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Tuesday 1 February 2022


Not as nutty as it sounds.

The problem with the modern World is that everything is part of a minefield, and you never know when you are going to tread on an actual mine. Whoopi Goldberg just stood on one, and now everybody who has seen this will have to do even more tip-toeing around to avoid an ever-increasing list of subjects and viewpoints that can only ever get you into trouble.

So, what terrible thing did Whoopi say?

Apparently she and her co-hosts on "girls talk" TV show The View were having a natter about a Tennessee school board's decision to ban the cartoon book Maus, which tells the sorry tale of the Nazi concentration camps using cats and mice. 

Whoopi's point was that the school board's reason for banning the book was a little odd, because they were apparently upset by its "profanity, nudity and depiction of suicide." For these reasons it was regarded as inappropriate for 13-year-olds. Fair enough, but I'm not really sure how they got upset about "nudity" in a comic book depicting Nazis and Jews as furry animals, but I guess "Murika," right?

Average American

Anyway, Whoopi's point was that cartoon animal nudity was "small cheese" compared to the "big cheese" of the Holocaust. If the kids were going to be upset and psychologically stunted by a little profanity, cartoon animal nudity, and suicide, then what were they going to make of the Holocaust!?

Goldberg expressed this rather obvious point to her co-hosts:
"I'm surprised that's what made you uncomfortable, the fact that there was some [cartoon animal] nudity. I mean, it's about the Holocaust, the killing of six million people, but that didn't bother you?"
She would have been fine if she had just stopped there, meekly genuflecting towards the so-called "God of Ultimate Evil," the Holocaust—the cornerstone of the West's toxic "moral architecture" of rigidly enforced "über-tolerance," multiculturalism, mass immigration, low fertility, and female "empowerment". 

But, no, she had to go further and insert her sassy Blackness into the conversation:
"If you're going to do this, then let's be truthful about it. Because the Holocaust isn't about race. No, it's not about race," she added to a chorus of dropping jaws.
Joy Behar, her co-host, then stated the Nazi case:
"Well, they considered Jews a different race."
"It’s not about race," Goldberg reiterated.
"What is it about?" Behar asked. 
"It’s about man’s inhumanity to man, that’s what it’s about," Goldberg said.  

The funny thing is that Whoopi was 100% right. Hitler was not an interracial killer. His violence was aimed almost exclusively at other Whites, and his allies were often non-Whites.

A quick reminder:

Honorary Aryans

More Honorary Aryans

WTF? Even more Honorary Aryans


Regardless of what other weird and interesting images you can dig up on the internet, one thing is undeniable: Hitler was almost totally an inter-ethnic killer rather than an interracial one, a mass murderer of his fellow Whites and fellow Europeans, with his main victims being Poles, Russians, and Ashkenazi Jews. In fact, it could be claimed, with a high degree of plausibility, that, without Hitler, the colonial peoples of the World might not have gotten their freedom quite so quickly.

But who cares about the truth in the modern world? A taboo had been broken, a sacred precinct desecrated. Whoopi had to be chastised and driven into abject apology. 

"What do you mean the Holocaust was not about race? How dare you! HITLER SAID IT WAS ABOUT RACE, so there!!!" was the collective response. 

This was the response of everyone, from her co-host Joy Behar, from Ben Shapiro and the rest of the Retard Right, and, of course, from the Left and the race shills of the ADL:

Yes, they all said in unison, Hitler was right and Whoopi was wrong!

If you needed any more evidence of the insanity of the modern world then this is it.


Colin Liddell is the Chief Editor of Affirmative Right and the author of Interviews & Obituaries, a collection of encounters with the dead and the famous. Support his work by buying it here (USA), here (UK), and here (Australia). He is also featured in Arktos's 2016 collection A Fair Hearing: The Alt-Right in the Words of Its Members and Leaders

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