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Friday 19 February 2016


If you grew up after 1789, when the French Revolution formalized liberalism as the Western doctrine, you have grown up indoctrinated in Leftist propaganda. Any idea with its root in egalitarianism, or the equality of all people, is leftist.

This includes democracy, freedom, equality, diversity, pluralism, consumerism and… White Nationalism. While Nationalism itself is an idea as old as time, namely that the ethnic tribe constitutes the nation, White Nationalism is, like National Socialism, a modern creation. In other words: a liberal version of an ancient conservative idea.

White Nationalism misses the point. This is not red team versus blue team; it is how to save the West from imploding thanks to the influence of democracy, and through that, individualism. We need culture, cooperation, and purpose to return, and to rule ourselves with kings, not votes, because votes and purchases are made by groups who demonstrate the salient traits of humans, which are vanity as individuals and mass delusion as groups.

Anything short of that is failure. Our current society is a disaster and an unpleasant existential experience because it is failing. All of our institutions are inferior substitutes, our leaders are all corrupt salesmen, the voters are delusional and oblivious, and our culture has become dumbed-down mass appeal madness. This cannot be fixed solely by driving out the ethnic Other. We must fix ourselves, too.

Over at the $PLC, Derek Black makes some interesting points in the midst of groveling to his new masters and making numerous logical fallacies:
"Promoting a victim complex for whites does not recognize the oppressed experiences of others not in the position of a white person in society."
He may have taken another bad direction into liberalism, but he has a good point about victim complexes. We do not need a victim complex; we need a can-do, "let’s fix this" culture. The two are opposites.
"White nationalism supports the premise that multiculturalism is a failure, and that politicians trapped in a multicultural status quo are oppressing white people in 'their own country.'"
Here he is correct, but he misses the underlying point: white people voted for this. Voting transforms individuals into a scared, pretentious herd that always votes for easy lies instead of honest solutions. The solution is to end democracy.
"On the other hand, white nationalists consider white people in the US to be ostensibly the victims of an ongoing genocide brought about by immigration and miscegenation, and feel that when they try to speak up about it, they are subjected to a vicious double standard."
No one sensible could argue that this is not true. But: who is enforcing the double standard? White governments, at the behest of white voters.
"Most arguments that racial equity programs disadvantage whites who would otherwise be hired or accepted to academic programs mask underlying anxieties about the growth of non-white social status."
Here he is off-base. The problem is that our society is being destroyed, and the only healthy societies are homogeneous ones not heterogeneous ones. This is not about our personal inconvenience, except in that having a society collapse into Brazil 2.0 is highly inconvenient and fatal.
"More importantly, white nationalism’s staunch opposition to the gains in numbers and in influence of non-whites makes it a movement by nature committed to suppressing these people."
I think he misses the point here, too. The goal is to have zero non-whites and in fact, zero non-Western Europeans. Western Europeans are the only group on earth that is truly a persecuted minority because of our small numbers and relative wealth. Everyone loves to beat up on the successful nerdy kid, and that’s us.
"Though there are plenty of powerful Jewish activist groups pursuing their chosen agendas, it is inaccurate and outrageous to talk about people of Jewish descent as 'the enemy' of anyone, as it is essentializing a large group into a fairy tale antagonist."
I agree with him here. Jews are another group under attack, as we can see daily when 90% of the world’s liberals are keen to blame Palestinian terrorism on Israeli "oppression" despite nothing of the sort occurring.

The small, smart and successful groups (the three Ss) like Western Europeans, Jews, and North Chinese are always under assault by the rest because we have achieved what others cannot, and they resent us for that.
"There is no way to advocate for white nationalism but by arguing that minorities pose a threat to our supremacy."
Spot the sleight of hand: is it "supremacy" to ask that we have our own countries? Of course not. He has shiftily conflated world domination with wanting, say, Germany for Germans or Israel for Jews.
"Advocating for white nationalism means that we are opposed to minority attempts to elevate themselves to a position equal to our own."
Again he is wrong. We want them to do it in their own countries and to leave us alone. We have our own destiny to plan and work toward.
"I believe that a healthy sense of identity and belonging are necessary, and I think being proud of where you came from is important regardless of race or class."
He’s right here. Every group should be nationalist and work in its own self-interest. That is Darwinian, moral, and common sense.
"I do not believe advocacy against 'oppression of whites' exists in any form but an entrenched desire to preserve white power at the expense of others."
Here he is off-base again. We want our own countries and our own destiny, the same as anyone else. Why is this denied? It is white genocide by the resentful herd that gnashes its teeth at the fact that it has not made a successful life for itself as we did for ourselves, before liberalism at least.

The point that White Nationalists miss is that we are not fighting for the current system minus minorities. We are fighting to restore our civilization to a point of sanity, and while race is part of that, it is not the whole. Our society is existentially miserable as it is now and would still be so without the presence of minorities. Nationalism is a means to an end, which is allowing ourselves to be ruled by our culture instead of by an ideological government and its "proposition nation," united by politics, television, economics and a team identity of a jingoistic variety.

Conservatives "conserves" the behaviors of humanity that produce the best results. Those are four:
  1. Aristocracy: A hierarchy of our best people ruling as kings, instead of having a "System" of rules and laws to take the place of clear thinking. This includes a caste system so that people make decisions only at the level for which they are competent.
  2. Nationalism: Germany for Germans, Israel for Jews. This allows the group to have a shared culture which regulates behavior through reward and shame, instead of punishment and law enforcement.
  3. Free markets: Free markets require Nationalism and Aristocracy, but are the only way to do business that rewards performance instead of conformity.
  4. Transcendence: We need goals beyond the immediate material convenience of our society. We need purpose and to aspire to greatness, not merely react to "issues."

The Europe swept away by liberalism.
There are no substitutes. Either you want the above, or you are happy with the status quo… if it would only favor you a bit more. That approach will land us back in the current position in no time because it is built on the same illusions.

Our society is dying. We are near the drop-off point. Our solution is to stop using methods that do not work, and to start using methods that do. These time-honored methods work. Democracy, diversity, equality, pluralism, tolerance and altruism do not. It is that simple.

Originally published at


1 comment:

  1. Germany for Germans -- not Germany for "whites".


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