to two recent polls, 76% of French people believe that "Islam progresses" too quickly, close to half of our countrymen consider it a "threat" and 52% of the population think that "there are too many immigrants in France." Since the 80s, according to all of the analysts and polling institutes, this general sentiment progresses at a swift and uninterrupted pace. The silent majority of this country is with us, and when the ethnic rupture will be felt by a growing number of our compatriots, fear will definitively switch sides. Nothing can defeat survival instincts. Like one of our main inspirations, the famous Provençal poet Frédéric Mistral, said: "To help us we have, in addition, the cry of blood and land, which may be gagged but never silenced."

Concretely, if an ethnic conflict were to break out tomorrow in France, which we want to avoid at all costs, it’s obvious that we would not sit around with our hands in our pockets and would actively defend our families. We do not condone violence, but we embrace force when necessary. The French may be lulled into inaction by consumerism and made docile by the necessity to earn a living, but they still remain a warrior people, which, after enduring humiliations without lashing out, always end up overthrowing its tyrants in a way that serves as a warning to all those that would be tempted to see them in chains again. Such is the history of our country since its inception. For example, we switched without any form of transition from absolutist monarchism to the "reddest" of republics, which took a toll on the country. France was also one of the last states of Europe to adopt social protection laws, much later than Britain and Bismarck's Germany, but these laws are the most advanced of their kind in our country. If you look even further back, you’ll see that even the religious conflicts were the most violent in France. A thing is certain, for better or for worse, the French people are frondeurs [rebels] and they will have the opportunity to demonstrate it again. Militants of the longest memory, neither optimistic nor pessimistic but simply realistic, we are confident in our people!

We are in the same situation as Lenin who, in January 1917, said: "We may not see the decisive battles of the coming revolution"… A few weeks later, the Bolshevik revolution broke out in Russia. Once the gears are in motion, there is no stopping the machine.

One of your slogans is "0% racism, 100% identity." Would you accept immigrant communities that preserve their identity on European soil?

Langella: "0% racism, 100% identity" means that we respect the right for all to defend their identity… in their own country! In short "everyone at home." This slogan means that we are opposed to any form of imperialism. Our only International is that of the people struggling to retain their differences: from the natives of the Mexican Chiapas to the Karen in Burma, without forgetting the Serbs in Kosovo and the Christians in Lebanon. We seek with this slogan to point out to those who still doubt it that Europeans are now an endangered ethnic group, much like native tribes everywhere that western bourgeois Third-World advocates love to patronize, without realizing that, one day, they themselves might become the minority on their own land… Above all, "0% racism, 100% identity" means that our political engagement is not motivated by the hate of others but rather by the love of our own. However, this love can become war if it has to: we love our people and our land as much as we refuse to let anyone hurt them.

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