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Monday 3 July 2017


Simping? Maybe.

Discerning readers ought to take note at the outset that I have long been a contributor to Alternative Right, even before I became a co-editor in 2013, before demoting myself to an assistant editor in 2015. Readers should also note that—as I have always made clear—I am not now a white nationalist, have never been a white nationalist, and don’t intend to become a white nationalist in the future.

Those who have a difficult time comprehending how an Alternative Right writer and editor could be a non-WN should go here to find out what the Alternative Right movement has always meant to me, as well as to others. But I wished to preface this critique of white nationalism with these clarifications, lest anyone accuse me of the dread act of “countersignaling.”

A supposed countersignaler—as the term is typically used—takes a point of view before conspicuously bucking against the conventional wisdom held by others who hold this perspective, just to burnish his bone fides as a controversialist. I, on the other hand, offer this critique of white nationalism as an outsider, albeit a kindly-disposed one, who counts many white nationalists as friends and who is unashamed to ally with WNs against a hostile and extremely powerful ideological establishment which hates us all with a near-equal degree of murderous fury.

While not a WN, I do find a good deal of common ground with WNs, as I observed in that previous article:

I have never been shy to admit the ways in which I might not fit into everyone’s idea of the “alt-right” mold. To wit, I am not a white nationalist (though I apprehend the folly of multiculturalism and strongly oppose the imposition of the “white guilt” psy-op upon the native Occidental populace); I don’t see miscegenation as a sin against the Holy Ghost, or as any kind of sin at all (though I do find the race-mixing propaganda of the powers-that-be thoroughly obnoxious, and observe that there is no shame in people’s natural proclivity to prefer their own kind as mates); I am not hostile to Jews qua Jews (though I recognize the reality of Jewish power and the baleful influence of many contemporary Jewish-led movements); finally, I hew to a universalist morality and recognize an essential unity of men of all races being created in the image and likeness of God (while at the same time acknowledging the obvious existence of biologically-based racial differences).

For all that, there are certain aspects of white nationalism that, I will be so bold to suggest, seeing as how I am an non-WN, might warrant re-examination. First and foremost of these is what I will label the often-alarmist  “fertility cult” approach to racial demographics. As I will attempt to argue, this propensity is frequently hysterical hand-wringing mentality which gives rise to almost inevitable mischief.


When I speak of the “fertility cult” mindset, I mean the tendency to say, “Look at the rising tide of color! The black man, the brown man, and the yellow man are outbreeding us, and soon we won’t exist anymore!” Then comes the inevitable call to arms, or perhaps more accurately, to beds: “White people, have lots and lots of white babies right now!!! That is your imperative goal, superseding everything else! We must reproduce more than we are currently reproducing, or there will be no more white people in this world!”

There is, of course, great reason to be concerned about demographic trends in the West, but the culprit isn’t lack of white fecundity; rather it is the mass importation of Third Worlders to Western nations, as engineered by the West’s collective political, financial, and business rulership, who seem to have decided, almost to a man, that the borders must be thrown open to allow infinite streams of foreign folk easy entry into Western realms, and that citizens of these countries, who overwhelmingly and quite reasonably oppose such chaos-producing insanity, have no legitimate say in the matter and ought to shut the hell up , lay back and accept their own demographic displacement and ongoing “soft” ethnic cleansing.

Reversing this trend will require “deleting the elite” in some mode or manner, peacefully or otherwise. Whites have more children is generally beside the point. White people haven’t stopped siring enormous broods of children out of some racial “death wish” or because they have been guilted into submission by anti-natalist propaganda launched by white-hating oligarchs. They are simply following the trend in more developed countries, wherein smaller families are the norm. The problem isn’t that there are fewer whites than non-whites in the world—that has long been the case—the problem is that traditionally white countries are being converted into multicultural hellholes, all for the benefit of the ultra-rich and the mega-powerful.

Telling whites to breed more, then, is beside the point. Whites aren’t going to cease to exist due to declining birthrates or the largely chimeric phenomenon, loathed with such neurotic intensity, of miscegenation (more on that later). The white race, in short, will go on, one way or another; the problem is that they—as well as other culturally-assimilated Westerners who aren’t white-- are being gradually displaced by foreign, unassimilated  elements in their own homelands.


Putting aside the practical objection that the WN “fertility cult” is beside the point because mass immigration has no relationship to white fecundity, let us examine the ethical problems inherent in the oft-expressed “Have more white babies!!!” imperative.

It should of course be understood that there is nothing wrong with having children, and that there is nothing wrong with having many children, provided they are raised within an intact, stable, love-filled home. Under the right circumstances, large families can be wonderful indeed. But the end of man, and woman, is not merely to breed. The value of human life does not lie solely in marrying and reproducing. Many people do marry, and do reproduce, and derive great joy from doing so. But other people, men and women alike, have a different calling. No one is obliged to breed. No one should be shamed for not having children. (Rather, one should be shamed for having children, then neglecting or abusing them, as all too often happens.)

Reducing people to “reproduction factories,” which must be operational at all available times, is in fact a deeply dehumanizing conceit. Perhaps such an outlook is the grim outcome of the materialist mindset, which occludes notions of man as a being of inherent worth, whose end is to grow towards God; not as a mere cog in a racial collective, with a ruthless Darwinian drive to conquer and consume.

Making humans into mere things, to be exploited and disposed of once their usefulness has ceased, is in fact a symptom of an altogether degraded and morally-polluted mindset. Which leads into the other reason why I find the “Gotta have more white babies!!!” imperative unseemly and wrongheaded.


White nationalists who try to shame, bully, and guilt-trip others into parenthood on account of their whiteness are not expressing a desire for more children to be loved, cared for, and appreciated for their inherent worth. Instead, they want more ivory-colored pawns to be placed on the global demographic chessboard. Whether these children are loved or not, appreciated or not, whether their parents are worthy or not, appears to be of secondary importance. The main thing is to “make more of us!”

Children are not chess pieces

But children aren’t a strategic asset to manipulate in Machiavellian machinations for dominion and control. Children are people. Just as it is degrading to regard men and women as baby-producing factories, so it is frankly distasteful to espouse what essentially amounts to the manufacture of children to function as a demographic weapon.


White nationalists want to create an ethnostate dedicated to the nurturance and maintenance of the white race. I certainly see no harm in the notion of people of a certain mindset voluntarily living together in an intentional community dedicated to a shared view of the common good. But this goal need not be accomplished by treating one’s racial kin as a means to an end, or as utilities to be exploited. For these reasons, and because the real enemy is demographic displacement of the West at the barrel of a gun, not low breeding rates among Westerners, I humbly suggest that the “white fertility cult” mentality be discarded.

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