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Saturday 6 November 2021


Low-hanging fruit specialist.
by Colin Liddell

What is the Dissident Right now? 

Without going into tedious details and special cases, I would say its "spirit animal" is a relatively popular vlog channel struggling to survive on a Big Tech platform while working hard to keep its audience well and truly triggered. In other words, it is Paul Joseph Watson.

Don't get me wrong, I like PJW, and find most of his content well-produced and fun to watch. Unfortunately it is never thought-provoking, and always seems to stop far short of saying anything remotely important or useful. 

His recent YouTube video "Social Engineering in TV Commercials" which I have archived here (link) is a case in point.

I have embedded PJW's YouTube version below so that he doesn't lose any views:

In the video he does his usual low-hanging-fruit-picking act, looking at how TV ads shun White men and constantly push what appears to be race-mixing propaganda. Always a big click-driver at this time of year.

He also throws in a few "Nazi dogwhistling references." For example, one of the motifs of the video is the famous Stonetoss cartoon that everyone knows:

This cartoon is fine, except that Stonetoss is from the part of the Dissident Right that literally believes the Jews are responsible for most of the modern West's ills. Here is what I wrote about Stonetoss in the Dikipedia:


Talented and relatively well-circulated Alt-Right cartoonist with 132,000+ followers on Twitter. Some of his cartoons are extremely well-known and effectively attack the low-hanging fruit of clown world. He also frequently dogwhistles Alt-Right/Neo-Nazi JQ positions, i.e. promoting the idea of "ZOG," namely the notion that the Jews control America's politics and its media, and have an agenda of promoting mass immigration and degeneracy, implying that none of these things would be happening without Jewish influence. His content is thus rather blackpilling, which is, of course, a means of subtly depressing and demoralising nationalists and dissident righters, or else pushing them into self-defeating extremism. Like many other Alt-Righters pushing this kind of narrative—Mike Enoch, Weev, etc.—would not surprise me if he turned out to be Jewish himself or at least "sub-White."

Another clear "Nazi dogwhistling" reference in PJW's vid is this quote from Edward Bernays:

Any Nazi site worth its salt will have copious references to Bernays, along with torturous arguments that his work in public relations for a WASP-dominated government and several WASP-dominated companies in the early years of the 20th century was somehow all part of some "Protocols of Zion" "ZOG" world conspiracy. 

I have no problem with people arguing for that kind of nonsense, or claiming that the "ZOG endgame" is to replace us all with Sub-Saharan Africans, because, after all, which group of Jewish billionaires wouldn't want to live on a planet that was just like downtown Mogadishu?

ZOG's plan, apparently...

Ludicrous as these Diss-Right takes are, these are just theories, and theories stand or fall on argumentation and evidence. But, of course, PJW doesn't even make those arguments. Indeed, he doesn't make any argument. There is simply no theory and no critique in his video, just an intellectual vacuum.

Instead he uses his whole video to point out how anti-White TV ads appear to be -- being careful to only pick the ones that support his agenda -- and then implies that some sort of centrally-controlled social engineering
thingee is going on.

There may or may not be, but if he is so sure of this, the intellectually honest thing to do is to
state just what his theory is. The Nazi dogwhistling -- Stonetoss and Bernays -- suggests he is moving in that direction, but then again he never says it's the Jews, or anything like that.

It's just:

"Entity-X" (fill in blank) is somehow doing social engineering using unpopular Xmas ads "for reasons"

What we see here is simply the pointless wilful stoking of fear, impotence, paranoia, and rage, with zero explanatory critique, and no solutions. 

The video is accompanied by a message that says:

It may or may not be true that he is demonetized, but raising money is clearly the main concern here. Having a well-rounded critique that attempts to fully inform people would only get in the way of that. All PJW really wants to do, therefore, is trigger his paypigs and donors. 

Dissident sites and individuals that claim "it's the Joooos" or "Lizard People" are at least one step up from this. Whether wrong or right, they at least stick their necks out, describe the problem, and then give their explanations and analyses of what is going on. 

PJW doesn't do any of that. He just describes the problem in as triggering a way as possible, without any analysis of what is going on -- i.e. something that could stand up to evidence and criticism. 

This just puts him and his followers -- and the Dissident Right in general -- in the weak position of being triggered like old people who don't understand the world anymore and just want it to stop...please!

That is not a powerful position, and it is not a healthy position for a movement that supposedly wants to understand the world and have some influence on its long-term future.

Indeed it is just weak and pathetic.

Those who wish to know more about this area could do worse than to read these Affirmative Right articles:


Colin Liddell is the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia). 


  1. Watson might just believe in Moldbug's "Cathedral", not "the joos", as the causal mechanism. Agree that his channel is not very nourishing.

    1. I'm glad PJW is too timid -- or whatever -- to blame the Jews, as I think that is simply the wrong analysis. However, his basic set up -- "nebulous evil elites blah blah blah" obviously dog whistles in that direction.


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