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Saturday 17 September 2016


Funny things are happening with the way language works in the modern age. One thing I've noticed is the incredible acceleration of the cliche cycle—a provisional term for the life cycle of a phrase from jaunty neologism to jaded cliche.

A perfect example is the phrase "How X became a symbol for Neo-Nazis." This phrase, with "cartoon frog" filling the "X," was rolled out only a few days ago by the Clinton campaign in an attempt to turn the vast Pepe meme penumbra surrounding Trump into something toxic.

But did it work? Not likely. As the above meme shows, the phrase itself has now become deflated into a joke phrase so that anybody attempting to use it earnestly seems out of the loop and behind the curve. Just shove "Jill Stein" into the "X" spot—or anyone else for that matter—and add a touch of Kek green and there you have it—more dead Leftist language, another defiled and deflated phrase.

What we are seeing is effectively the vacuum-packing of language, the air and bounce being taken out of it at record speed. Now why should this be happening?

The simple answer is that language, like so much else in our society, has become puffed up so that it no longer says exactly what it should say. It has eschewed precision. Connotation and its willful misuse has spiraled far beyond denotation, which has been left far behind or simply discarded. There are obvious analogies with the financial system and the bloating of the fiat currency and the individualization of "morality."

The real reason for this is that the Left has been systematically abusing language for decades. Their power is entirely built on this, as all their ideas are fundamentally wrong. Indeed, the wrongness of their ideas has pushed them into systematic language abuse, which has become codified as political correctness.

But it is not just political correctness—that is just the solidified part of their system. Beyond this, there is a grand circle of outriders made up of kvetching articles and concern trolling about whether this or that aspect of society or trend is something "true to ourselves" or a thing that we want to be remembered for, blah, blah, wheedle, wheedle... The bloviation is amazing and is testament to how influential high-verbal IQ people have been in our society for too long.

What has changed more recently, however, is the internet. This has both undercut the economic basis of the high-verbal IQ people—and their hierarchy of political correctness, concern trolling, and kvetching—while also allowing the Right to become aware of the cunning linguistics of the Left and counter them at their own game.

The Alt-Right in particular is less ideological than any previous Right-wing grouping but much more focused on the essentially cultural dimension of metapolitics. Any piece of left-wing cant is therefore immediately sucked up into our meme-o-verse and twisted and warped every which way until it becomes something that can only evoke a wan sneer.

"How X became a symbol for Neo-Nazis" is a case in point. The connotation they were selling here was X = Pepe = Trump ∴ Trump = Neo-Nazi (Shock!! Horror!!!) ∴ vote for old dead lady.

This is even more stupid than saying Jill Stein is a symbol for Neo-Nazism, which is why the meme struck me as funny. But it is also funny because it reveals the typical standard of Leftist thought and argumentation, which can be expressed thusly: a tree is made of wood > wood is used to start fires > six million Jews were burned by the Nazis > a tree is literally Hitler.

A link to this article was retweeted by Scott Adams, greatly boosting its views.

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