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Wednesday 20 December 2017


by Ryan Andrews 

A white pill from the Great White North: There is a worthwhile new activist group up in Canada that seems to have its act together called Students for Western Civilisation. Their leader, George Hutcheson, has posted a few videos/podcasts offering excellent analyses spelling out the logical implications of multiculturalist policy. The imposition of multiculturalism on an existing nation is presented as an additive process, but Hutcheson points out that it is also a necessarily subtractive process. The pre-existing nation (i.e. us) must be, to a greater or lesser extent, subtracted from the culture. It’s good stuff. (And the intro reminds me of the old Vanguard podcasts.)

There is one minor point in Hutcheson’s analysis that I think we should treat with caution. Hutcheson divides multiculturalists into two types: liberals who want an open and culturally neutral state, and Marxist decolonizationists who see neutral liberalism as an artifact of Western Civilization, and thus as a form of white supremacy which must be eliminated. So far, so good, but then Hutcheson concludes that the end result of both ideologies is the same—the erasure of us as a people. There is more than a grain of truth to what he is saying, but I think it is an overstatement. More importantly though, I don’t want to see us fall into a trap where our entire argument against liberal multiculturalism is that it necessarily leads to Marxist decolonization. Liberal multiculturalism is worth opposing in its own right.

Some of the old-timers here (at least in the US) probably remember a student group active during the late aughts called Youth for Western Civilization.  YWC was not quite white nationalist, but it was—to use today’s terminology—an identitarian movement. Other conservative student groups may have been against multiculturalism, and some of them perhaps even opposed mass immigration, but these were peripheral concerns, at best, to their primary focus on defending the constitution and opposing big government. In contrast, opposition to multiculturalism and mass immigration was at the core of YWC’s mission. YWC’s mission was the defense of the cultural inheritance of not just America, but the of the entire West.

This may not sound like much, and the organization itself did not amount to much as an institution, flaming out within four or five years. In hindsight, though YWC appears to have been a harbinger of things to come, and perhaps even a partial cause. This of course was just before the emergence of the Alternative Right, and in many ways, not just in terms of its issues, but also in its language and sensibility, YWC was a kind of proto-Alt Right. Hopefully Students for Western Civilization (which is explicitly white identitarian) will prove even more influential. 

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