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Tuesday, 30 November 2021


by Bernard Brightson

“Ethnonarcissism of every flavor thrives on Twitter. No one knew how common it was until social media revealed it. - @DrPlutocracy

I noticed this word showing up on my timeline. Being an amalgamation of two words Ethno and narcissism. Merriam-Webster defines Ethno as : race : people : cultural group, and narcissist as : an extremely self-centered person who has an exaggerated sense of self-importance.

Morphy on Twitter offer us his definition of ethnonarcissism:

“Primary feature of “ethnonarcissism” seems to be a refusal or inability to view one’s group’s own behavior or shortcomings as having any bearing on their present condition or reputation. Common hueman failing even outside racial sphere. Sad.” - @jmorphy14

Unlike a contrived word like anti-white, ethnonarcissism is crisp, novel, and punchy. It works both as an insult and as a description. This ambiguity leaves the recipient puzzled.

@GillianLazarus: Someone just replied calling me an 'ethnonarcissist'. Is that a synonym for patriotism, trbalism, family feeling?
@mccormicky: Could be it’s a dig at “the Chosen People” but it’s a new word for me and perhaps for the Farrage fan as well.
@GillianLazarus: Εθνος is Greek for people or tribe, hence the adjective ethnic, so ethnonarcissism would be loving one's own people or tribe. Seems quite normal really.
@mccormicky: But narcissism has negative connotations. So by calling you an ethnonarcissist he’s suggesting your tribe to the exclusion of all others. Your ethnomonogamy bugs him.

Instinctively the plebs know the word is making a dig at them. The context where ethnonarcissism stands out is when used as a reply to a ludicrous tweet.

“We taught you troglodytes how to bathe when you were crawling in caves. The white world was built on plagiarized Black knowledge. Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Hypocrates, studied in Kemet. Writing, math, architecture, came from our ancestors. Yo’ve been smoking too much meth.” - @TalbertSwan

“Anything that is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence, but ethnonarcissism is the 2nd biggest cope of the 21st century so far” - @718Tv (responding to @TalbertSwan)

Instead of saying Plato is just white racist stuff they try to backhandedly claim his achievements. In a way the conceit is an admission of their inferiority. The usage of ethnonarcissism is seemingly restricted to small subgroups on the internet. The man using it with the most notoriety is perhaps Second City Bureaucrat.

“Blackness is real because white people forced it to be real with persecution, but white people aren't real.
The logic of ethnonarcissism never fails to entertain me” - @CityBureaucrat

In the linguistic war we’re in, innovation of new words should be welcomed. What Lolbert Scott Adams calls linguistic kill shots should be promoted and adapted quickly. Instead of using dopey phrases like ‘the Democrat are the real racists’ and ‘anti-white racism’, ethnonarcissism is a ready made word ready for adaptation.


  1. This is a useful phrase for shooting down lazy straw man critiques of nationalism which amount to accusations of what is described here. Evidently every group has some tendency towards ethnonarcicissm so how do we learn to coexist when it is evident that the submission of ethnomasochism doesn’t work.

  2. Ethnoarsonism - black riots
    Ethnofarce-ism - Rachel Dolezal,
    EthnoLARPism - Jussie Smollett-type antics
    Ethnomartialism - e.g., Prussia, and then Germany, up to 1945; Japan, late 1800's-1945
    Ethnomarshmallowism - Institutional Republican Party ideology
    EthnoMartianism - escape to another planet with Elon Musk!
    EthnoParsonism - when libtard white Protestant ministers forgive the dark-hued killers of their wives before the blood dries
    EthnoSartre-ism - the belief that ethnic groups must make their own meaning and values in the world
    EthnoTarsus-ism - having a road-to-Damascus-like revelation about race (getting redpilled)

  3. I totally agree. To accuse others of being anti-oneself sounds totally soft and victimological. Also, pro-tip: an amalgam of two words is called a portmanteau.

  4. I've just written a blog post on this myself. The word needs some love, it points out the true nature of anti-Whites like nothing else.


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