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Sunday 6 September 2015


Turning Germany into a pigsty?

With the chaos caused by the European migrant crisis INVASION OF EUROPE, there is one narrative that is not getting much attention at the moment even though it lies at the heart of what is happening: this is the question of female leaders and what that can mean for a country.

Nowadays, when the US marines are lowering standards so that women can "serve" in the front line (and thus speeding the day when wars are entirely fought by drones), we are all supposed to be gender blind and not notice whether this or that position is occupied by a woman, unless of course they are blaming their failures on "sexism" or invisible sex-selective carapaces that limit their otherwise inevitable upper movement. But, no matter how hard leftists try, gender is not about to go away, and at the highest political level it is worth considering how it impacts on events.

Earlier this year, Germany, under its fraulein Fuhrer, got something of a reputation of being a stickler for the rules and for sticking to its guns. That was of course in relation to the Greek debt negotiations. We were told that debts were debts, rules were rules, and that, while we might want to show a little compassion to the prodigal Greeks, it wasn’t good for them, so we mustn’t, in the same way that we mustn’t give kids sweets before bedtime.

But fast-forward a few months and its quite a different story. The hard-faced Germans who stared down the recalcitrant Greeks and made their Leftist poster boy toe the Euro debt line, have suddenly melted into emotional mush, simply because a few thousand Syrian migrants showed up with big brown dog eyes begging for hand outs.

One reason that this happened has a lot to do with the woman running Germany. As Colin Liddell points out, Merkel is a childless woman who seems to have fixed on the Syrians as substitute children. Perhaps the key moment was back in July, shortly after she had ripped the Greeks a new debt A-hole. Back in those days, Merkel was the prim and proper, ever so efficient advertisement for feminism that the world had come to expect, showing the world that – whaddya know! – lady politicians rock.

With 2015 even then being a bumper year for asylum applications, Merkel decided to make a show of the rules being the rules, while also throwing in a little EQ (emotional intelligence) to highlight the supposed advantages of the female politician over the glib male of the species. Rather than just anonymously deporting the latest batch of failed asylum seekers, she decided to take the opportunity to put some faces to the procedure by appearing on a cosy televised chat with some of them. Big mistake!

After hearing the usual sob stories that hardened immigration officers use to line their budgie cages with, Merkel started to wobble with one young, starry-eyed, Palestinian "dreamer," called Reem. Merkel tried to stick to the script, saying, “politics is sometimes hard. You’re right in front of me now and you’re an extremely nice person. But you also know in the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon are thousands and thousands and if we were to say you can all come ... we just can’t manage it.”

The girl promptly burst into tears, whereupon "the Merk" lunged in to rub her on the shoulder with a show of Teutonic affection, as her flaccid jowls wobbled with a hint of emotion.

She left that event intact, still seeming like the no-nonsense pant-suited politician that Germans like to think is responsibly steering their ship of state. But one suspects that her somnolent maternal feelings had received an almighty kick from young Reem's tears and were slowly awakening from their slumber to a pointless existence in her desiccated body, reducing her to a soft touch for any individual or group mining the psychological repertory of dependency signals.

Feminists claim that women make just as good, if not better, leaders than men, but to be a good leader means, first, not to have too many emotions, and secondly to control those that you do have. Merkel seems to have lost the plot in both cases. Being in power means that you will inevitably be subjected to all kinds of dependency signalling from those beneath you, and it will be most powrful from those at the bottom. It is no exaggeration to say that the female psychology, which is hard-wired to nurture and dote on weakness, may have something of a weak spot here.

'Mother' Merkel’s recent bout of maternal madness in trashing German's defences is the perfect example of the dangers of voting in female leaders. Margaret Thatcher, as Britain’s first women Prime Minister, was always on her guard against this very tendency even though she had got it out of her system to some extent by raising a couple of kids. But even here, her determination not to be seen as a weak and emotional woman made her swing too far the other way, coming across as the most callous and insensitive politician in British political history.

These are the twin dangers that having a female leader involve – either turning into a big ball of easily manipulated emotional mush, or else becoming a tactless and toneless harpy bent on proving that she is just as tough as the men.

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