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Tuesday 4 June 2013


The White race, despite its many achievements and admirable qualities, is paradoxically the race most prone to self-loathing or intraracial (as opposed to interracial) hatred. This characteristic, in its many forms, from outright racial self-loathing and idealization of "the Other" to racial apathy, is also at the heart of the decline of Whites in the modern world.

Some see White self-loathing as a sinister cultural imposition, as if a people could be brainwashed into despising itself by its own cultural preferences. Such a thesis is problematic for in the present age we only consume the culture that appeals to us. It is therefore far more likely that the White race has a deep-rooted and inherent tendency towards intraracial loathing that is part of its very nature.

But what could be the basis of such a dangerous and self-destructive characteristic?

One possibility is that this characteristic has a correlation with another important difference between the races. However, according to J. Philippe Rushton's r/K theory, Whites occupy an intermediate position in the spectrum of observed biological and behavioral differences between Blacks and Orientals. This middle position would seem to make it hard to account for the White tendency toward intraracial loathing, as we would expect one of the other races on either extreme of the spectrum to show an even greater tendency towards self-loathing. This is obviously not the case as both Asians and Africans have less ethnomasochism than Whites.

The wok-shaped IQ distribution is not Asian.
But there is one area where Whites step out of their middle position in the race spectrum. This is in the shape of their IQ bell curve.

The White intelligence bell curve is a lot flatter than the Black or Oriental bell curves; that is, it is wider with less mass in the middle and more at the edges. This is clear even without clear-cut statistical proof, for otherwise how could we explain the massive preponderance of White geniuses throughout history despite the fact that Orientals have a higher average IQ?

Living as I do in Japan, it is obvious that, while Japanese are, on average, more intelligent than Whites, they cluster together closer to each other in terms of intelligence and several other characteristics, something that is also interestingly reflected in the lower pay differentials between the top and bottom jobs in Japanese society. Despite stereotypes to the contrary, the Orient, in its essence, has always been more "democratic" than the West.

Japan - feel the equality.
Due to the ironic wok-like shape of the White IQ bell curve there is a greater spread of intelligence and ability levels among Whites than among Blacks and Orientals. This means that there is also more inequality of ability and self-control, which means that the White race is inherently hierarchical.

But how does such a characteristic create racial self-loathing or racial apathy?

It would seem logical to conclude that a racial group that includes greater inequalities of intelligence, ability, and other characteristics would develop a more marked tendency to discriminate amongst its own racial brethren.

Such a tendency would necessarily include a facility for loathing certain members of one's own race so as to create a healthy stratified hierarchical society. It would also affect inclusive fitness, that is the altruistic group survival instinct, making it either weaker or narrower, so as not to embrace the whole race when in conflict with other races. This would then impact on the wider racial identity and perceived interests of the group.

In our present age, hatred is paradoxically hated, and is seen in terms of pure evil. This is an absurdity as our capacity to hate is as much part of what we are as our arms and our legs, in that it is something entirely natural that is designed to aid our survival.

There are many kinds of hatred. Loathing, while largely used as a synonym for hatred, includes a feeling of aversion or avoidance, and has a less intensely violent or volatile feel to it. It is more a stratifying emotion than a destructive one. The result of loathing is typically a desire to keep its object at a distance or in a position of inferiority.

A question arises of how widespread our natural intraracial loathing is. Would it just involve the dominant elite looking down on those below?

Given that traditional societies had several ranks it seems likely that the tendency would be present in every class and grade, and may even have operated in both directions, with inferiors loathing, in their own subtler ways, the superiors who looked down on them.

Once such feelings of loathing had been used to create a stable hierarchy, however, a state of symbiosis and mutual respect — and possibly even affection — might well have ensued between the different classes. This is at least the image of a positive feudalism, which may or may not have existed, that many of us still cherish.

In today's modern, egalitarian West, however, there is a constant refusal to recognise this underlying problem of inherent inequality, a problem that, in the past, was at least partially solved through feudalism and a class system.

This misunderstanding is most clearly expressed in the myth that everybody can somehow be "decent" and conform to acceptable "bourgeois" norms of behaviour.

It's obvious, and always has been, that a large segment of the bell curve simply cannot, except under conditions of extreme coercion. This great misconception is the staple of certain elements of the media and political class, which constantly attack such natural inferiority as simply the result of poor cultural, social, moral, or individual choices, when the real problem is that parts of the underclass should simply be allowed to find their level or even restricted in their individual choices.

Jeremy Kyle is going to
make everything alright.

Egalitarianism is Anti-White

Although other non-White hierarchical societies would show similar class separation tendencies involving intraracial loathing, the much wider spread of talents among Whites means that the tendency would be both more natural and a lot more intense among us.

In pre-modern times, intraracial loathing would have operated in a largely beneficial manner, helping to organize and define a class-based society that roughly mirrored the hierarchy of abilities. This would have had some flows between the different strata.

Also, at that time the comparative isolation of Whites would have minimized any negative effects vis-a-vis other races stemming from a lack of racial solidarity.

At that time, problems may have arisen when the separation of classes became too rigid and the groups became too exclusive and in-bred. But these problems could be remedied by uprisings, wars, or alternative hierarchies, such as commercial or religious ones. European history seems to offer examples of just this happening.

A more serious problem would have been the tendency, partly driven by these alternative hierarchies and their occasional uprisings, to move away from a hierarchical mindset towards a more egalitarian one. The result of this would be to displace the instinct for intraracial loathing in dangerous directions, such as sectarianism or tribalism.

In early modernity, as egalitarianism spread, White self-loathing lost its essentially qualitative aspect and instead was expressed in religious schism and then nationalism. The hatred that Europeans showed each other from the 16th to 20th centuries was remarkable and far outweighed any hatred or aggression directed at the rest of the World.

The later trivialization of religion and the marginalization of nationalism in the era of global egalitarianism meant that the instinct then lost these substitute outlets, leaving this essentially hierarchical tendency stranded in an egalitarian wasteland where hatred was then directed mainly against those who were heretics to the idea of egalitarianism itself.

With no substitute outlets and no true hierarchy into which to feed, White self-loathing has become a disembodied and dangerous force aimed at ideologically impure Whites. It instinctively seeks dominance and separation (organization) but is ironically forced to exalt inferiority and insist on unity (disorganization). Such a contradiction is toxic.

With the loss of the hierarchical standard to express the inherent inequality, a blind struggle develops in which intraracial loathing has a tendency to turn into ever more destructive and extreme forms of hysteria and hatred. The essential inequality of Whites among Whites, compared to other races amongst their own kind, means that an egalitarian society and civilization is not just wrong but harmful for Whites. To impose egalitarianism on Whites therefore is toxic and has an element of genocide to it.

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