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Saturday 24 December 2016


The sight of blood is a well-known economic driver

 Berlin and the "Quantum Economics" of a Semi-Islamized Europe

by Colin Liddell

After each terrorist outrage, like the recent Muslim twist on German Xmas, we see the usual social, cultural, and political repair mechanisms kick in. The Establishment is the Management, and the Management think they can manage things. After all, they have all the resources, from the mass media and the financial system to the security and surveillance services, at their command. All they seem to lack is a coherent view of how the World works and what's round the next few corners. Their guiding principle seems to be The Blind Leading the Blind. But is it?

Right now, the media is doing its job of muddying the waters with its various narratives and talking points; steam is being released, pressures dissipated. The whole lovely mess is being framed in a hegemonic holding pattern of tolerance and atomized NAXALT individualism. After all Xmas is all about "Love" isn't it, and we wouldn't want to return to the dark old days of the 1930s, would we? Go on, light another candle, put it next to a flower, and say an atheistic little prayer to go with your mindless thought. You'll feel better for it.

And, it has to be said, compared to what people elsewhere in the world are facing, so few "tragic victims"- only 12 dead and mere dozens wounded. It's a big improvement on the last big lorry attack in Nice. Also, we now have more bollards than ever before to cut down on similar unpleasantnesses. See, the system is doing its bit - just count the bollards.

The good news, as ever, is that you are much more likely to be killed by a snake or a dog than a terrorist! See, things blow over. Normalcy returns, and before you know it, it's time for pudding.

This attack, like so many others, was ISIS-related, so the obvious thing to do is clamp down on ISIS. Well, the system is ahead of you there. President Trump is making it a priority, and a new consensus is forming: best to kill the inspiration for Islamic radicalism than go through the awkward business of separating our shrinking civilization from their burgeoning one. With Aleppo fallen, can Mosul and Raqaah be far behind? Yes, the military defeat of ISIS will surely solve a few problems. The Management likes the idea of destroying ISIS, even though it may mess up some of their other agendas in the Middle East and lead to new problems, as whatever puppet show ISIS was, has outlived its usefulness.

The point of bollards is not to stop you worrying,
but to keep your worry nicely simmering.
And what about that rather badly calibrated migrant invasion that was perhaps the main curve ball that led to Brexit? Well, don't worry too much there. The necessary racism and xenophobia needed to put a partial lid on that mess is currently being outsourced to our Balkan and Eastern European cousins. The likes of Viktor Orban clearly have more stomach for it.

So, with several lines of razor wire blocking the way and a few puffs of tear gas, there is a hope that the "over-supply" of Muslimmivaders will be corralled for the foreseeable future in the territories of the former Byzantine Empire (Greece and Turkey), resurrecting, if not that entity, at least its historical purpose. What wonderful historical irony! Muddling through, it seems, can move mountains.

So, the management must be quietly optimistic in its usual smug way – Yes, there’ll be a few incidents, but ISIS has peaked and will fall, borders will grow less porous, propaganda will gradually pull the fangs and claws of outrage, and at the end of it all we’ll be left with a few million more economic subjects (or clients), as well as a great mass of undigested emotion in the host population that will inevitably become a powerful economic driver for our otherwise jaded times.

Bow to the wisdom of the Establishment. They know what they are doing, and you - little, worried person clutching a few childish memes - clearly don't. "Deus Vult" indeed! LOL. Don't you know the Establishment is GOD. They know things that make no sense to you. Like economies don’t run on cash flows, trade balances, credit, tax cuts, or "work ethic" – as the brighter amongst you naively believe - they run on pure emotion, and nothing drives emotion like the absence of stasis, coziness, and comfort. In America, this was what desegregation was all about – unleashing controlled racism as the building blocks of the suburbs. Millions grew rich on that and thousands grew mega rich.

Likewise with Europe.

Candle power: the person who lit this ineffective
candle will probably become more economically
active in the next six months.
Right now millions of formerly comfortable Europeans are waiting for the dust to settle to see if they have to take on a second job or give up plans to start a family in order to finance a relocation away from the latest no-go areas, with which Europe is increasingly dotted - like a steak with plenty of pepper on it.

Muslims, of their own accord, prefer to congregate with their own kind and collectively sink into their characteristic economic somnolence and lethargy, like their brothers on the Nile and Euphrates. But this robs the Management of their prime functionality, namely their ability to pep up the emotions of the indigenous population so that they’ll hate, fear, morally signal, and work hard to escape. Or, in some cases, deal with the stress and existential depression through substance abuse and other forms of escapist consumerism.

In short, they disturb the peaceful, cozy texture of European life, and get the emotional wheels turning and the economic juices flowing. What's a little migrant rape compared to that? So it is that the Establishment likes to parcel them out in potent little packages across the land.

The "Byzantine" internment camp, policed by the xenophobia of the "less sophisticated" Europeans, and the North African sources will be tapped to repeat this maneuver as circumstances require, basically whenever Europe seems to be handling the problem reasonably well. Whether consciously or not, this is the position and intention of the Management - its operative reality.

Let's insource this!
One reason why Syria has been such an unsolvable mess until the recent hopeful signs is because of its quantum structure – everything exists in little pockets (Shia here, Sunni there, Druze in between, Clan A to the left, Clan B to the right, etc., etc.). This creates a particularist "Who-Whom" micro morality and social structure. This can be overridden by occasional tyranny, but only of an inefficient quantum-based type.

To continue the physics analogy, the European model, by contrast, has been to build potent, high-functioning societies on a continuum principle, eradicating tribal, sectarian, and particularist textures, and thus allowing the "free-flow" of social, moral, and economic 'energy' (waves instead of particles). This is the meaning of our otherwise inexplicable Universalist values. Western Universalism is, in its essence, simply anti-Quantumism or Superconductivity. The only drawback is it emotionally deadens everything with its bland smoothness.

But what we are now engaged upon in Europe is an attempt to merge the quantum pattern of the Middle East (i.e no-go zones, ethnic and religious strife, rampant nepotism, and the vitalizing emotions that flow from those) with our own smooth, textureless, infinitesimal pattern, optimized for the free-flow of social, moral, and economic capital. This daring piece of socio-economic engineering is much more radical than any of the physical experiments currently being carried out at CERN, and possibly a lot more dangerous.

The great out-flowing of Europe that defined the modern World followed hard on the heels of the energies of our own quantum tribalism and sectarianism being subsumed into a framework of universalism. The long, lingering death of the Medieval World was the sacrifice required. Now we are reduced to going the other way, in-sourcing particularization to recreate the energizing quantum texture that we lost in the process. Will this intriguing socio-economic experiment lead to a new synthesis and an uptick in our moribund civilization or to its collapse?


Colin Liddell is the Editor of Affirmative Right and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia). He is also featured in Arktos's 2016 collection A Fair Hearing: The Alt-Right in the Words of Its Members and Leaders

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