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Sunday 19 October 2014


Originally posted at YouTube (reposted on Odysee due to censorship)

Stefan Molyneux's vlogs are always worth a watch, with his data-packed lectures that tackle things from a Libertarian perspective, while also throwing in hints about his rather unpleasant childhood. 

In recent months he has started to sidle ever closer to the proverbial elephant in the room, namely the "racial asymmetry" of the modern multicultural state, in particular the vast, continuing, and essentially ineradicable inequality between Black Americans and Whites.

But don't worry. Moly has got it all sussed out...apparently.

Referring to the recent flare up between John Stewart (why the Scottish name?) and Bill O'Reilly, in which they raked over the coals of the great "White privilege" debate, Moly comes on strong, making some good points that White privilege is a myth because everybody else – the Irish, the Jews, the Asians – despite facing racism and a social system stacked against them, were able to overcome adversity and rise up, while Blacks – the one group that spent most of the early 60s singing We Shall Overcome – in fact didn't overcome anything, but instead fell to an even lower position.

Molyneux explains it all by saying that Blacks have been held back by welfare, and implies that all that is required to eliminate significant differences is to stop welfaring the Blacks into dysfunction. According to him, welfare is just the same as the KKK, two forms of racism that stem from the Democratic Party, which have pushed Blacks down.

There is, however, a subtle flaw in Molyneux's reasoning. If welfarism is, as Molyneux claims, merely another form of American racism, destructive to the group at which it is aimed, why then wasn't it directed at those other groups – the Irish, the Jews, the Asians – or if it was, why were they able to step over it so easily, while Blacks weren't? Again, what is so special or unspecial about Blacks?

Of course, we all know the reason, and so, I suspect, does Molyneux, as he reveals when he refers to wide-scale Black failure:
"Is it really fair to only compare Blacks only to say Whites or Asians or Hispanics? The important thing is to compare them to other Blacks, so, as the Black commentator Larry Elder has pointed out, if Black America were a country, it would be the 15th largest economy in the world... Collectively Black Americans are the richest Blacks in the entire world, the richest Blacks in the entire world. Do you know what's not in those top fifteen countries...? What's not in any of those top fifteen countries are any other countries run by Blacks." (from 18:59)
Molyneux seems to be edging ever closer to a race realist position, the self-evident truth that we are not equal and that Blacks are the way they are because they are the way they are, and not because of anything done to them by any other group.

With Black populations exploding in the world, it is vital that these truths are recognized as widely as possible, as there is a serious question of how many Blacks the rest of the World can take before it is reduced to the same condition as Africa. Is Stefan Molyneux brave enough to follow the logic of his own data and the frankness of his approach, and to say what has to be said, or will he realize that too much frankness might threaten his status as the presenter of what he claims to be the "most popular philosophy show" in the world?

What have I got myself into?

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